20-71   Basic Statistics on Scientific and Technological Activities of China Associations for Science and Technology(2008)
Total Total Number China Provincial Associations Prefectural County Total Number National Provincial
of Associations Association Associations of Capital cities Associations Associations of Academic Learned Learned
              Societies Societies Societies
Number of Associations or Academic Societies
Number of Associations or Academic Societies (Organizations at All Levels for S&T)            (unit) 7087 3154 1 32 32 382 2707 3933 188 3745
Number of Independent Institution                                                                                              (unit) 2539 2539 1 31 31 344 2132
Number of Enterprises Association for Science and Technology                                               (unit) 13607 13607 2049 1345 3247 6966
Number of College Association for Science and Technology                                                     (unit) 589 589 148 115 234 92
Number of Street Science Association                                                                                        (unit) 8689 8689 399 8290
Number of Science Associations in towns                                                                                  (unit) 30645 30645 492 30153
Number of Rural Professional and Technical Associations                                                        (unit) 98520 98520 1014 8233 89273
Number of Personnel
Number of Persons Engaged in China Associations for S&T                                                 (person) 36093 36093 1259 6852 2184 7266 18532
Number of Persons Engaged of Academic Societies                                                              (person) 14431 14431 2618 11813
Number of Temperany Staff for Community                                                                          (person) 3969 3969 865 3104
Number of Individual Members of Academic Societies                                              (10000 person) 406 501
Number of Individual Members of Enterprises Association for Science and Technology
                                                                                                                                     (10000 person)
262 262 72 48 90 52
Number of Individual Members of College Association for Science and Technology(10000 person) 42 42 24 8 9 0.7
Number of Individual Members Street Science Association                                       (10000 person) 50 50 4 46
Number of Individual Members of Science Associations in towns                             (10000 person) 208 208 3 205
Number of Individual Members of Rural Professional and Technical Associations   (10000 person) 1117 1117 14 84 1019
Total Budget                                                                                                                         (millions) 7371 5471 1304 1716 402 896 1153 1900 972 928
Income of the Same Level Financial Assistance                                                                                    4078 4078 974 1005 305 818 976
Academic Exchange
Number of Academic Meetings Held in China                                                                          (time) 30588 14898 69 903 2004 6068 5854 15690 3693 11997
Number of Participants                                                                                        (10000 person-time) 432 224 1 14 36 88 85 208 63 145
S&T Popularization Activities                                                                                                                             
Number of S&T Popularization Lectures                                                                                   (time) 148429 120006 225 2904 5014 25507 86356 28423 4103 24320
Number of Participants                                                                                        (10000 person-time) 9623 6288 11 259 213 1110 4695 3335 1995 1340
Number of S&T Popularization Exhibitions                                                                              (time) 68582 59237 106 2469 1479 11309 43874 9345 829 8516
Number of Participants                                                                                        (10000 person-time) 14856 11751 330 790 664 2123 7844 3105 1278 1827
Number of Releasing Popular Science Materials                                                             (10000 unit) 18354 14662 6 514 363 2833 10946 3692 418 3274
Number of S&T Popularization Consultion                                                                               (time) 254572 254572 1398 961 26660 225553
Number of People receiving Applied Technology Training                                (10000 person-time) 3037 3037 0.003 31 20 474 2512
Number of New Technologies and New Products Promoted                                                      (item) 35651 35651 437 260 5439 29515
S&T Populariztion Activities Specifics
  (Activities for Educationi in Popular S&T among Adolescent)                                                                                       
Number of S&T Popularization Lectures for Adolescent                                                           (time) 20564 20564 95 717 237 4200 15315
Number of Participants                                                                                        (10000 person-time) 1291 1291 8 84 17 235 947
Number of S&T Popularization Exhibitions for Adolescent                                                      (time) 12044 12044 299 239 2364 9142
