10-4  Main Indicators of National Economic and Social Development of Cities at Prefecture Level and Above (2008)
Item National
Prefecture Percentage of
Cities Prefecture
(Districts Cities
under to National
City) Total (%)
  Natural Resources                                                                  
    Area of Land                                                 (10 000 sq.km) 960.0 62.2 6.5
     Population at Year-end                              (10 000 persons) 132802.0 37619.3 28.3
  National Accounting                                                             
    Gross Regional Product                           (100 million yuan) 300670.0 186279.5 62.0
      Primary Industry                                                                   34000.0 5931.0 17.4
      Secondary Industry                                                               146183.4 94343.5 64.5
      Tertiary Industry                                                                   120486.6 86005.0 71.4
  Investment in Fixed Assets                                                   
    Total Investment in Fixed Assets           (100 million yuan) 172828.4 89842.0 52.0
      Real Estate Development                                                      31203.2 23835.4 76.4
  Government Finance                                                             
    Local Government Revenue                   (100 million yuan) 61330.4 16892.7 27.5
    Local Government Expenditure             (100 million yuan) 62592.7 21296.7 34.0
  Imports and Exports of Goods                                                            
    Total Value of Imports and Exports        (100 million USD) 25632.6 25364.4 99.0
      Exports                                                                                  14306.9 14122.8 98.7
      Imports                                                                                  11325.6 11241.6 99.3
    Number of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size(unit)      426113 181900 42.7
      Domestic Funded Enterprises                                               348266 134332 38.6
      Enterprises with Funds from Hong Kong,                            35578 22002 61.8
        Macao and Taiwan                                                            
      Foreign Funded Enterprises                                                  42269 25566 60.5
    Gross Industrial Output Value               (100 million yuan) 507448 298482 58.8
      Domestic Funded Enterprises                                               357654 187613 52.5
      Enterprises with Funds from Hong Kong,                            51308 36566 71.3
         Macao and Taiwan              
      Foreign Funded Enterprises                                                  98486 74302.4 75.4
    Annual Average Balance of Net Value of Fixed Assets        
                                                                   (100 million yuan) 151665.2 81944.4 54.0
    Revenue from Principal Business          (100 million yuan) 500020.1 302189.6 60.4
    Value Added Tax Payable                      (100 million yuan) 17690.7 8922.9 50.4
    Total Profits                                            (100 million yuan) 30562.4 15186.0 49.7
  Postal and Telecommunication Services(100 million yuan)
     Revenue from Postal Services 1401.8 815.6 58.2
     Revenue from Telecommunication Services 22247.7 10044.9 45.2
  Domestic Trade                                                                      
    Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods     (100 million yuan)                    108487.7 68513.7 63.2
    Institutions of Higher Education                                           
      Number of Institution                                                 (unit) 2263 1806 79.8
      Student Enrollment                                   (10 000 persons) 2021.0 1843.5 91.2
  Health Care                                                                            
    Hospital and Health Center                                          (unit) 59572 19809 33.3
    Licensed (Assistant) Doctors                       (10 000 persons) 208.2 109.0 52.3
    Number of Beds of Hospitals and Health Centers (10 000 beds) 374.8 198.7 53.0
a) Data in this table are preliminary data, and are those of districts under the jurisdiction of cities, except that imports and exports of goods, revenue 
    from postal services, revenue from telecommunication services are those of districts under the jurisdiction of cities and also their counties.