20-16  Students in Secondary Vocational Schools by Field of Study (2008)
Item New     Total Graduates  
Secondary   With Certificate
Enrollment School Current Year Enrollment on Professional
  Graduates Graduates   Competence
Total 6502739 5962894 5617727 16882421 4710924 2819264
Agriculture and Forestry 290230 241146 190857 648931 182755 100450
Resources and Environment 48555 39147 29664 131851 41845 25105
Energy 47683 37106 32406 124034 41568 18776
Civil and Hydraulic Engineering 155312 139482 131293 415704 119482 71161
Manufacturing 1601787 1475987 1410107 4252334 1078345 733559
Communication & Transportation 259746 236400 220217 625538 144098 92107
Information Technologies 1607765 1521789 1443138 4118728 1189084 793515
Medicine and Health 538974 460051 430821 1442658 409167 118549
Trade and Tourism 559169 532930 503270 1451892 401255 257659
Finance and Economics 387751 354345 338457 1023799 293692 181616
Culture, Arts and Physical Education 352763 330612 318360 944606 251110 142835
Public Affairs 166258 146709 137077 415071 142684 72077
Teacher Training 269487 246364 238995 698133 218994 115494
Other 217259 200826 193065 589142 196845 96361