11-25  Emission and Treatment of Industrial Waste Gas in Major Cities (2008)
Volume of Volume Volume Volume of Volume Volume Facilities   Annual
Sulphur of of Industry of of for Desulfuri- Expenditure
Dioxide Industrial Industrial Sulphur Industrial Industrial Treatment zation for
Emission Soot Dust Dioxide Soot Dust of Waste Facilities Operation
by Industry Emission Emission Removed Removed Removed Gas (set)   (10 000 yuan)
Beijing 57783 19983 15251 112491 1999029 1083613 2547 1037 75447.0
Tianjin 209844 58465 7439 220907 3079450 1193141 3052 1601 143502.7
Shijiazhuang 170950 39344 36792 196111 2781513 292650 1434 427 39999.4
Taiyuan 100089 40611 32352 190322 5291878 874214 1234 515 95212.0
Hohhot 81597 16411 3243 144378 3203024 85678 550 57 34707.9
Shenyang 92909 75372 6621 29540 910770 15896 2181 717 13771.8
Changchun 56831 63604 24698 5897 1539123 850498 671 41 10902.7
Harbin 54022 60318 30145 21334 1803966 165751 863 42 15080.1
Shanghai 298000 40629 7986 240328 5244246 1033620 3839 552 170972.2
Nanjing 141926 33854 44389 420254 2718339 780244 1123 115 77111.0
Hangzhou 91983 37124 25601 85900 1201816 787918 1672 361 70021.7
Hefei 27823 12670 5710 4654 890555 130902 389 40 5963.5
Fuzhou 92837 8047 2911 62586 1292174 16364 537 15 41655.4
Nanchang 22500 16189 6375 22689 479024 277967 499 69 19357.3
Jinan 68412 20359 30191 126297 1576166 686285 765 156 108327.9
Zhengzhou 134535 67457 30200 66264 2957589 556885 1408 104 47821.1
Wuhan 118123 36140 8544 100181 2499425 351745 551 28 42962.3
Changsha 60550 38244 134766 25918 501100 200845 315 76 3344.2
Guangzhou 100885 16670 2434 156273 2090631 59019 2069 287 99511.8
Nanning 58513 29503 8927 19534 386231 341237 840 187 13352.1
Haikou 204 236 15 19 1 1543.1
Chongqing 627238 100978 153301 653244 2797694 417022 2978 365 340460.2
Chengdu 107032 35877 4256 56134 2166644 135110 1545 84 27128.0
Guiyang 85459 17069 15800 241095 955192 322083 753 186 41726.2
Kunming 93162 10650 9083 631687 1251847 409531 1414 92 79416.2
Lhasa 637 514 588 307 36 11 130.0
Xi'an 96587 19806 8553 29235 658529 146190 920 160 7306.2
Lanzhou 71865 13076 11008 19741 1036941 110675 512 14 421322.5
Xining 72285 23065 33197 10995 1157589 383683 420 3 30201.5
Yinchuan 18489 6319 2079 14163 127314 68722 242 60 7339.8
Urumqi 124725 33495 8520 3630 397834 104415 474 160 9776.0