17-15 Foreign
Investment Actually Utilized by Countries or Regions |
(USD 10 000) |
Country (Region) |
2007 |
2008 |
Foreign |
Other |
Foreign |
Other |
Direct |
Foreign |
Direct |
Foreign |
Investment |
Investment |
Investment |
Investment |
Total |
7476789 |
357152 |
9239544 |
285793 |
Asia |
4211735 |
249781 |
5634512 |
194877 |
Afghanistan |
233 |
228 |
Bahrain |
190 |
205 |
Bangladesh |
145 |
65 |
Brunei |
37688 |
34042 |
Myanmar |
326 |
330 |
Cambodia |
634 |
292 |
Cyprus |
2317 |
2139 |
Korea DPR |
92 |
193 |
Hong Kong,
China |
2770342 |
208811 |
4103640 |
150548 |
India |
3404 |
436 |
8805 |
347 |
Indonesia |
13441 |
16725 |
Iran |
745 |
2702 |
Iraq |
27 |
324 |
Israel |
2495 |
199 |
2649 |
Japan |
358922 |
16003 |
365235 |
24667 |
Jordan |
520 |
341 |
Kuwait |
29 |
63 |
LaoPDR |
300 |
670 |
Lebanon |
97 |
245 |
Macao, China |
63700 |
832 |
58161 |
141 |
Malaysia |
39725 |
600 |
24696 |
1387 |
Mongolia |
94 |
141 |
Nepal |
23 |
Oman |
52 |
Pakistan |
248 |
1452 |
Palestine |
25 |
Philippines |
19532 |
12687 |
Saudi Arabia |
12265 |
27524 |
Singapore |
318457 |
168 |
443529 |
185 |
Republic of
Korea |
367831 |
2034 |
313532 |
1634 |
Sri Lanka |
7 |
40 |
Syria |
148 |
136 |
Thailand |
8948 |
12921 |
Turkey |
984 |
729 |
United Arab
Emirates |
10080 |
9381 |
Republic of
Yemen |
151 |
484 |
Viet Nam |
73 |
207 |
Taiwan, China |
177437 |
20698 |
189868 |
15968 |
Countries (Regions) |
8 |
131 |
in Asia |
Africa |
148683 |
166788 |
225 |
Algeria |
379 |
904 |
Angola |
232 |
239 |
Benin |
339 |
Botswana |
14 |
651 |
Cameroon |
-18 |
218 |
Egypt |
678 |
758 |
Eq. Guinea |
208 |
143 |
Ethiopia |
53 |
Gabon |
224 |
176 |
Gambia |
170 |
633 |
Ghana |
22 |
82 |
GuineaBissau |
56 |
Kenya |
80 |
99 |
Liberia |
84 |
Libyan |
96 |
10 |
Madagascar |
1589 |
300 |
Mauritius |
133250 |
149371 |
225 |
Morocco |
48 |
45 |
Namibia |
1295 |
50 |
Niger |
75 |
Nigeria |
1211 |
5504 |
Senegal |
7 |
Seychelles |
1594 |
4226 |
Sierra Leone |
15 |
Somali |
9 |
South Africa |
6916 |
2560 |
Sudan |
80 |
10 |
Togo |
15 |
TuNiSia |
80 |
Uganda |
45 |
52 |
Burkina Faso |
50 |
Zambia |
100 |
Zimbabwe |
219 |
101 |
Eritrea |
8 |
Countries (Regions) |
116 |
Africa |
Europe |
436511 |
2474 |
545937 |
4941 |
Belgium |
9584 |
5586 |
300 |
Denmark |
12514 |
29376 |
United Kingdom |
83094 |
414 |
91401 |
Germany |
73397 |
1756 |
90049 |
4460 |
France |
45601 |
58775 |
181 |
Ireland |
6103 |
19829 |
Italy |
34792 |
49326 |
Luxembourg |
8246 |
13283 |
Netherlands |
61666 |
304 |
86216 |
Greece |
235 |
1309 |
Portugal |
823 |
829 |
Spain |
21324 |
20890 |
Austria |
8234 |
13255 |
Bulgaria |
258 |
30 |
Finland |
5589 |
5410 |
Gibraltar |
1588 |
1549 |
Hungary |
2109 |
1748 |
Iceland |
600 |
101 |
Liechtenstein |
75 |
496 |
Malta |
103 |
Norway |
3424 |
2409 |
Poland |
920 |
1109 |
Romania |
3044 |
3205 |
Sanmarino |
224 |
10 |
Sweden |
12636 |
13917 |
Switzerland |
29932 |
24259 |
Estonia |
42 |
63 |
Latvia |
79 |
Lithuania |
14 |
21 |
Azerbaijan |
40 |
14 |
Byelorussia |
35 |
Kazakhstan |
159 |
663 |
Kirghizia |
660 |
464 |
Russia |
5207 |
5997 |
Ukraine |
1855 |
409 |
Yugoslavia |
76 |
Slovenia |
285 |
86 |
Croatia |
20 |
9 |
Czech |
1490 |
3579 |
Slovakia |
109 |
16 |
Bosnia &
Hercegovina |
25 |
Countries (Regions) in Europe |
379 |
170 |
Latin America |
2011799 |
168 |
2090344 |
1293 |
& Barbuda |
102 |
Argentina |
1113 |
1266 |
Bahamas |
13493 |
35141 |
Barbados |
70958 |
125520 |
Belize |
2421 |
6302 |
Bolivia |
129 |
99 |
Brazil |
3164 |
3879 |
Cayman Islands |
257078 |
314497 |
Chile |
719 |
466 |
Colombia |
5 |
10 |
Dominica |
119 |
Cuba |
63 |
Dominica |
16 |
Dominica Rep. |
182 |
5 |
Ecuador |
100 |
49 |
Grenada |
250 |
Guatemala |
116 |
Honduras |
168 |
214 |
Jamaica |
29 |
Mexico |
566 |
385 |
Panama |
2580 |
3539 |
Paraguay |
58 |
215 |
Peru |
527 |
267 |
Saint Vincent
& Grenadines |
507 |
Suriname |
28 |
Turks and
Caicos Islands |
114 |
130 |
Uruguay |
10 |
Venezuela |
209 |
237 |
Virgin Islands |
1655244 |
168 |
1595384 |
1293 |
St.Kitts-Nevis |
1577 |
1363 |
Saint Vincent
& Grenadines |
320 |
Countries (Regions) in |
841 |
369 |
Latin America |
North America |
339027 |
3364 |
395780 |
6555 |
Canada |
39658 |
310 |
54328 |
310 |
United States |
261623 |
3054 |
294434 |
6245 |
Bermuda |
37684 |
46898 |
Countries (Regions) in |
62 |
120 |
North America |
Oceanic and Pacific Islands |
274290 |
7000 |
316987 |
Australia |
35387 |
40707 |
Cook Islands |
2614 |
2030 |
Fiji |
16 |
50 |
Nauru |
300 |
400 |
Vanuatu |
283 |
16 |
New Zealand |
6391 |
6923 |
Papua New Guinea |
34 |
Tonga |
13 |
7000 |
Samoan |
216988 |
254975 |
Kiribati |
7 |
20 |
Islands |
7391 |
9456 |
Other Pacific
Islands |
3627 |
889 |
Countries (Regions) in Oceanic |
1239 |
1521 |
Others |
54733 |
94365 |
89196 |
77902 |
a) Other
foreign investment includes the stock issued in foreign countries at the
year. |