21-43  Death Rate of 10 Major Diseases in Urban Areas (2008)
No. Cause of Death Mortality Percentage
  Total   92.55
1 Malignant Tumour 166.97 27.12
2 Heart Diseases 121.00 19.65
3 Cerebrovascular Disease 120.79 19.62
4 Diseases of the Respiratory System 73.02 11.86
5 Trauma and Toxicosis 31.26 5.08
6 Endocrine, Nutritional & Metabolic Diseases, Immune Disease 21.09 3.43
7 Diseases of the Digestive System 17.60 2.86
8 Disease of the Genitourinary System 6.97 1.13
9 Disease of the Nervous System 6.34 1.03
10 Infectious Disease(not including Respiratory Tuberculosis) 4.73 0.77
  Male Total   93.52
1 Malignant Tumour 204.00 30.00
2 Cerebrovascular Disease 127.78 18.79
3 Heart Diseases 123.45 18.15
4 Diseases of the Respiratory System 83.41 12.26
5 Trauma and Toxicosis 38.46 5.66
6 Diseases of the Digestive System 20.19 2.97
7 Endocrine, Nutritional & Metabolic Diseases, Immune Disease 18.72 2.75
8 Disease of the Genitourinary System 7.26 1.07
9 Disease of the Nervous System 6.62 0.97
10 Infectious Disease(not including Respiratory Tuberculosis) 6.11 0.90
  Female Total   91.45
1 Malignant Tumour 129.22 23.49
2 Heart Diseases 118.49 21.54
3 Cerebrovascular Disease 113.66 20.66
4 Diseases of the Respiratory System 62.44 11.35
5 Trauma and Toxicosis 23.92 4.35
6 Endocrine, Nutritional & Metabolic Diseases, Immune Disease 23.51 4.27
7 Diseases of the Digestive System 14.96 2.72
8 Disease of the Genitourinary System 6.68 1.21
9 Disease of the Nervous System 6.05 1.10
10 Mental Disorders 4.18 0.76