13-23  Output of Industrial Products by Region
Year Coal Crude Oil Natural Gas Salt Electricity   Refined           Machine-made                           Large and     Household Household Air Mobile Micro- Integrated Color
Region     (100 million   (100 million   Sugar Beer Cigarettes Chemical Yarn Cloth Paper and Sulfuric Caustic Soda Ash Chemical Chemical Ethylene Primary Cement Plate Glass Pig Iron Crude Rolled Metal-cutting Medium-sized Motor   Washing Refrigerators Conditioners Telephones Computers Circuit Television
(100 million   cu.m) (10 000 kwh) Hydropower (10 000 (10 000 (100 million Fiber (10 000 (100 Paperboards Acid Soda   Fertilizer Pesticide   Plastic   (10 000   Steel Steel Machine Tools Tractors Vehicles Cars Machines         (100 million Sets
  tons) (10 000 tons)   tons)     tons) kiloliter) pieces) (10 000 tons) tons) million m) (10 000 tons) (10 000 tons) (10 000 tons) (10 000 tons) (10 000 tons) (10 000 tons) (10 000 tons) (10 000 tons) (10000 tons) weight cases) (10 000 tons) (10 000 tons) (10 000 tons) (10 000 units) (10 000 units) (10 000 units)   (10 000 units) (10 000 units) (10 000 units) (10 000 units) (10 000 units) units) (10 000 units)
1978 6.18 10405.00 137.30 1953.00 2566.00 446.00 227.00 40.00 1182.00 28.46 238.20 110.30 439.00 661.0 164.00 132.90 869.30 53.30 38.00 67.90 6524.00 1784.00 3479.00 3178.0 2208.00 18.3 11.35 14.91 0.04 2.80 0.02 0.30 0.38
1980 6.20 10595.00 142.70 1728.00 3006.00 582.00 257.00 69.00 1520.00 45.03 292.60 134.70 535.00 764.3 192.30 161.30 1232.10 53.70 49.00 89.80 7986.00 2466.00 3802.00 3712.0 2716.00 13.4 9.77 22.23 0.54 24.53 4.90 1.32 0.17 3.21
1985 8.72 12490.00 129.30 1479.00 4107.00 924.00 451.00 310.00 2370.00 94.78 353.50 146.70 911.00 676.4 235.30 201.10 1322.20 21.10 65.20 123.40 14595.00 4942.00 4384.00 4679.0 3693.00 16.7 4.50 43.72 0.90 887.20 144.81 12.35 0.64 435.28
1990 10.80 13831.00 152.98 2023.00 6212.00 1267.00 582.00 692.00 3298.00 165.42 462.60 188.80 1372.00 1196.9 335.40 379.50 1879.70 22.80 157.20 227.00 20971.00 8067.00 6238.00 6635.0 5153.00 13.5 3.94 51.40 3.50 662.68 463.06 24.07 8.21 1.08 1033.04
1991 10.87 14099.00 160.73 2410.00 6775.00 1247.00 640.00 838.00 3226.00 191.03 460.80 181.70 1479.00 1332.9 354.10 393.60 1979.50 25.50 176.10 283.00 25261.00 8712.00 6765.00 7100.0 5638.00 16.4 5.27 71.42 6.87 687.17 469.94 63.03 16.25 1.70 1205.06
1992 11.16 14210.00 157.88 2838.00 7539.00 1307.00 829.00 1021.00 3285.00 213.04 501.70 190.70 1725.00 1408.7 379.50 455.00 2047.90 28.10 200.30 330.80 30822.00 9359.00 7589.00 8094.0 6697.00 22.9 5.70 106.67 16.17 707.93 485.76 158.03 12.62 1.61 1333.08
