13-16  Main Indicators of Industrial Enterprises with Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Foreign Funds by Region 
(100 million yuan)
Year Number Gross Value Total Total Annual Average Original Annual Average Total Total Total Revenue from Cost of Taxes and Total Value- Annual Average
Region of Industrial Added of Assets Working Balance of Value of Balance of Liabilities Working Owners' Principal Principal Other Charges Profits added Employed
Enterprises Output Industry   Capitals Working Fixed Net Value of   Liabilities Equities Business Business on Principal   Tax Persons
  (unit) Value       Capitals Assets Fixed Assets           Business   Payable (10 000 Persons)
1998 26442 16757.90 4055.07 21326.95 9971.87 9671.91 11439.70 8313.98 12481.58 9507.28 8844.84 15604.60 13023.55 98.64 418.61 521.06 775.19
1999 26837 18954.23 4850.92 23018.92 11127.85 10606.05 12747.02 9062.95 13287.86 10407.35 9730.41 17966.55 14824.32 111.51 753.93 590.79 791.86
2000 28445 23464.55 6090.35 25714.06 12849.54 11926.66 14318.30 9808.74 14658.92 11616.67 11054.36 22545.74 18583.27 129.76 1282.48 738.88 852.96
2001 31423 27220.91 7128.11 28354.46 14029.75 13750.96 16700.30 11111.58 15558.91 12466.43 12794.29 26022.08 21677.74 134.78 1442.95 876.37 938.98
2002 34466 32459.28 8573.10 31513.76 16237.04 15174.60 18726.88 12097.09 17136.03 14146.01 14359.94 31189.27 25907.35 151.87 1877.22 960.87 1054.34
2003 38581 44357.81 11599.65 39260.26 21489.84 19866.14 21818.93 13722.33 21763.06 18466.50 17473.30 43607.63 36604.09 223.65 2777.44 1189.01 1258.67
2004 57165 65995.21 15240.50 55601.79 30615.15 28266.85 29387.92 18572.57 31278.34 26700.51 24298.79 65105.85 55649.54 296.90 3875.97 1508.66 1755.26
2005 56387 79860.23 20468.28 64308.47 35303.97 33416.06 34266.82 21419.03 36459.37 30842.48 27770.72 78564.46 67862.98 326.90 4140.81 1811.52 1899.64
2006 60872 100076.51 25545.80 77108.65 42674.93 40289.50 40865.54 25638.05 43398.56 36790.35 33663.65 98936.12 84903.31 477.55 5384.06 2361.95 2118.10
2007 67456 127629.31 32129.72 96367.04 53781.51 50082.40 49543.59 30957.95 55168.22 47263.62 41198.76 125497.96 106981.42 653.89 7527.38 3016.72 2353.04
2008 77847 149794.17 112145.01 60340.18 58983.31 60440.68 36870.89 62831.00 52872.51 49307.20 146613.62 125931.62 884.89 8242.63 3916.89 2579.42
  Beijing 1522 4353.92 3248.22 1970.18 1936.19 1590.12 931.13 1769.24 1575.26 1478.97 4602.75 3907.25 22.33 240.45 112.26 38.98
  Tianjin 2384 5657.56 3566.69 2161.76 2209.22 1771.67 1074.41 1878.25 1697.47 1688.44 5661.43 4874.84 49.15 291.90 108.42 53.60
  Hebei 1142 4074.32 3000.53 1446.51 1414.15 1694.26 1082.45 1736.41 1336.88 1264.12 3925.83 3364.65 10.61 286.57 134.54 40.95
  Shanxi 177 626.42 816.72 325.27 316.60 552.84 362.51 503.41 362.72 313.31 605.65 483.34 5.71 52.36 35.76 13.15
  Inner Mongolia 208 883.21 1034.66 372.66 346.85 552.23 418.19 629.85 410.73 404.81 828.58 636.08 9.91 79.37 39.29 7.95
  Liaoning 3199 5139.41 4266.98 2201.46 2282.81 2391.29 1426.66 2381.01 2000.42 1885.98 5048.66 4360.00 39.59 179.43 101.79 70.20
