4-20  Average Earning of Employed Persons in Urban Units by Sector and Region 
Year Total   Mining Manufacturing   Construction           Real Estate   Scientific Management Services to Education Health, Culture, Public
Agriculture, Production Transport, Information Wholesale Hotels Financial Leasing Research, of Water Households Social Sports Management
Forestry, and Storage Transmission, and and Intermediation and Technical Conservancy, and Securities and and Social
Region Animal Distribution and Post Computer Retail Catering   Business Services, and Environment Other and Social Entertainment Organization
Husbandry of Electricity,   Service and Trades Services   Services Geological and Public Services Welfare    
and Fishery Gas and Water   Software         Prospecting Facilities        
2003 13969 6884 13627 12671 18574 11328 15753 30897 10894 11198 20780 17085 17020 20442 11774 12665 14189 16185 17098 15355
2004 15920 7497 16774 14251 21543 12578 18071 33449 13012 12618 24299 18467 18723 23351 12884 13680 16085 18386 20522 17372
2005 18200 8207 20449 15934 24750 14112 20911 38799 15256 13876 29229 20253 21233 27155 14322 15747 18259 20808 22670 20234
2006 20856 9269 24125 18225 28424 16164 24111 43435 17796 15236 35495 22238 24510 31644 15630 18030 20918 23590 25847 22546
2007 24721 10847 28185 21144 33470 18482 27903 47700 21074 17046 44011 26085 27807 38432 18383 20370 25908 27892 30430 27731
2008 28898 12560 34233 24404 38515 21223 32041 54906 25818 19321 53897 30118 32915 45512 21103 22858 29831 32185 34158 32296
  Beijing        55844 26114 60057 39076 72195 37950 45285 96963 57768 28379 135192 42923 58327 71895 37207 24522 52952 60199 65056 57460
  Tianjin        39990 28373 52659 34095 72031 41101 45725 54490 30968 20385 69862 37002 22948 60819 31899 21305 44226 43841 43146 52603
  Hebei          24276 9618 37249 21037 36434 18210 25666 32113 13465 13780 32649 21868 17300 36825 18069 29992 25592 23770 21340 25035
  Shanxi         25489 16566 37851 20268 33920 19744 29422 26204 13835 11934 31352 15919 15918 27614 14378 15395 24061 20590 21277 24100
  Inner Mongolia 25949 13189 32123 22352 40921 17679 31163 29325 18470 16108 35824 20480 22445 31047 20209 27723 30434 28880 27861 29791
  Liaoning       27179 7517 36040 25669 34361 20891 28745 49237 22694 16624 39968 22408 17420 37816 18975 18338 31762 27657 29565 31561
  Jilin          23294 12039 29163 24036 28807 16017 23845 29854 17642 14920 30675 18539 22500 30112 14585 13479 26372 22555 21842 24427
  Heilongjiang   21764 10017 27869 21093 28481 19067 24833 35752 19052 17790 33742 17980 17961 34096 14295 21807 27495 25782 25543 27619
  Shanghai       52122 29615 61381 42311 72262 55114 47143 91097 49606 28323 116636 45459 43996 75642 40055 17975 56221 62764 55888 58721
  Jiangsu        31297 14728 33111 25688 53702 23154 30227 45010 25458 20557 52051 34455 25442 48834 26865 25993 35205 37404 40249 48257
  Zhejiang       33622 30338 26469 23816 64424 25056 39596 64703 33442 21301 77773 37291 28778 50491 28861 30798 48815 50830 47433 55527
  Anhui          25703 12473 43838 22509 31002 20539 22247 28550 16965 14321 32652 22145 20884 28850 16771 20156 25400 25104 22793 28675
  Fujian         25555 14496 23797 20678 39701 24251 32801 46338 24676 17501 56965 30428 23244 36583 22680 22648 31361 32893 29704 34144
  Jiangxi        20597 12478 20503 17573 27453 16584 27684 25242 18128 13829 29324 18285 15726 25533 15739 17444 22433 24982 23794 22047
  Shandong       26234 19387 36133 21340 33497 20395 31235 37981 18254 17646 40297 24426 24085 36770 21114 31777 31032 30504 36088 29722
  Henan          24438 13455 37649 20993 31321 19388 26387 27391 16945 16460 34618 21928 21418 28998 20365 16818 26512 25438 23075 25446
  Hubei          22384 10610 24727 22065 28872 18894 22991 29999 17158 13484 35661 21165 19248 32107 15706 18295 22437 22787 23082 26800
  Hunan          24146 13322 21007 22188 29899 18566 24484 31775 22457 15460 31879 24337 20280 31400 19655 20629 27683 30647 26441 26071
  Guangdong      33282 12905 36224 25249 48868 22917 42613 61210 32093 20944 78781 32450 34755 58143 26081 26982 34306 42314 40962 44661
  Guangxi        24798 13617 22385 21181 33704 21207 28112 36558 18503 13816 45979 23481 19600 30827 16189 18582 24374 27399 28627 31166
  Hainan         21767 10823 24119 18914 32599 17677 34239 52976 18609 15633 43707 20430 20762 23619 15181 18233 26570 27172 24469 30015
  Chongqing      26640 16459 25985 24131 39953 20658 25090 42810 22129 15309 44635 23666 21085 41326 17280 19217 27487 32535 27752 32591
  Sichuan        24725 15231 28632 22046 30484 17746 27344 37462 20949 16531 42055 21818 26158 42806 16901 18493 23491 30020 25859 29540
  Guizhou        23979 16890 24487 22224 42457 16899 26288 34275 22698 12784 48292 15552 19970 25942 16074 13591 23546 25575 24699 25787
  Yunnan         23305 13537 23629 22681 37459 16081 30067 32603 22185 13380 42672 17896 21306 26264 15375 16459 22484 23236 20164 27478
  Tibet          44055 25289 29304 19486 43148 18445 38043 58059 29175 18895 60720 35757 28261 48289 26473 32938 46688 42811 47352 50377
  Shaanxi        25478 16985 33305 20910 32949 16844 28960 50657 15183 16123 39246 31592 20330 36815 19559 25160 29860 26016 21079 24980
  Gansu          23632 14400 34354 24895 30370 13445 27913 19940 15312 13961 27511 14910 16682 26746 19491 21719 24897 23022 22676 25053
  Qinghai        30101 21849 33732 23742 35955 18529 33827 31454 19153 14389 36723 24131 18651 44408 21134 45740 36426 32695 31526 34068
  Ningxia        30050 16458 52281 22917 45153 19373 29595 33972 24147 14295 46484 23086 19914 31069 20550 20979 30542 27099 29963 30683
  Xinjiang       24686 14499 40857 24999 33229 21082 36244 34630 23332 17136 39158 19617 17931 29939 20295 16222 26536 26166 25554 28983