4-26  Average Wage of Staff and Workers by Sector and Region
Year Total Agriculture, Mining Manufacturing Production Construction Transport, Information Wholesale Hotels Financial Real Estate Leasing Scientific Management Services to Education Health, Culture, Public
Research, of Water Households Social Sports Management
Forestry, and Storage Transmission, and and Intermediation and Technical Conservancy, and Securities and and Social
Region Animal Distribution and Post Computer Retail Catering   Business Services, and Environment Other and Social Entertainment Organization
Husbandry of Electricity,   Service and Trades Services   Services Geological and Public Services Welfare    
and Fishery Gas and Water   Software         Prospecting Facilities        
2003 14040 6969 13682 12496 18752 11478 15973 32244 10939 11083 22457 17182 16501 20636 12095 12900 14399 16352 17268 15533
2004 16024 7611 16874 14033 21805 12770 18381 34988 12923 12535 26982 18712 18131 23593 13336 14152 16277 18617 20730 17609
2005 18364 8309 20626 15757 25073 14338 21352 40558 15241 13857 32228 20581 20992 27434 14753 16642 18470 21048 22885 20505
2006 21001 9430 24335 17966 28765 16406 24623 44763 17736 15206 39280 22578 23648 31909 16140 18935 21134 23898 26126 22883
2007 24932 11086 28377 20884 33809 18758 28434 49225 20888 17041 49435 26425 26965 38879 19064 21550 26162 28258 30662 28171
2008 29229 12958 34405 24192 39204 21527 32796 56642 25538 19481 61841 30327 31735 46003 22182 23801 30185 32714 34494 32955
  Beijing        56328 26403 60045 38136 72962 39320 46043 94362 54508 28813 178322 43230 53968 76123 38325 24756 55200 62479 68061 61888
  Tianjin        41748 28491 57406 33356 74912 43238 48663 57001 31098 22771 94216 39726 24839 63934 35032 27200 45894 47584 45074 56602
  Hebei          24756 9614 38143 21056 39922 19006 26710 39340 13467 13732 38206 22242 17439 37248 18382 32168 25732 23989 21540 25363
  Shanxi         25828 16720 38013 20345 34196 20050 29894 28049 13990 11985 35717 16129 15986 27849 14379 15439 24461 20785 21484 24323
  Inner Mongolia 26114 13192 32246 22423 41241 17730 31320 29692 18563 16092 37404 20651 22904 31094 20802 27970 30566 29042 27947 30101
  Liaoning       27729 7547 36234 26012 34575 21259 29152 49726 23005 16675 47091 23169 19096 38154 19993 18491 32168 28197 29907 32238
  Jilin          23486 12100 29260 23867 28901 16314 24158 30465 17743 14714 32335 18657 23057 30381 15407 13858 26437 22642 21865 24765
  Heilongjiang   23046 10077 27925 21334 28865 19810 25135 37844 19480 18223 37573 19138 19469 34733 15457 22135 27779 26160 26010 28181
  Shanghai       56565 34897 73601 43678 74089 61739 53061 95821 57426 37084 125737 57015 48803 76948 47021 18759 59876 67617 57756 62171
  Jiangsu        31667 14841 33515 25187 54494 23578 31178 50071 25966 21310 64113 35480 26299 50103 28503 30300 35696 38505 41837 49565
  Zhejiang       34146 31071 27385 23629 68050 25252 40991 70982 34163 22052 92509 38444 29297 52261 30675 31991 50090 51938 51605 57346
  Anhui          26363 12670 44086 22644 31383 20309 22808 31187 17223 14249 39069 22080 19973 29714 18217 22603 25843 25838 23221 29801
  Fujian         25702 16768 23877 20445 40196 24268 34086 48671 24876 17491 65119 30601 23864 37450 23854 22645 31811 33990 30059 34761
  Jiangxi        21000 12628 20706 17643 27894 17165 29001 27035 18347 14076 32638 18398 16216 25807 16723 18420 22734 25506 24150 22488
  Shandong       26404 19482 35906 21114 34060 20753 31798 39400 18486 17781 49166 24558 24362 37252 22438 31878 31293 31073 36365 30020
  Henan          24816 13631 37735 21181 31503 19983 27046 28093 17192 16722 39748 22304 21737 29105 20792 17232 26614 25724 23427 25662
  Hubei          22739 11011 24808 22208 29151 18863 23464 30962 17197 13587 37936 21480 19110 32524 16521 19386 22803 22948 23434 27255
  Hunan          24870 15604 21234 22422 30274 19117 25428 33629 22798 15935 37239 24719 20503 31980 21134 20726 28046 31247 26677 26418
  Guangdong      33110 13048 36865 24751 48944 22925 43097 61719 31659 20795 84399 32357 33791 57863 26290 26684 34628 42635 41374 44879
  Guangxi        25660 13997 22528 21644 35162 22300 28899 39506 18824 13904 50202 23872 20077 31683 17601 19819 25125 28360 29732 32239
  Hainan         21864 10793 24165 18421 32845 17793 34771 54115 18626 15528 43851 20345 21098 23938 15369 18124 26889 27525 24644 30519
  Chongqing      26985 16571 26103 24249 40270 20823 25596 43567 22422 15260 57570 23889 20974 41384 17639 19276 27723 33037 27941 33103
  Sichuan        25038 15431 28796 22090 30819 17905 28089 38780 21140 16439 48555 22164 26099 43470 17806 18579 23768 30194 26404 30243
  Guizhou        24602 17631 24509 22565 43636 17105 27269 35680 22980 12583 50944 15522 20076 25945 18575 13700 24050 26655 25178 26693
  Yunnan         24030 14346 23776 23613 38297 16404 31280 35104 22888 13427 45295 17985 21727 26743 16257 17194 22854 23848 20410 28330
  Tibet          47280 34888 32884 20450 43140 18963 38788 64156 30544 18565 65751 36046 29733 48944 27381 33914 48916 48026 49852 54647
  Shaanxi        25942 17077 33669 21034 33268 17108 29969 51960 15302 16386 42453 32769 20758 37438 20584 25206 30362 26751 21350 25570
  Gansu          24017 14477 34612 25041 30797 13636 28282 20378 15433 13983 27887 15013 16808 26855 20559 22189 25499 23288 23090 25467
  Qinghai        30983 22502 35273 24056 36495 19100 34830 34216 19236 14521 38749 24397 18880 44824 24925 46027 37160 33976 32098 35116
  Ningxia        30719 16536 52282 23015 45512 19780 30073 34613 24380 14355 54763 23698 19635 31351 22325 22729 31039 28320 30556 31852
  Xinjiang       24687 14550 40916 24937 33551 21260 37275 35390 23482 16962 42633 19821 18112 29833 21028 16488 26656 26569 25827 29337