4-22  Average Wage of Staff and Workers and Related Indices
Year Average Wage Indices (preceding year=100)
(yuan) Average Wage Average Real Wage
Total State- Urban Units of Total State- Urban Units of Total State- Urban Units of
Region owned Collective Other owned Collective Other owned Collective Other
Units -owned Types of Units -owned Types of Units -owned Types of
  Units Ownership   Units Ownership Units Ownership
1978 615 644 506           106.8 107.0 105.9           106.0 106.2 105.1          
1980 762 803 623           114.1 113.9 114.9           106.1 106.0 106.9          
1985 1148 1213 967 1436 117.9 117.3 119.2 137.0 105.3 104.8 106.6 122.5
1990 2140 2284 1681 2987 110.6 111.1 108.0 110.3 109.2 109.7 106.6 108.9
1991 2340 2477 1866 3468 109.3 108.5 111.0 116.1 104.0 103.2 105.6 110.5
1992 2711 2878 2109 3966 115.9 116.2 113.0 114.4 106.7 107.0 104.1 105.3
1993 3371 3532 2592 4966 124.3 122.7 122.9 125.2 107.1 105.7 105.9 107.9
1994 4538 4797 3245 6303 134.6 135.8 125.2 126.9 107.7 108.7 100.2 101.5
1995 5500 5625 3931 7463 121.2 117.3 121.1 118.4 103.8 100.4 103.7 101.4
1996 6210 6280 4302 8261 112.9 111.6 109.4 110.7 103.8 102.6 100.6 101.7
1997 6470 6747 4512 8789 104.2 107.4 104.9 106.4 101.1 104.2 101.7 103.2
1998 7479 7668 5331 8972 106.6 106.1 102.5 97.7 107.2 106.7 103.1 98.3
1999 8346 8543 5774 9829 111.6 111.4 108.3 109.6 113.1 112.9 109.7 111.0
2000 9371 9552 6262 10984 112.3 111.8 108.5 111.8 111.4 110.9 107.6 110.9
2001 10870 11178 6867 12140 116.0 117.0 109.7 110.5 115.2 116.2 108.9 109.7
2002 12422 12869 7667 13212 114.3 115.1 111.6 108.8 115.5 116.3 112.7 109.9
2003 14040 14577 8678 14574 113.0 113.3 113.2 110.3 112.0 112.3 112.2 109.3
2004 16024 16729 9814 16259 114.1 114.8 113.1 111.6 110.5 111.1 109.5 108.0
2005 18364 19313 11283 18244 114.6 115.4 115.0 112.2 112.8 113.6 113.2 110.4
2006 21001 22112 13014 20755 114.4 114.5 115.3 113.8 112.7 112.8 113.6 112.1
2007 24932 26620 15595 24058 118.7 120.4 119.8 115.9 113.6 115.2 114.6 110.9
2008 29229 31005 18338 28387 117.2 116.5 117.6 118.0 111.0 110.3 111.4 111.7
  Beijing        56328 59366 24467 56053 121.1 117.5 120.1 123.2 115.3 111.8 114.3 117.3
  Tianjin        41748 46306 27190 38968 119.5 123.0 115.9 116.2 113.4 116.7 110.0 110.2
  Hebei          24756 25730 15293 24320 124.3 123.1 122.9 126.7 118.2 117.0 116.8 120.4
  Shanxi         25828 26557 16947 26464 120.0 119.0 119.8 122.1 112.1 111.2 112.0 114.1
  Inner Mongolia 26114 27316 18809 24476 119.3 119.7 131.2 116.7 113.2 113.6 124.5 110.8
  Liaoning       27729 29456 15365 27163 119.5 119.0 125.5 119.0 114.5 114.0 120.2 114.0
  Jilin          23486 24754 12761 22813 114.5 114.1 114.6 114.6 109.0 108.6 109.1 109.1
  Heilongjiang   23046 23230 13198 25083 118.9 118.3 122.4 120.0 113.3 112.7 116.6 114.3
  Shanghai       56565 62279 33811 53981 114.7 112.1 109.3 117.5 108.4 106.0 103.3 111.1
  Jiangsu        31667 39325 22929 27067 115.7 117.7 121.7 114.5 109.9 111.8 115.6 108.8
  Zhejiang       34146 53476 29137 26963 109.8 109.5 114.4 113.7 104.8 104.5 109.2 108.5
  Anhui          26363 26475 18340 27731 118.9 118.0 119.6 119.2 112.1 111.3 112.8 112.4
  Fujian         25702 33097 22108 22205 115.3 118.2 117.3 114.2 110.4 113.2 112.3 109.3
  Jiangxi        21000 22608 13934 18247 114.1 115.2 110.8 111.6 107.8 108.8 104.6 105.4
  Shandong       26404 31169 18656 22564 115.6 114.2 119.3 116.5 110.4 109.0 113.9 111.2
  Henan          24816 26536 17118 24189 118.5 118.8 108.0 119.0 111.3 111.6 101.4 111.7
  Hubei          22739 24756 14840 20293 114.7 112.7 114.8 120.6 108.7 106.8 108.8 114.3
  Hunan          24870 27076 18294 22273 115.5 116.0 113.8 115.7 109.2 109.7 107.6 109.4
  Guangdong      33110 40775 18461 29580 112.5 112.0 113.1 112.8 106.6 106.1 107.2 106.9
  Guangxi        25660 27634 16994 22399 117.2 118.3 119.1 114.5 108.9 109.9 110.6 106.4
  Hainan         21864 21330 15300 24510 113.0 112.6 126.8 109.5 106.5 106.1 119.5 103.2
  Chongqing      26985 29761 17444 24864 116.8 117.3 115.1 116.5 110.6 111.1 109.0 110.4
  Sichuan        25038 28596 18464 20196 117.5 117.4 121.7 118.8 112.2 112.1 116.2 113.5
  Guizhou        24602 25874 20914 21659 119.0 117.0 123.8 122.6 111.2 109.3 115.7 114.6
  Yunnan         24030 26765 18194 19683 117.3 117.0 129.5 117.9 111.2 111.0 122.8 111.8
  Tibet          47280 48975 13023 24778 102.6 102.5 110.6 94.1 97.1 97.0 104.6 89.0
  Shaanxi        25942 26516 13523 27320 121.8 122.5 119.8 119.5 114.7 115.3 112.8 112.5
  Gansu          24017 25284 16179 20966 114.4 113.3 124.7 116.8 105.9 104.9 115.5 108.2
  Qinghai        30983 35454 15342 19587 118.4 119.4 116.0 114.4 108.7 109.6 106.5 105.1
  Ningxia        30719 31111 31155 30054 117.2 116.6 122.8 118.0 108.6 108.1 113.8 109.4
  Xinjiang       24687 24016 22060 26815 115.2 112.4 124.1 122.3 107.3 104.7 115.6 113.9