16-18  Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale and Retail Trades
by Status of Registration (2008)
(100 million yuan)
Item Total
    Total Total
Working Original Value Liabilities Owners'
Capitals of Fixed Assets Equities
  Total 75118.3 55621.9 10374.2 52246.8 22863.5
  Wholesale Trade 58737.5 45133.4 5832.2 40792.2 17949.8
  Domestic Funded Enterprises 52153.6 39975.5 5428.6 36424.2 15734.0
      State-owned Enterprises 12769.6 9195.3 1836.3 7942.6 4826.8
      Collective-owned Enterprises 1086.5 916.5 123.7 905.3 181.2
      Cooperative Enterprises 267.2 198.0 39.6 197.6 69.6
      Joint Ownership Enterprises 224.0 193.6 21.6 173.2 50.8
          State Joint Ownership Enterprises 74.4 55.9 17.6 48.6 25.8
          Collective Joint Ownership Enterprises 58.6 56.9 0.3 54.8 3.8
          Joint State-collective Enterprises 49.1 43.3 2.2 38.2 10.9
          Other Joint Ownership Enterprises 41.8 37.6 1.5 31.6 10.2
      Limited Liability Corporations 17699.4 14054.6 1162.1 12980.6 4718.8
          State Sole Funded Corporations 3460.0 2341.3 176.2 2376.2 1083.8
          Other Limited Liability Corporations 14239.4 11713.3 985.9 10604.4 3635.0
      Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 6132.2 3816.9 1092.4 3576.8 2560.2
      Private Enterprises 13727.9 11401.0 1121.8 10488.1 3239.8
          Private-funded Enterprises 556.8 386.2 93.2 348.9 207.9
          Private Partnership Enterprises 165.1 132.6 23.5 110.2 54.9
          Private Limited Liability Corporations 12442.6 10431.5 950.3 9624.1 2818.5
          Private Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 563.5 450.7 54.7 404.9 158.6
      Other Enterprises 246.8 199.6 31.0 160.0 86.8
  Enterprises with Funds 1485.8 1251.4 103.5 1077.4 408.3
    from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
      Joint-venture Enterprises 336.7 267.8 36.2 231.4 105.3
      Cooperative Enterprises 26.5 25.4 0.5 20.8 5.8
      Enterprises with Sole Fund 1055.8 909.6 56.5 767.0 288.8
      Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 66.8 48.6 10.2 58.3 8.4
  Foreign Funded Enterprises 5098.1 3906.5 300.2 3290.6 1807.5
      Joint-venture Enterprises 709.5 591.6 64.0 534.5 175.0
      Cooperation Enterprises 122.0 115.1 6.6 110.0 12.0
      Enterprises with Sole Fund 4186.4 3155.4 213.5 2596.1 1590.4
      Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 80.2 44.4 16.1 50.0 30.1
  Retail Trade 16380.8 10488.5 4542.1 11454.7 4913.7
  Domestic Funded Enterprises 14186.8 9090.0 3895.6 9854.0 4320.3
      State-owned Enterprises 1123.5 627.9 437.2 697.5 426.0
      Collective-owned Enterprises 308.1 180.4 126.0 216.4 91.7
      Cooperative Enterprises 113.7 71.4 37.5 83.6 30.1
      Joint Ownership Enterprises 64.2 41.3 18.0 43.6 20.5
          State Joint Ownership Enterprises 21.2 13.1 7.7 12.7 8.5
          Collective Joint Ownership Enterprises 4.1 2.9 1.4 2.0 2.2
          Joint State-collective Enterprises 24.7 16.3 4.0 17.5 7.2
          Other Joint Ownership Enterprises 14.1 8.9 4.9 11.4 2.7
      Limited Liability Corporations 4726.1 3297.2 1126.8 3590.9 1135.2
          State Sole Funded Corporations 157.5 93.9 52.8 106.6 50.9
          Other Limited Liability Corporations 4568.5 3203.3 1074.0 3484.2 1084.3
      Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 3276.9 1641.9 1101.9 1846.8 1417.7
      Private Enterprises 4464.5 3162.0 1009.3 3300.3 1164.2
          Private-funded Enterprises 397.5 238.8 137.0 233.4 164.2
          Private Partnership Enterprises 64.7 38.7 21.9 35.5 29.2
          Private Limited Liability Corporations 3768.4 2731.4 791.8 2867.9 900.5
          Private Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 233.9 153.0 58.6 163.6 70.3
      Other Enterprises 109.8 68.0 38.8 75.0 34.8
  Enterprises with Funds 835.3 545.3 238.8 562.0 273.3
    from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
      Joint-venture Enterprises 301.9 184.1 112.4 195.9 106.1
      Cooperative Enterprises 28.2 18.7 12.6 16.6 11.6
      Enterprises with Sole Fund 484.2 328.9 107.5 333.7 150.5
      Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 21.0 13.6 6.3 15.9 5.1
  Foreign Funded Enterprises 1358.7 853.3 407.6 1038.6 320.1
      Joint-venture Enterprises 618.1 386.4 173.7 449.8 168.3
      Cooperation Enterprises 169.6 125.9 38.2 149.8 19.7
      Enterprises with Sole Fund 506.1 307.9 172.5 395.6 110.5
      Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 65.0 33.1 23.3 43.4 21.5