22-12  Cases of Offence Against Public Order Handled by Public Security Organs (2008)
Category of Cases Number of Cases Number of Cases Number of Cases
Accepted to Investigated Accepted per
be Treated and Treated 10 000 Population
(case) (case) (case/10 000 persons)
Total 9411956 8772299 71.2
Disturbing Business Orders 101985 101028 0.8
Disturbing the Orders in Public Places 449972 448294 3.4
Causing Quarrels and  Making Troubles 155146 148867 1.2
Obstructing Government Workers in  42874 42043 0.3
  Performing Their Duties
Violation of Firearms Control Regulations 64811 64447 0.5
Violation of Explosives Control Regulations 19301 18969 0.1
Battering Other Persons 2917872 2795182 22.1
Willfully Injuring Others 150516 140236 1.1
Stealing Property 2022238 1670383 15.3
Extortion and Blackmail 38024 32700 0.3
Robbery and Snatch 51837 39415 0.4
Stealing and Damaging Public Facilities 27359 24312 0.2
Forge/alter/scalp Valuable Coupons or Certificates 20404 20231 0.2
Violating the Hotel Management Regulations 98331 98005 0.7
Violating the Rent Control Regulations  109055 108786 0.8
Swindling, Seizing and Extorting Property 138445 105238 1.0
Prostitution or Soliciting Prostitutes 87525 86590 0.7
Gambling  344218 340184 2.6
Illegal Drug Related Action 270216 269722 2.0
Others 2301827 2217667 17.4