23-14  Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Component
(HKD 100 million, unless otherwise specified)
GDP Components 2004 2005 2006 2007@ 2008@
  At Current Market Prices
          Private Consumption Expenditure 7679.23 8049.36 8635.91 9720.27 10141.83
          Government Consumption Expenditure 1273.27 1214.35 1230.33 1303.98 1395.37
          Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation 2750.34 2891.70 3226.91 3253.49 3297.55
          Changes in Inventories 70.76 -47.61 -21.29 128.41 117.51
          Exports of Goods (f.o.b.) 20270.31 22517.44 24673.57 26988.50 28439.98
           Less: Imports of Goods (f.o.b.) 20995.45 23110.91 25763.40 28525.22 30240.89
          Exports of Services 4295.84 4953.94 5650.54 6607.28 7188.35
           Less: Imports of Services 2425.07 2642.37 2879.00 3322.40 3570.41
      GDP 12919.23 13825.90 14753.57 16154.31 16769.29
      Per Capita GDP (HKD) 190451 202928 215158 233245 240327
  In Chained (2007) dollars 
          Private Consumption Expenditure 8208.34 8454.60 8955.54 9720.27 9863.17
          Government Consumption Expenditure 1304.96 1262.76 1266.33 1303.98 1326.69
          Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation 2821.73 2936.10 3145.34 3253.49 3238.20
          Changes in Inventories 81.12 -48.23 -14.29 128.41 95.73
          Exports of Goods (f.o.b.) 20904.22 23072.58 25216.81 26988.50 27511.40
          Imports of Goods (f.o.b.) 22223.25 24003.19 26213.51 28525.22 29049.64
          Exports of Services 4715.08 5262.10 5792.55 6607.28 6981.41
          Imports of Services 2542.60 2742.03 2963.83 3322.40 3430.60
      GDP 13250.91 14189.35 15185.41 16154.31 16536.36
      Per Capita GDP (HKD) 195340 208263 221455 233245 236989
Note: The chain volume measures of Gross Domestic Product(GDP) and its components have been re-referenced from 2006 to 2007. Re-referencing 
             affects the levels, but not the rates of change, of the chain volume measures.   A discrepancy may exist between the volume estimate of an
             aggregate and the sum of its components.  Non-additivity is a technical feature of the chain volume measures.