20-9  Number of Postgraduate Students by Field of Study (2008)
Item New     Total     Graduates    
Doctor's Master's Doctor's Master's Doctor's Master's
Enrollment Degree Degree Enrollment Degree Degree Degree Degree
Total 446422 59764 386658 1283046 236617 1046429 344825 43759 301066
Philosophy 5269 850 4419 15321 3234 12087 4328 576 3752
Economics 20981 2751 18230 59282 11285 47997 18109 2274 15835
Law 34810 3230 31580 91324 11027 80297 24295 1940 22355
Education 15862 1069 14793 44385 3775 40610 12197 890 11307
Literature 39151 2641 36510 104445 9457 94988 28247 2011 26236
History 5574 925 4649 16739 3733 13006 4981 778 4203
Science 55526 11253 44273 157404 40389 117015 39444 8953 30491
Engineering 155484 22262 133222 461951 98370 363581 123226 15276 107950
Agriculture 13259 2591 10668 44914 9021 35893 12879 1936 10943
Medicine 47412 7329 40083 140030 24929 115101 37402 5782 31620
Military 230 35 195 733 150 583 198 23 175
Management 52864 4828 48036 146518 21247 125271 39519 3320 36199
Regular 429122 53595 375527 1230945 214963 1015982 331323 38111 293212
Philosophy 5099 786 4313 14826 3070 11756 4175 533 3642
Economics 20457 2564 17893 57672 10655 47017 17614 2080 15534
Law 34305 3126 31179 89798 10644 79154 23849 1843 22006
Education 15777 1037 14740 44135 3665 40470 12127 853 11274
Literature 38904 2572 36332 103704 9234 94470 28038 1948 26090
History 5489 901 4588 16495 3663 12832 4908 763 4145
Science 48606 8105 40501 136696 29510 107186 34380 5964 28416
Engineering 148769 20267 128502 441458 91105 350353 117894 13593 104301
Agriculture 12508 2357 10151 42735 8265 34470 12333 1735 10598
Medicine 46670 7162 39508 137733 24243 113490 36696 5569 31127
Military 228 35 193 726 150 576 195 23 172
Management 52310 4683 47627 144967 20759 124208 39114 3207 35907
Research 17300 6169 11131 52101 21654 30447 13502 5648 7854
Philosophy 170 64 106 495 164 331 153 43 110
Economics 524 187 337 1610 630 980 495 194 301
Law 505 104 401 1526 383 1143 446 97 349
Education 85 32 53 250 110 140 70 37 33
Literature 247 69 178 741 223 518 209 63 146
History 85 24 61 244 70 174 73 15 58
Science 6920 3148 3772 20708 10879 9829 5064 2989 2075
Engineering 6715 1995 4720 20493 7265 13228 5332 1683 3649
Agriculture 751 234 517 2179 756 1423 546 201 345
Medicine 742 167 575 2297 686 1611 706 213 493
Military 2 2 7 7 3 3
Management 554 145 409 1551 488 1063 405 113 292