  Jilin 396 2190.21 1250.35 649.98 553.57 780.19 417.92 705.30 543.07 545.05 1901.80 1550.45 57.66 145.18 26.58 13.05
  Heilongjiang 293 691.39 852.44 428.41 395.90 512.61 312.67 492.64 439.74 359.80 717.35 537.23 6.23 58.15 37.00 13.91
  Shanghai 6737 14992.19 11036.08 6255.16 6320.86 6218.68 3358.97 6150.55 5265.53 4885.36 15580.65 13644.51 59.23 471.98 281.08 166.52
  Jiangsu 14162 28102.35 21168.76 11197.57 10942.25 11963.38 7523.52 11891.32 10186.58 9277.45 27462.21 23827.19 42.63 1763.57 725.58 439.52
  Zhejiang 9353 11075.29 9880.75 5766.84 5621.16 4183.63 2928.46 5754.25 5153.83 4126.49 10751.93 9302.18 21.48 535.53 259.10 223.21
  Anhui 835 1475.86 1161.05 573.06 572.90 655.25 427.49 686.83 570.58 474.23 1339.06 1103.81 9.65 104.00 59.34 22.38
  Fujian 5831 7935.32 5805.83 3204.89 3193.66 2705.87 1694.00 3085.49 2556.09 2720.35 7711.37 6699.78 30.97 468.68 177.57 201.34
  Jiangxi 787 1279.16 1172.30 490.16 439.84 816.85 561.55 540.91 400.03 624.76 1285.63 1061.59 10.75 115.24 37.75 34.65
  Shandong 6071 11861.90 7401.01 3565.95 3455.20 4208.89 2584.77 3936.41 3190.50 3464.60 11326.88 9850.70 44.57 617.50 269.29 175.31
  Henan 592 1829.56 1530.21 666.67 663.17 886.26 600.74 908.73 685.12 621.49 1909.23 1636.23 10.51 136.67 66.51 22.88
  Hubei 866 3048.18 2873.53 1300.62 1215.94 1699.50 751.79 1465.44 1157.44 1408.08 2930.96 2381.25 44.01 206.19 119.64 31.90
  Hunan 627 1010.83 1165.68 358.01 339.90 810.37 551.57 727.88 404.35 437.81 975.24 781.97 20.25 59.57 56.34 17.93
  Guangdong 20258 37795.72 25094.46 14646.61 14131.29 13262.27 7791.62 14220.15 12392.13 10874.31 36442.98 31358.96 316.88 2028.34 1041.71 914.82
  Guangxi 573 1327.03 1094.44 544.68 521.72 560.45 375.69 645.24 495.39 449.20 1259.54 1062.21 10.38 73.35 40.44 19.71
  Hainan 105 581.60 498.95 203.23 204.75 301.04 251.03 353.60 248.45 145.35 557.74 480.30 11.32 25.51 11.95 3.38
  Chongqing 286 1110.74 1018.14 456.86 471.55 643.22 413.56 619.71 452.84 398.42 1127.58 904.45 20.92 74.22 52.64 11.74
  Sichuan 664 1254.36 1367.03 712.09 623.49 589.70 348.52 730.44 594.62 636.59 1195.84 947.80 15.31 126.39 52.39 19.64
  Guizhou 106 115.77 152.31 79.00 71.57 49.28 33.40 93.04 81.89 59.27 106.20 80.82 1.66 9.80 4.75 2.93
  Yunnan 232 317.48 401.55 184.44 170.52 272.49 167.46 212.79 158.53 188.76 308.43 245.92 2.67 23.34 14.52 5.15
  Tibet 2 4.06 6.77 3.20 3.10 4.37 3.40 1.16 1.16 5.61 3.74 2.23 0.80 0.34 0.06
  Shaanxi 231 624.36 604.61 302.49 293.48 375.29 223.60 345.04 269.39 259.57 559.25 438.66 5.03 41.76 32.24 8.33
  Gansu 55 94.06 165.80 58.77 51.05 132.91 82.85 87.27 55.93 78.52 86.99 72.47 3.25 4.70 4.68 1.45
  Qinghai 24 154.62 288.24 109.08 111.74 137.37 86.22 149.17 80.15 139.07 202.38 172.16 1.05 12.02 7.02 1.74
  Ningxia 45 99.16 107.31 50.04 54.61 57.63 42.76 64.57 48.70 42.74 96.76 81.54 0.41 3.06 2.82 1.43
  Xinjiang 84 88.14 113.60 54.54 54.29 60.81 41.98 64.92 57.01 48.68 101.02 81.04 0.76 7.04 3.53 1.63