13-12  Main Indicators of Private Industrial Enterprises by Region
(100 million yuan)
Year Number Gross Value Total Total Annual Average Original Annual Average Total Total Total Revenue from Cost of Taxes and Total Value- Annual Average
Region of Industrial Added of Assets Working Balance of Value of Balance of Liabilities Working Owners' Principal Principal Other Charges Profits added Employed
Enterprises Output Industry   Capitals Working Fixed Net Value of   Liabilities Equities Business Business on Principal   Tax Persons
  (unit) Value       Capitals Assets Fixed Assets           Business   Payable (10 000 persons)
1998 10667 2082.87 509.63 1486.98 776.53 738.94 681.14 541.58 909.42 771.59 577.55 1846.25 1563.23 21.13 67.25 53.04 160.80
1999 14601 3244.56 806.48 2289.21 1217.04 1171.31 1034.21 795.95 1367.12 1159.58 922.10 2921.58 2485.20 30.46 121.52 85.49 229.06
2000 22128 5220.36 1318.48 3873.83 1910.75 1806.24 1651.37 1243.72 2208.83 1891.82 1664.99 4791.50 4121.97 44.91 189.68 143.60 346.42
2001 36218 8760.89 2174.41 5901.98 3130.00 2992.85 2741.06 2039.37 3527.40 3037.27 2374.59 7982.43 6947.43 68.46 312.56 242.55 541.52
2002 49176 12950.86 3255.83 8759.62 4686.53 4437.08 3959.95 2909.24 5192.26 4493.43 3567.35 11971.63 10433.80 95.67 490.23 368.39 732.90
2003 67607 20980.23 5378.76 14525.29 7838.48 7275.96 6228.85 4565.14 8781.24 7697.03 5743.95 19733.77 17194.65 146.14 859.64 589.24 1027.61
2004 119357 35141.25 8290.00 23724.80 13080.46 11978.21 9992.56 7467.75 14529.31 12866.37 9195.48 33487.25 29452.27 257.14 1429.74 964.44 1515.43
2005 123820 47778.20 12855.55 30325.12 16426.01 15484.96 12983.32 9586.90 18038.87 15964.40 12286.22 45801.43 39914.50 352.22 2120.65 1336.63 1692.06
2006 149736 67239.81 18735.86 40514.83 22035.64 20829.64 17316.09 12605.93 23946.79 21160.92 16567.96 64817.70 56316.16 476.64 3191.05 1868.62 1971.01
2007 177080 94023.28 26382.18 53304.95 29412.56 27421.89 22383.18 16043.59 31120.19 27495.89 22184.60 90277.81 77335.75 656.62 5053.74 2698.44 2252.91
2008 245850 136340.33 75879.59 40572.42 38125.24 34437.22 23944.58 42825.30 37262.29 33051.48 131525.40 112220.27 1123.38 8302.06 4378.36 2871.89
  Beijing 2354 649.91 703.07 481.29 436.71 179.68 120.16 434.66 409.75 268.41 664.43 552.89 2.88 23.97 17.63 17.77
  Tianjin 3532 1859.19 1027.91 669.66 636.61 328.41 237.78 680.82 633.46 347.10 1871.19 1737.32 3.70 45.35 25.53 28.74
  Hebei 7555 8044.14 3538.45 1695.95 1620.73 1899.11 1378.41 2002.72 1739.18 1535.73 7708.52 6659.56 53.94 556.43 215.50 110.62
  Shanxi 1593 1651.07 1523.71 765.04 700.41 662.82 496.83 974.79 844.78 548.92 1654.23 1364.62 22.41 83.56 120.48 31.15
  Inner Mongolia 1857 1900.47 1089.96 521.25 469.97 451.86 347.24 644.43 518.19 445.53 1858.26 1492.60 26.70 139.79 71.56 25.84
  Liaoning 13637 7596.22 4173.15 1834.21 1775.44 2233.12 1549.63 2065.96 1626.72 2107.19 7311.86 6206.73 71.69 463.47 188.64 126.40