1993 11.50 14524.00 167.65 2943.00 8395.00 1518.00 771.00 1192.00 3376.00 237.37 501.50 203.00 1914.00 1336.5 395.40 534.90 1956.30 25.70 202.70 359.90 36788.00 11086.00 8739.00 8956.0 7716.00 26.2 3.77 129.85 22.29 895.85 596.66 346.41 14.66 2.01 1435.76
1994 12.40 14608.00 175.59 2996.00 9281.00 1674.00 592.00 1415.00 3432.00 280.33 489.50 211.30 2138.00 1536.5 429.60 581.40 2272.80 29.00 212.90 401.40 42118.00 11925.00 9741.00 9261.0 8428.00 20.7 4.67 136.69 26.87 1094.24 768.12 393.42 24.57 4.85 1689.15
1995 13.61 15004.95 179.47 2977.72 10070.30 1905.77 558.64 1568.82 3485.02 341.17 542.20 260.18 2812.30 1811.0 531.82 597.71 2548.14 41.65 240.10 516.87 47560.59 15731.71 10529.27 9536.0 8979.80 20.3 6.33 145.27 33.70 948.41 918.54 682.56 83.57 55.17 2057.74
1996 13.97 15733.39 201.14 2903.57 10813.10 1879.66 640.20 1681.91 3401.92 375.45 512.21 209.10 2638.20 1883.6 573.78 669.29 2809.04 44.75 304.00 576.86 49118.90 16069.37 10722.50 10124.1 9338.02 17.7 8.37 147.52 38.29 1074.72 979.65 786.21 138.83 38.90 2537.60
1997 13.73 16074.14 227.03 3082.66 11355.53 1959.83 702.58 1888.94 3377.42 471.62 559.83 248.79 2733.20 2036.9 574.40 725.76 2820.96 52.67 358.60 685.76 51173.80 16630.70 11511.41 10894.2 9978.93 18.7 8.24 158.25 48.60 1254.48 1044.43 974.01 206.55 25.55 2711.33
1998 12.50 16100.00 232.79 2242.52 11670.00 1988.90 826.00 1987.67 3374.00 510.00 542.00 241.00 2125.63 2171.0 539.37 744.00 3010.00 55.90 377.30 692.58 53600.00 17194.03 11863.67 11559.0 10737.80 11.9 6.78 163.00 50.71 1207.31 1060.00 1156.87 291.40 26.26 3497.00
1999 12.80 16000.00 251.98 2812.36 12393.00 1965.80 861.00 2098.77 3340.00 600.00 567.00 250.00 2159.30 2356.0 580.14 766.00 3251.00 62.50 435.00 871.10 57300.00 17419.79 12539.24 12426.0 12109.78 14.2 6.54 183.20 57.10 1342.17 1210.00 1337.64 405.00 41.50 4262.00
2000 12.99 16300.00 272.00 3128.00 13556.00 2224.14 700.00 2231.32 3397.00 694.00 657.00 277.00 2486.94 2427.0 667.88 834.00 3186.00 60.70 470.00 1087.51 59700.00 18352.20 13101.48 12850.0 13146.00 17.7 4.10 207.00 60.70 1442.98 1279.00 1826.67 5248 672.00 58.80 3936.00
2001 13.81 16395.87 303.29 3410.51 14808.02 2774.32 653.10 2288.93 3402.10 841.38 760.68 290.00 3777.07 2696.3 787.96 914.37 3383.01 78.72 480.60 1288.71 66103.99 20964.12 15554.25 15163.4 16067.61 25.6 3.82 234.17 70.36 1341.61 1351.26 2333.64 8032 877.65 63.63 4093.70
2002 14.55 16700.00 326.61 3602.43 16540.00 2879.74 926.00 2402.70 3467.08 991.20 850.00 322.39 4666.99 3050.4 877.97 1033.15 3791.00 92.90 543.02 1455.67 72500.00 23445.56 17084.60 18236.6 19251.59 30.9 4.54 325.10 109.20 1595.76 1598.87 3135.11 12146 1463.51 96.31 5155.00
