17-15  Foreign Investment Actually Utilized by Countries or Regions
(USD 10 000)
Country (Region) 2007 2008
Foreign Other Foreign Other
Direct Foreign Direct Foreign
Investment Investment Investment Investment
  Total 7476789 357152 9239544 285793
  Asia 4211735 249781 5634512 194877
      Afghanistan 233 228
      Bahrain 190 205
      Bangladesh 145 65
      Brunei 37688 34042
      Myanmar 326 330
      Cambodia 634 292
      Cyprus 2317 2139
      Korea DPR 92 193
      Hong Kong, China 2770342 208811 4103640 150548
      India 3404 436 8805 347
      Indonesia 13441 16725
      Iran 745 2702
      Iraq 27 324
      Israel 2495 199 2649
      Japan 358922 16003 365235 24667
      Jordan 520 341
      Kuwait 29 63
      LaoPDR 300 670
      Lebanon 97 245
      Macao, China 63700 832 58161 141
      Malaysia 39725 600 24696 1387
      Mongolia 94 141
      Nepal 23
      Oman 52
      Pakistan 248 1452
      Palestine 25
      Philippines 19532 12687
      Saudi Arabia 12265 27524
      Singapore 318457 168 443529 185
      Republic of Korea 367831 2034 313532 1634
      Sri Lanka 7 40
      Syria 148 136
      Thailand 8948 12921
      Turkey 984 729
      United Arab Emirates 10080 9381
      Republic of Yemen 151 484
      Viet Nam 73 207
      Taiwan, China 177437 20698 189868 15968
      Other Countries (Regions) 8 131
         in Asia
  Africa 148683 166788 225
      Algeria 379 904
      Angola 232 239
      Benin 339
      Botswana 14 651
      Cameroon -18 218
      Egypt 678 758
      Eq. Guinea 208 143
      Ethiopia 53
      Gabon 224 176
      Gambia 170 633
      Ghana 22 82
      GuineaBissau 56
      Kenya 80 99
      Liberia 84
      Libyan 96 10
      Madagascar 1589 300
      Mauritius 133250 149371 225
      Morocco 48 45
      Namibia 1295 50
      Niger 75
      Nigeria 1211 5504
      Senegal 7
      Seychelles 1594 4226
      Sierra Leone 15
      Somali 9
      South Africa 6916 2560
      Sudan 80 10
      Togo 15
      TuNiSia 80
      Uganda 45 52
      Burkina Faso 50
      Zambia 100
      Zimbabwe 219 101
      Eritrea 8
      Other Countries (Regions) 116
        in Africa
  Europe 436511 2474 545937 4941
      Belgium 9584 5586 300
      Denmark 12514 29376
      United Kingdom 83094 414 91401
      Germany 73397 1756 90049 4460
      France 45601 58775 181
      Ireland 6103 19829
      Italy 34792 49326
      Luxembourg 8246 13283
      Netherlands 61666 304 86216
      Greece 235 1309
      Portugal 823 829
      Spain 21324 20890
      Austria 8234 13255
      Bulgaria 258 30
      Finland 5589 5410
      Gibraltar 1588 1549
      Hungary 2109 1748
      Iceland 600 101
      Liechtenstein 75 496
      Malta 103
      Norway 3424 2409
      Poland 920 1109
      Romania 3044 3205
      Sanmarino 224 10
      Sweden 12636 13917
      Switzerland 29932 24259
      Estonia 42 63
      Latvia 79
      Lithuania 14 21
      Azerbaijan 40 14
      Byelorussia 35
      Kazakhstan 159 663
      Kirghizia 660 464
      Russia 5207 5997
      Ukraine 1855 409
      Yugoslavia 76
      Slovenia 285 86
      Croatia 20 9
      Czech 1490 3579
      Slovakia 109 16
      Bosnia & Hercegovina 25
      Other Countries (Regions) in Europe 379 170
  Latin America 2011799 168 2090344 1293
      Antigua &  Barbuda 102
      Argentina 1113 1266
      Bahamas 13493 35141
      Barbados 70958 125520
      Belize 2421 6302
      Bolivia 129 99
      Brazil 3164 3879
      Cayman Islands 257078 314497
      Chile 719 466
      Colombia 5 10
      Dominica 119
      Cuba 63
      Dominica 16
      Dominica Rep. 182 5
      Ecuador 100 49
      Grenada 250
      Guatemala 116
      Honduras 168 214
      Jamaica 29
      Mexico 566 385
      Panama 2580 3539
      Paraguay 58 215
      Peru 527 267
      Saint Vincent & Grenadines 507
      Suriname 28
      Turks and Caicos Islands 114 130
      Uruguay 10
      Venezuela 209 237
      Virgin Islands 1655244 168 1595384 1293
      St.Kitts-Nevis 1577 1363
      Saint Vincent & Grenadines 320
      Other Countries (Regions) in 841 369
        Latin America
  North America 339027 3364 395780 6555
      Canada 39658 310 54328 310
      United States 261623 3054 294434 6245
      Bermuda 37684 46898
      Other Countries (Regions) in 62 120
         North America
  Oceanic and Pacific Islands 274290 7000 316987
      Australia 35387 40707
      Cook Islands 2614 2030
      Fiji 16 50
      Nauru 300 400
      Vanuatu 283 16
      New Zealand 6391 6923
      Papua  New  Guinea 34
      Tonga 13 7000
      Samoan 216988 254975
      Kiribati 7 20
      Marshall Islands 7391 9456
      Other Pacific Islands 3627 889
      Other Countries (Regions) in Oceanic 1239 1521
  Others 54733 94365 89196 77902
a) Other foreign investment includes the stock issued in foreign countries at the year.