3-5  Basic Statistics on National Population Census in 1953, 1964, 1982, 1990 and 2000
Data in this table do not include the population of Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan Province.
Item 1953 1964 1982 1990 2000
Total Population                      (10 000 persons) 59435 69458 100818 113368 126583
    Male 30799 35652 51944 58495 65355
    Female 28636 33806 48874 54873 61228
    Sex Ratio (female=100) 107.56 105.46 106.30 106.60 106.74
Average Family Household Size (person/household) 4.33 4.43 4.41 3.96 3.44
Population by Age Group                             (%)
    Aged 0-14 36.28 40.69 33.59 27.69 22.89
    Aged 15-64 59.31 55.75 61.50 66.74 70.15
    Aged 65 and Over 4.41 3.56 4.91 5.57 6.96
Population by Ethnicity
    Han                                        (10 000 persons) 54728 65456 94088 104248 115940
    Percentage to Total Population                   (%) 93.94 94.24 93.32 91.96 91.59
    Ethnic Minorities                    (10 000 persons) 3532 4002 6730 9120 10643
    Percentage to Total Population                    (%) 6.06 5.76 6.68 8.04 8.41
Population with Various Education Attainments
 Per 100 000 Persons                             (person)
    Junior College and Above 416 615 1422 3611
    Senior Secondary School and 1319 6779 8039 11146
      Technical Secondary School
    Junior Secondary School 4680 17892 23344 33961
    Primary School 28330 35237 37057 35701
Illiterate Population and Illiterate Rate
     Illiterate Population               (10 000 persons) 23327 22996 18003 8507
     Illiterate Rate                                             (%) 33.58 22.81 15.88 6.72
Population by Residence       (10 000 persons)
     Urban Population 7726 12710 21082 29971 45844
     Rural Population 50534 56748 79736 83397 80739
Life Expectancy                                 (year old) 67.77* 68.55 71.40
    Male 66.28* 66.84 69.63
    Female 69.27* 70.47 73.33
a) Total population from the five national population censuses includes the military personnel. Military personnel is listed as urban population in 
    population by residence. 
b) Total population of 1953 National Population Census includes the population from indirect survey, but this is not included in the ethnic minority 
    population and the urban/rural population.
c) Illiterate population of 1964 National Population Census referred to the population aged 13 and over who are unable to read. Illiterate population of  
    1982, 1990 and 2000 National Population Censuses referred to the population aged 15 and over who are unable or have difficulty to read.
d) Data with "*" in this table are of 1981.