21-23  Statistics on Imports and Exports of Books, Magazines and Newspapers (2008)
Item Exports  Imports
Items Number Value Items Number Value
(kind) (10000 (10 000 (kind) (10000 (10 000
  copies) USD)   copies) USD)
National 947204 802 3487 703787 3453 24061
Books Published 900204 653 3131 648907 438 8155
Phylosophy, Social Science 154521 122 691 150338 60 1729
Culture and Education 132481 104 420 76805 70 1005
Literature and Art 166603 106 494 76552 109 978
Natural Science and S&T 46769 30 156 219356 84 3363
For Children 32594 64 88 40840 59 415
General Books 367236 227 1282 85015 56 666
Magazines Published 46098 92 218 53759 449 13291
Newspapers Published 902 56 139 1121 2566 2615