2003 17.22 16959.98 350.15 3437.70 19105.75 2836.81 1083.94 2540.48 3580.86 1181.15 983.58 353.52 4849.33 3371.2 945.27 1133.56 3881.31 76.72 611.77 1652.08 86208.11 27702.60 21366.68 22233.6 24108.01 30.6 4.88 444.39 207.08 1964.46 2242.56 4820.86 18231 3216.70 148.31 6541.40
2004 19.92 17587.33 414.60 4043.44 22033.09 3535.44 1033.70 2948.59 18736.35 1699.80 1291.34 482.10 5413.27 3928.9 1041.12 1334.70 4804.82 82.08 629.85 2366.50 96681.99 37026.17 26830.99 28291.1 31975.72 48.7 11.38 509.11 227.63 2533.41 3007.59 6390.33 23752 5974.90 235.51 7431.83
2005 22.05 18135.29 493.20 4661.06 25002.60 3970.17 912.37 3126.05 19389.08 1664.79 1450.54 484.39 6205.42 4544.7 1239.98 1421.08 5177.86 114.73 755.54 2308.86 106884.79 40210.24 34375.19 35324.0 37771.14 51.1 16.33 570.49 277.01 3035.52 2987.06 6764.57 30354 8084.89 269.97 8283.22
2006 23.73 18476.57 585.53 5663.13 28657.26 4357.86 949.07 3543.58 20218.13 2073.18 1742.96 598.55 6863.02 5033.2 1511.78 1560.03 5345.05 138.46 940.51 2602.60 123676.48 46574.70 41245.19 41914.9 46893.36 57.3 19.93 727.89 386.94 3560.50 3530.89 6849.42 48014 9336.44 335.75 8375.40
2007 25.26 18631.82 692.40 6166.97 32815.53 4852.64 1271.38 3954.07 21438.84 2413.78 2068.17 675.26 7792.43 5412.6 1759.29 1765.00 5824.98 176.48 1027.80 3184.54 136117.25 53918.07 47651.63 48928.8 56560.87 64.7 20.31 888.89 479.78 4005.10 4397.13 8014.28 54858 12073.38 411.62 8478.01
2008 27.88 19001.24 789.32 5952.78 34668.82 5851.87 1449.48 4103.09 22198.78 2415.00 2123.33 710.00 8390.94 5132.7 1852.14 1881.33 6012.69 190.24 998.26 3129.59 140000.00 55184.63 47067.41 50091.5 58488.10 61.7 21.71 934.55 503.74 4231.16 4756.90 8230.93 55964 13666.56 417.14 9033.08
  Beijing 0.06 243.05 0.31 153.45 182.28 0.77 0.93 0.11 12.26 2.47 7.48 0.80 85.41 123.52 876.51 90.69 448.79 466.81 644.64 0.9 76.61 28.32 0.80 79.04 20708 691.51 17.99
  Tianjin 1993.86 14.01 234.25 391.19 0.14 21.75 200.50 10.82 5.93 2.50 32.98 19.7 139.11 90.64 16.39 1.11 17.02 162.31 534.89 648.13 1520.14 1654.04 3006.75 0.1 1.28 54.12 53.81 38.43 59.38 499.84 9005 4.07 5.58 69.85
  Hebei 0.79 643.10 8.74 362.58 1599.48 5.78 4.65 132.45 710.00 23.58 95.67 35.81 378.74 78.13 67.92 221.00 211.28 3.18 63.78 8953.00 8676.13 11355.66 11589.42 11571.79 0.2 32.15 1.05 18.12 0.01
  Shanxi 6.56 1797.24 23.96 3.44 12.04 145.00 3.02 5.10 0.83 26.68 54.62 50.08 15.87 412.83 45.73 2074.98 1324.02 2781.71 2345.03 1976.45 0.2 0.08 0.26
  Inner Mongolia 4.73 236.81 2136.00 10.42 22.37 98.28 222.50 0.06 1.68 0.55 35.53 148.27 94.58 71.76 88.78 2.85 44.13 3424.06 1458.32 1256.55 1211.03 1047.34 2.97 18 866.75
  Liaoning 0.64 1199.33 8.71 184.19 1138.98 41.79 1.99 235.12 260.35 16.99 16.75 4.65 56.85 90.45 55.08 24.66 88.98 4.03 46.22 117.27 4074.40 2275.19 4101.46 4068.59 4285.27 14.6 34.08 11.58 139.33 213.54 167 0.13 0.55 500.19
