2-30 Flow of Funds
Accounts (Physical Transaction, 2006) |
(100 million yuan) |
Sectors |
Non-financial |
Financial |
General |
Households |
All Domestic Sectors |
The Rest of the World |
Total |
Items |
Corporations |
Institutions |
Governments |
Uses |
Sources |
Uses |
Sources |
Uses |
Sources |
Uses |
Sources |
Uses |
Sources |
Uses |
Sources |
Uses |
Sources |
Net Exports |
-16654.0 |
-16654.0 |
Value Added |
126141.7 |
8490.3 |
18173.1 |
59118.4 |
211923.5 |
211923.5 |
Compensation of Employees |
48967.0 |
2629.9 |
13697.0 |
39917.1 |
105369.6 |
105211.0 |
105369.6 |
344.3 |
185.7 |
105555.3 |
105555.3 |
Wages and Salaries |
Employers' Social
Contributions |
Taxes on Production, Net |
30339.4 |
994.6 |
455.6 |
35674.0 |
3884.4 |
35674.0 |
35674.0 |
35674.0 |
35674.0 |
Taxes on Products |
Subsidies on
Production |
Income from Properties |
13866.1 |
10263.1 |
12256.0 |
11879.9 |
975.4 |
896.3 |
1966.7 |
7074.6 |
29064.2 |
30113.9 |
4011.6 |
2961.9 |
33075.8 |
33075.8 |
Interest |
9673.0 |
5207.4 |
11673.4 |
11879.9 |
975.4 |
896.3 |
1966.7 |
6304.8 |
24288.5 |
24288.5 |
24288.5 |
24288.5 |
Distributed Income
of Corporations |
4193.1 |
4792.8 |
24.2 |
474.2 |
4217.3 |
5267.0 |
4011.6 |
2961.9 |
8228.9 |
8228.9 |
Rent on Land Use |
Others |
262.8 |
558.4 |
295.6 |
558.4 |
558.4 |
558.4 |
558.4 |
Total Income from Primary Distribution |
43232.3 |
4489.8 |
39615.4 |
125794.4 |
213131.8 |
213131.8 |
Current Transfer |
6054.3 |
726.4 |
2484.9 |
8735.7 |
18141.7 |
11252.0 |
11986.6 |
28527.0 |
30854.8 |
2517.3 |
189.5 |
31044.3 |
31044.3 |
Taxes on Income |
5964.8 |
1074.8 |
9493.3 |
2453.7 |
9493.3 |
9493.3 |
9493.3 |
9493.3 |
Payment to Social
Security |
8643.2 |
8643.2 |
8643.2 |
8643.2 |
8643.2 |
8643.2 |
Social Security
Welfare |
6477.4 |
6477.4 |
6477.4 |
6477.4 |
6477.4 |
6477.4 |
Allowances |
71.9 |
907.7 |
979.6 |
979.6 |
979.6 |
979.6 |
979.6 |
Others |
17.6 |
726.4 |
1410.1 |
1350.6 |
5.2 |
155.1 |
4529.6 |
2933.4 |
5261.2 |
2517.3 |
189.5 |
5450.7 |
5450.7 |
Total Disposable Income |
37904.4 |
2004.8 |
49021.4 |
126529.0 |
215459.6 |
215459.6 |
Final Consumption Expenditure |
30118.4 |
80476.9 |
110595.3 |
110595.3 |
Consumption |
80476.9 |
80476.9 |
80476.9 |
Consumption |
30118.4 |
30118.4 |
30118.4 |
Savings |
37904.4 |
2004.8 |
18903.0 |
46052.1 |
104864.3 |
-20190.1 |
84674.2 |
Capital Transfers |
1965.1 |
1971.7 |
327.0 |
1971.7 |
2292.1 |
327.0 |
6.6 |
2298.7 |
2298.7 |
Allowances |
1965.1 |
1965.1 |
1965.1 |
1965.1 |
1965.1 |
1965.1 |
Other |
6.6 |
327.0 |
6.6 |
327.0 |
327.0 |
6.6 |
333.6 |
333.6 |
Gross Capital Formation |
67196.1 |
91.3 |
10717.5 |
16397.1 |
94402.0 |
94402.0 |
Gross Fixed Capital
Formation |
63385.5 |
91.3 |
10717.5 |
15956.6 |
90150.9 |
90150.9 |
Changes in
Inventories |
3810.6 |
440.5 |
4251.1 |
4251.1 |
Acquisitions Less Disposals of |
8077.6 |
-6111.1 |
-1966.5 |
Other Non-financial Assets |
Net Financial Investment |
-35404.29251 |
1913.5 |
12652.1 |
31621.5 |
10782.8 |
-20510.6 |
-9727.8 |
Land use right leasing fees is included in acquisitions less disoposals of
other non-financial assets. According to the principle of keeping
account |
of assets, assets are kept
in use, acquistion of assets is positive,disposal of assets is negative. |