2-31  Flow of Funds Accounts (Financial Transaction, 2006)
Sectors Non-financial Financial General Households All Domestic Sectors The Rest of the World Total
Items Corporations Institutions Governments                
Uses Sources Uses Sources Uses Sources Uses Sources Uses Sources Uses Sources Uses Sources
Net Financial Investment -9637.0 -2454.0 4687.0 27706.0 20300.0 -20300.0
Financial Uses 28092.0 91050.0 8946.0 34370.0 162457.0 12068.0 174525.0
Financial Sources 37729.0 93505.0 4259.0 6664.0 142157.0 32369.0 174525.0
Currency 274.0 3041.0 60.0 2524.0 2858.0 3041.0 182.0 3041.0 3041.0
Deposits 19312.0 790.0 50017.0 8582.0 21284.0 49967.0 50017.0 839.0 790.0 50806.0 50806.0
Loans 26403.0 32572.0 672.0 106.0 6664.0 32572.0 33845.0 880.0 -393.0 33452.0 33452.0
Securities 5080.0 21825.0 18451.0 -118.0 2675.0 1083.0 22790.0 26207.0 3417.0 26207.0 26207.0
Investment Funds -132.0 -195.0 1191.0 1519.0 1191.0 1191.0 1191.0 1191.0
Deposits with Margin Securities Trading Account 3416.0 3416.0 3416.0 3416.0 3416.0 3416.0
Insurance Technical Reserves 242.0 3129.0 1478.0 4365.0 4607.0 4607.0 4607.0 4607.0
Settlement Funds 1696.0 1690.0 -6.0 1690.0 1690.0 1690.0 1690.0
Inter-financial Institutions Accounts -2300.0 -2440.0 -2300.0 -2440.0 -2300.0 -2440.0
Required and Excessive Reserves 11214.0 11423.0 11214.0 11423.0 11214.0 11423.0
Cash in Vault 113.0 80.0 113.0 80.0 33.0 113.0 113.0
Central Bank Loans -1629.0 -1651.0 -1629.0 -1651.0 -1629.0 -1651.0
Miscellaneous (net) 3421.0 3980.0 422.0 185.0 4028.0 3980.0 4028.0 3980.0
Foreign Direct Investment 1421.0 6226.0 1421.0 6226.0 6226.0 1421.0 7647.0 7647.0
Changes in Other Foreign Assets and Debts 1858.0 1047.0 8968.0 504.0 10825.0 1551.0 1551.0 10825.0 12377.0 12377.0
Changes in Reserve Assets 19692.0 19692.0 19692.0 19692.0 19692.0
Errors and Omissions in the Balance of  Payments -1027.0 -1027.0 -1027.0 -1027.0 -1027.0