  Jilin 0.39 700.33 8.64 500.86 52.64 115.88 329.00 25.33 5.34 0.40 90.52 21.54 11.99 7.18 17.90 3.05 79.43 86.20 2581.83 736.78 580.71 642.31 718.32 0.2 0.03 86.13 59.93 31 0.01 24.62
  Heilongjiang 0.99 4020.47 27.20 722.73 11.25 28.34 173.11 426.00 12.13 2.17 0.47 52.73 10.73 10.49 55.50 0.47 58.15 126.66 1968.21 596.29 364.56 475.14 426.26 0.8 19.00 4.31 2.92 0.75
  Shanghai 14.60 4.29 774.91 72.69 849.99 43.00 6.35 0.54 80.46 26.06 70.09 2.96 2.10 182.03 283.28 765.46 769.57 1735.87 1992.09 2074.95 1.0 1.21 80.65 78.76 234.63 123.21 387.12 78 5767.97 83.05 185.78
  Jiangsu 0.24 184.01 0.58 627.20 2777.05 2.29 239.65 894.45 790.67 368.43 74.55 984.33 366.73 249.06 299.95 255.83 53.89 134.78 440.39 12683.21 5666.59 3857.81 4863.97 7364.13 8.5 5.26 29.25 11.63 649.89 602.91 702.19 1765 5269.63 145.15 826.24
  Zhejiang 3.78 2100.23 143.71 283.17 760.99 1054.05 157.73 121.44 1282.80 107.44 107.22 15.15 47.39 24.73 0.14 279.43 10207.80 4333.44 270.15 901.51 1748.75 9.1 1.99 17.39 14.17 1475.44 588.44 342.63 2170 105.65 17.01 356.40
  Anhui 1.19 137.73 1093.40 14.90 139.04 1161.75 10.65 42.27 4.92 185.09 329.06 22.80 36.95 238.39 20.23 36.40 5915.18 576.39 1637.23 1770.18 1906.59 1.6 57.14 29.29 695.01 1130.47 658.41 0.05 229.65
  Fujian 0.22 31.67 1085.38 331.60 7.60 196.97 750.49 151.09 123.09 26.82 296.50 47.09 29.14 18.86 59.12 1.15 30.41 4508.60 1575.31 518.53 633.13 1106.95 0.3 5.96 3.04 705 646.70 0.74 584.53
  Jiangxi 0.31 0.03 186.84 505.55 99.56 94.05 504.00 16.87 42.85 4.70 113.73 185.15 34.03 54.17 2.12 12.51 5271.59 558.68 1036.30 1240.94 1277.21 0.2 0.34 21.14 6.69 0.01 76.03 130.63 139 44.62
  Shandong 1.39 2799.18 8.35 1858.93 2753.67 1.95 473.92 1272.61 78.47 612.12 131.76 1526.92 431.23 365.20 296.21 848.96 23.88 80.04 274.07 13887.26 5619.23 4657.08 4458.74 5027.44 14.4 5.73 42.83 16.58 432.19 596.22 357.96 4843 42.96 1.84 239.44
  Henan 2.09 475.81 14.40 247.56 1960.60 87.77 381.89 1586.08 46.47 305.20 23.00 989.02 177.03 118.03 226.51 520.41 6.97 17.48 108.24 10227.04 3208.94 1715.98 2187.85 2570.78 0.7 5.23 8.16 6.15 290.85 13.41 1.42 101.32
  Hubei 0.12 83.92 2.85 476.20 1751.94 1210.49 212.22 1245.66 11.92 126.11 36.37 132.22 527 47.57 90.27 584.98 8.77 50.42 6169.31 2601.62 1893.36 1991.47 2150.84 0.4 0.23 75.62 25.58 46.73 29.03 493.74 368 0.01
  Hunan 0.61 2.64 150.78 880.64 356.46 1.98 75.64 1648.02 3.34 51.64 4.38 280.46 204.36 43.59 39.02 290.94 17.65 34.63 6043.88 1411.29 1211.80 1299.37 1293.01 0.3 7.57 3.77 55.73 37.02 4.41 1 7.84
  Guangdong 1374.52 59.97 29.74 2771.76 333.72 128.06 300.15 1222.24 41.60 37.34 29.94 1153.97 182.96 25.39 34.62 50.38 0.75 201.55 350.89 9484.35 6392.21 704.42 1066.73 2040.34 1.7 88.18 81.57 317.22 803.39 3918.26 14174 1133.28 114.31 4085.77