Number of Participants                                                                                        (10000 person-time) 2076 2076 124 158 425 1369
Number of S&T Competitions for Adolescent                                                                           (time) 10347 9740 4 335 184 2270 6947 607 78 529
Number of Participants                                                                                        (10000 person-time) 3467 3174 0.23 1065 332 696 1081 293 106 187
Number of Summer-Winter Camps for Adolescent                                                                    (time) 3005 2610 2 96 31 440 2041 395 30 365
Number of Participants                                                                                        (10000 person-time) 68 61 0.01 2 2 8 49 7 0.36 7
S&T Resource Construction                                                                                                                                    
Number of Popular Science Books                                                                   (kind) 14761 14761 174 629 503 1662 11793
The total printing of Popular Science Books                                      (10000 copies) 5697 5697 454 3415 107 569 1152
Hours in Producting Popular Science Broadcasting and Television Programs(hour) 12731 11399 166 483 270 1393 9087 1332 705 627
Number of Popular Science Exhibitions                                                           (unit) 9488 9488 32 74 75 673 8634
Number of Popular Science Activities Resource Packages                               (unit) 17954 17954 7 62 21 244 17620
Number of Popular Science Animation Works                                                 (unit) 4907 4384 2100 1359 268 260 397 523 13 510
S&T Popularization Infrastrcture Construction
Number of Science and Technology Museum(Popular Science Center)           (unit) 2062 2062 1 22 11 115 1913
# Number of More than 8000 Square Metres Construction Areas                    (unit) 19 19 1 18
Number of Education Bases for S&T Popularization(Model Bases)                (unit) 24868 24868 261 1374 987 4379 17867
Number of Participants                                                              (10000 person-time) 12906 12906 670 3823 666 2682 5065
Number of Popular Science Galleries(Boards)                                                  (unit) 179444 179444 1660 14410 163374
The Total Length of Popular Science Displayed Units                        (10000 metre) 198 198 2 26 170
Mileage of Travelling about Science Caravans                                                  (Km) 901002 901002 243354 28470 333801 295377
Number of Popular Science Sites                                                                      (unit) 1814 1265 9 84 33 222 917 549 194 355
Number of Visitors                                                                    (10000 person-time) 60931 13594 1631 3996 378 2735 4854 47337 41807 5530
International S&T Exchange
Visits from Foreign Countries,Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan                        (unit) 3608 724 66 309 111 153 85 2884 1035 1849
Total Number of Visitors                                                                      (person-time) 40363 8209 631 2733 1160 1767 1918 32154 13747 18407
Visits to Foreign Countries,Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan                            (unit) 1939 482 132 174 46 89 41 1457 431 1026
Total Number of Visitors                                                                      (person-time) 17380 3470 359 1421 413 708 569 13910 4538 9372
S&T Activities and Public Service                                                             
Number of Carrying out "ideal and contribution" Competition Enterprises     (unit) 15934 15934 3095 743 3828 8268
Number of "ideal and contribution" Competition S&T Staffs  (10000 person-time) 162 162 44 22 62 34
Number of Completed "ideal and contribution" Competition Projects            (item) 47649 47649 12096 9695 16887 8971
Number of Completed "Golden Bridge Program" Projects                              (item) 6951 6951 1379 818 2046 2708
Number of Consultative Contracts Completed                                                 (item) 34467 28943 280 10214 4922 9415 4112 5524 311 5213
Number of S&T Workers Proposals                                                                 (item) 31519 25595 297 352 1518 5533 17895 5924 668 5256
Number of Training Courses                                                                             (unit) 75774 61527 11 2015 468 9948 49085 14247 1939 12308
Persons Trained                                                                         (10000 person-time) 1054 856 0.1 16 4 102 734 198 61 136
Number of Recognition and Award S&T Workers                               (person-time) 40349 5870 2630 3240 34479 12480 21999
S&T Media
Number of Scientific & Technological Journals                                              (kind) 2147 18 5 13 2129 943 1186
Printed Copies                                                                                    (10000 copies) 9102 58 26 32 9044 6175 2869
Number of Scientific & Technological Newspapers                                        (kind) 99 31 31 68 8 60
Printed Copies                                                                                    (10000 copies) 14751 12795 12795 1956 220 1736
Number of Scientific & Technological Books                                                  (kind) 2761 1829 50 259 53 396 1071 932 173 759
Printed Copies                                                                                    (10000 copies) 1831 1107 10 281 39 298 479 724 191 533