20-52  Basic Statistics on Scientific and Technological Activities Funds of Large and Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises in High-tech Industry (2008)
Industry Technological Full-time Equivalent   Expenditure on     Expenditure for
Activities Personnel of R&D Personnel Scientists & Technological Activities R&D Expenditure Expenditure for Technical Renovation
(person) (man.year) Engineers (10 000 yuan) New Products (10 000 yuan)
  Total 564887 264677 237845 10119174 6551994 7984007 2186000
  Medical and Pharmaceutical Products 90820 35766 32094 1343599 790879 871914 513721
     Chemical Medicine 55502 21808 19123 868991 520940 563888 319890
     Traditional Chinese Medicine 23618 9605 9050 285936 162600 168829 118326
     Biology, Biochemistry Products 6051 2428 2043 113596 66422 85150 34834
  Aviation and Aircrafts Manufacturing 51228 15714 14768 913529 519869 494423 332520
  Electronic and Communication Equipment 298234 164163 146134 5705014 4029384 4865650 1038023
      Communication Equipment 121733 91384 88841 2393904 2021334 2280979 96466
      Radar Equipments 5965 2690 2576 71484 37973 42449 19726
      Broadcast and Television Equipments 5470 2220 1893 68896 46672 59938 2197
      Electronic Parts  49158 18328 16562 1112222 613113 815700 263182
      Electronic Components 66878 22096 18270 986605 585300 755823 266726
      Household Audiovisual  33095 19532 10046 888208 630175 765367 308690
      Other Electronic Equipment 15935 7914 7946 183696 94818 145394 81035
  Electronic Computers and Office Equipments 75137 29086 26506 1468869 808960 1252080 103750
      Electronic Computer 39186 13755 12959 660285 347172 537765 41281
      Electronic Computer Peripheral Equipments 26510 9682 8432 647038 329584 574634 52846
  Medical Treatment Instruments and Meters 49468 19948 18343 688163 402902 499941 197987
      Medical Treatment Equipments and Instruments 8068 2912 2663 144689 95907 114285 17673
      Instruments and Meters 41400 17036 15680 543474 306995 385655 180314