20-12  Number of Students in Adult Institutions of Higher Education by Field of Study (2008)
Item New     Total     Graduates    
Under- Specia- Under- Specia- Under- Specia-
Enroll- graduate lized Enroll- graduate lized graduate lized
ment Courses Courses ment Courses Courses Courses Courses
 Total 2025552 831362 1194190 5482949 2352832 3130117 1690944 684506 1006438
Run by Adult Institutions 222080 34291 187789 594126 105770 488356 226522 48222 178300
  of Higher Education
     Teacher Training 38416 23633 14783 112246 74903 37343 56646 36365 20281
 Philosophy 22 22
 Economics 11424 864 10560 31938 1764 30174 11780 409 11371
 Law 7272 2946 4326 21040 7830 13210 11359 3104 8255
 Education 19287 8565 10722 57039 26411 30628 23528 9736 13792
 Literature 34042 14110 19932 94568 43790 50778 48425 19845 28580
    Foreign Language 9178 4075 5103 25771 13291 12480 13484 7154 6330
    Art 7582 750 6832 19974 3186 16788 8070 1726 6344
 History 416 380 36 1407 1287 120 721 712 9
 Science 4564 2231 2333 14430 9236 5194 8518 7426 1092
 Engineering 56343 1183 55160 134789 3777 131012 30779 1824 28955
 Agriculture 918 40 878 2340 99 2241 907 24 883
 Medicine 16483 1275 15208 52312 2999 49313 18668 1638 17030
 Management 71331 2697 68634 184241 8577 175664 71837 3504 68333
 Run by Regular Institutions 1803472 797071 1006401 4888823 2247062 2641761 1464422 636284 828138
    of Higher Education
       Teacher Training 218634 156493 62141 643557 469702 173855 245463 163895 81568
 Philosophy 130 24 106 525 24 501 33 33
 Economics 86201 29243 56958 240644 84632 156012 75342 22953 52389
 Law 73390 53093 20297 224020 167977 56043 86065 58258 27807
 Education 99512 44931 54581 278389 129002 149387 89868 40016 49852
 Literature 241153 159699 81454 669252 453083 216169 241801 145911 95890
    Foreign Language 77708 48327 29381 215432 142694 72738 78958 51482 27476
    Art 46561 22434 24127 128784 69522 59262 48149 26357 21792
 History 3175 2755 420 9887 8757 1130 4038 3436 602
 Science 44786 34270 10516 139294 112196 27098 58735 48921 9814
 Engineering 492366 169992 322374 1259364 480060 779304 307462 115074 192388
 Agriculture 29590 13888 15702 80283 39758 40525 23511 9076 14435
 Medicine 237007 114330 122677 682166 290623 391543 198738 72456 126282
 Management 496162 174846 321316 1304999 480950 824049 378829 120183 258646