22-18  Arrests of Criminal Suspects and Defendants under Public Prosecution Approved by People's Procuratorate (2008)
Item Total of Arrests Total of Public
(case) (person) (case) (person)
  Total 632253 970181 750934 1177850
  Sub-total of Requests by Departments of 616581 952583 724250 1143897
    State and Public Security and Prisons
      Offences Against State Security 585 1712 477 1407
      Offences Against Public Security 53523 62370 89521 100195
      Offences Against Socialist Economic Order 19748 30156 22242 37567
      Offences Against Citizens' Personal and 131667 179185 158361 217558
        Democratic Rights
      Offences Against Properties 301393 484927 330034 544805
      Offences Against Social Management of Order 109485 193979 123422 242079
      Offences Against National Defense 178 252 191 284
      Offences on Dereliction of Duty by Servicemen 2 2 2 2
    Sub-total of Cases Handled Directly by  15672 17598 26684 33953
      Procuratorate's Offices
      Offences on Corruption and Bribery 13964 15633 21776 27592
      Offences on Abuse and Dereliction of Duty 1708 1965 4908 6361