21-44  Death Rate of 10 Major Diseases in Rural Areas (2008)
No. Cause of Death Mortality Percentage
  Total   93.53
1 Malignant Tumour 156.73 25.39
2 Cerebrovascular Disease 134.16 21.73
3 Diseases of the Respiratory System 104.20 16.88
4 Heart Diseases 87.10 14.11
5 Trauma and Toxicosis 53.02 8.59
6 Diseases of the Degestive System 16.33 2.65
7 Endocrine, Nutritional & Metabolic Diseases, Immune Disease 11.05 1.79
8 Disease of the Genitourinary System 5.70 0.92
9 Disease of the Nervous System 4.35 0.71
10 Infectious Disease(not including Respiratory Tuberculosis) 4.72 0.76
  Male Total   94.46
1 Malignant Tumour 204.59 29.32
2 Cerebrovascular Disease 140.76 20.17
3 Diseases of the Respiratory System 110.50 15.84
4 Heart Diseases 88.15 12.63
5 Trauma and Toxicosis 67.59 9.69
6 Diseases of the Degestive System 20.64 2.96
7 Endocrine, Nutritional & Metabolic Diseases, Immune Disease 9.71 1.39
8 Disease of the Genitourinary System 6.64 0.95
9 Infestious Disease(not including Respiratory Tuberculosis) 6.10 0.88
10 Disease of the Nervous System 4.37 0.63
  Female Total   92.60
1 Cerebrovascular Disease 127.31 23.85
2 Malignant Tumour 107.06 20.06
3 Diseases of the Respiratory System 97.66 18.30
4 Heart Diseases 86.02 16.12
5 Trauma and Toxicosis 37.90 7.10
6 Endocrine, Nutritional & Metabolic Diseases, Immune Disease 12.43 2.33
7 Diseases of the Degestive System 11.86 2.22
8 Mental Disorders 4.92 0.92
9 Disease of the Genitourinary System 4.73 0.89
10 Disease of the Nervous System 4.34 0.81