  Guangxi 0.05 2.86 0.01 4.02 859.74 518.26 931.12 114.16 653.75 9.82 0.29 149.70 186.98 25.70 3.84 84.27 2.18 10.01 5110.80 533.09 689.91 785.76 941.45 0.3 0.04 70.16 4.23 14 15.09
  Hainan 12.05 2.32 11.26 117.61 10.62 47.46 15.37 77.16 4.67 17.72 0.11 65.14 21.42 619.16 601.35 15.09 3.71 9.25 8.51 8.28
  Chongqing 0.41 9.69 122.39 420.87 136.72 67.85 451.00 5.24 9.03 5.34 81.53 172.92 10.91 72.79 154.35 0.58 0.31 3135.31 208.46 329.58 352.45 447.92 0.7 76.85 40.72 79.16 433.00 418 0.01 10.62
  Sichuan 0.97 23.13 192.71 559.66 1255.61 859.03 5.76 236.10 831.48 37.05 36.60 8.90 211.19 225.98 89.56 118.12 367.52 7.33 81.89 6066.90 3034.65 1425.23 1370.24 1577.19 0.5 0.31 7.67 0.11 171.84 35.32 75.79 1303 0.03 799.37
  Guizhou 1.18 1192.08 380.86 1.20 23.28 1133.70 1.69 0.34 2.41 337.06 12.52 262.21 0.15 4.77 2048.94 331.01 345.64 337.52 0.1 143.81 59 0.15 79.25
  Yunnan 0.87 0.06 91.10 1036.44 621.96 210.11 30.88 3397.77 3.55 1.04 0.03 36.68 811.9 15.80 16.76 335.06 0.06 13.98 3863.80 333.35 1155.23 901.31 834.57 2.6 4.31 0.09
  Tibet 15.99 14.41 9.04 166.56
  Shaanxi 2.43 2463.60 143.79 41.31 823.87 57.93 84.04 772.51 20.43 7.88 73.50 97.51 28.05 28.00 136.52 0.61 33.88 3608.62 1250.45 298.02 304.95 500.98 1.5 26.82 19.30 22.35
  Gansu 0.40 74.99 0.50 4.32 690.22 217.55 1.63 51.90 389.50 0.70 0.69 14.09 203.21 8.49 20.00 71.34 0.13 70.15 117.08 1560.32 576.18 550.79 475.72 577.30 0.4 0.94 0.94 9.81 0.10 30.71
  Qinghai 0.13 220.35 43.80 235.72 318.73 217.00 9.42 0.32 14.71 1.39 115.50 243.94 0.03 2.76 457.75 102.98 92.28 115.07 113.59 0.1
  Ningxia 0.43 466.15 16.22 11.04 0.04 0.16 69.02 31.77 48.51 1.80 109.15 2.24 45.10 884.76 14.58 32.77 33.18 0.4
  Xinjiang 0.68 2715.13 236.03 114.74 486.84 72.56 53.77 38.54 120.00 12.52 36.85 1.20 23.31 17.95 62.36 15.87 158.43 25.86 128.12 1663.82 10.72 499.39 535.6 566.54 0.05 0.25 5.00
a) Data of output of coal in 1999-2004 have been revised data according to the First National Economic Census.   
b) Machined-made sugar was called sugar in 1997 and before, in which the homemade sugar was included.1998-2004 was called machine-made sugar.
c) Unit of beer in 2003 and before was 10 000 tons.
d) Unit of cigarettes in 2003 and before was 10 000 boxes.
e) Before 2004, the primary plastic was called plastic colophony copolymer, or plastic in abbreviation. And of 2004, it was revised figure according to 
f) Estimated by China Steel Association, the output of rolled steel of whole country in 2008 is 482.15 million tons after deducting the output 
    calculated repeatedly. The same applies to the tables following.