  Jilin 2928 1813.63 1051.55 439.32 417.75 640.27 474.51 524.50 375.91 527.05 1713.32 1380.30 17.77 93.95 37.13 33.83
  Heilongjiang 2132 921.36 772.83 393.74 351.11 384.01 256.29 440.77 347.76 332.07 932.88 783.93 8.90 58.46 41.64 26.31
  Shanghai 8975 2995.47 2329.66 1525.61 1416.73 753.49 521.28 1445.01 1349.33 884.65 2940.98 2572.48 7.60 118.59 74.74 75.46
  Jiangsu 43827 21713.26 12075.51 7252.30 6771.83 5093.85 3337.19 7444.67 6953.74 4630.84 21099.89 18377.16 114.65 1220.29 752.33 455.51
  Zhejiang 40320 16817.25 13398.10 8236.95 7868.35 4561.59 3212.27 8759.29 8173.81 4638.62 16132.24 14219.92 80.31 663.40 428.38 419.43
  Anhui 7509 2885.42 1692.53 892.77 826.95 756.77 548.73 944.37 839.00 748.16 2718.48 2299.87 26.21 169.22 87.07 70.92
  Fujian 8332 3827.97 2162.87 1180.31 1106.17 934.31 713.20 1090.79 944.92 1072.08 3701.23 3166.39 34.91 217.40 97.59 115.42
  Jiangxi 4073 2971.58 1602.83 566.10 566.82 1313.20 860.00 754.27 537.03 846.80 2933.59 2479.64 34.47 227.89 133.80 68.67
  Shandong 26993 20730.81 7863.20 3467.59 3324.46 4228.95 3028.42 3643.05 2912.95 4219.28 20045.72 17159.60 169.85 1338.67 605.78 331.87
  Henan 11623 9829.87 3592.01 1605.21 1525.58 1875.77 1528.22 1334.75 1025.71 2257.26 9433.29 7682.55 112.87 1183.95 372.76 151.85
  Hubei 6432 2652.34 1503.18 719.96 671.70 862.09 538.38 799.14 629.28 704.04 2508.40 2073.86 45.16 155.24 93.72 68.83
  Hunan 8066 4232.44 1719.71 709.63 675.11 898.78 678.13 797.33 595.05 922.38 4118.82 3289.98 86.75 256.95 182.23 99.69
  Guangdong 21658 10705.08 5356.38 3266.97 3015.34 2579.26 1528.09 3247.64 2891.33 2108.74 10329.11 8833.76 75.63 523.49 350.63 303.16
  Guangxi 2938 1507.22 865.19 467.10 433.39 334.10 242.83 518.78 435.64 346.41 1360.30 1194.48 8.90 48.31 41.74 35.12
  Hainan 113 76.12 80.04 43.50 39.23 28.82 20.52 42.39 32.72 37.65 73.79 48.90 0.93 16.24 4.88 2.06
  Chongqing 4804 2400.06 1473.87 785.30 694.40 620.47 427.42 851.37 696.06 622.50 2330.45 1970.64 17.76 136.46 74.76 71.38
  Sichuan 7960 4928.91 2707.68 1247.65 1162.71 1418.06 903.36 1430.49 1144.02 1277.19 4716.85 3951.01 59.89 283.20 206.85 111.39
  Guizhou 1267 536.98 421.02 215.63 188.01 180.89 132.24 225.22 184.84 195.80 499.19 377.97 12.51 39.31 29.45 18.20
  Yunnan 1740 1176.26 1105.67 574.26 535.58 485.59 332.12 677.46 529.20 428.21 1104.83 927.70 9.41 84.46 55.70 28.78
  Tibet 22 7.77 13.53 7.28 6.82 4.10 3.24 3.58 2.97 9.96 7.38 4.55 0.07 1.62 0.49 0.24
  Shaanxi 1387 767.94 727.42 317.95 273.12 241.58 182.52 293.25 243.41 434.18 693.03 509.56 10.54 88.93 32.22 16.64
  Gansu 730 273.48 311.23 147.46 134.85 142.64 95.60 163.79 134.29 147.44 247.73 197.36 2.76 19.56 8.55 10.29
  Qinghai 157 104.90 166.88 87.36 69.90 61.18 46.58 97.12 72.83 69.76 91.13 74.76 0.77 9.75 3.14 2.05
  Ningxia 568 358.58 338.74 193.56 173.16 123.13 88.53 219.10 195.22 119.64 346.68 310.86 1.49 7.54 9.85 6.09
  Xinjiang 768 404.64 491.70 261.51 236.31 159.34 114.88 273.78 243.19 217.92 377.59 319.32 1.92 26.62 13.58 8.15