2-27  Final Use Part of  2005 Input-Output Table
Data are calculated at producers' prices of 2005.  
            (10 000 yuan)
Final Uses      
Final Consumption Expenditures Gross Capital Formation Exports Total of Imports Others Total
                          Input Household Consumption Expenditures Government Total Gross Fixed Change Subtotal   Final     Output
Rural Urban Subtotal Consumption Consumption Capital in     Uses      
Household Household   Expenditures Expenditures Formation Inventories            
  Total Input  
  Intermediate Input 192281800 519893100 712174900 266052000 978226900 773048006 33415001 806463007 684952725 2469642631 593984571 -13097469 5467647077
      Agriculture 49565042 54690429 104255471 2820252 107075722 14119437 1352181 15471618 6001733 128549074 17224666 10046257 393566962
      Mining and Quarrying 610129 1767625 2377754   2377754   -3908317 -3908317 7930210 6399647 62754614 -3426244 194703334
       Foodstuff 33230146 69267408 102497555   102497555   27908079 27908079 15681841 146087475 9650196 9971856 258777956
      Textile, Sewing, Leather and 8082867 37780795 45863661   45863661   4614342 4614342 98959370 149437373 20487497 8897678 280820101
      Furs Products  
      Other Manufacturing 2986256 14856509 17842765   17842765 6213608 -3629673 2583935 42580384 63007084 21097299 -2475322 218409737
      Production and Supply of Electric 2675759 15696963 18372722   18372722   552520 18925242 217620 4867473 194181865
      Power, Heat Power and  Water  
      Coking, Gas and Petroleum Refining 922789 4776450 5699239   5699239   24348 24348 7049928 12773515 13598240 -5651967 133644987
       Chemical Industry 5864261 14630889 20495150   20495150   -9444649 -9444649 51339162 62389662 75450834 2962330 400316693
      Building Materials and Non-metal 1245151 6356480 7601631   7601631   1770327 1770327 9031299 18403257 2920304 7097676 153602496
      Mineral Products  
      Metal Products 1047235 3507982 4555217   4555217 8834200 -4053935 4780265 47943620 57279101 42365543 -9305020 420664813
      Machinery and Equipment 11299742 39392016 50691758   50691758 266360662 15212996 281573658 288774260 621039676 284554050 2790303 908864181
      Construction   412394112   412394112 2124066 414518178 1326549 -22986832 425643566
      Transportation, Postal and  8698598 39897852 48596450 5963879 54560329 11461104 1689443 13150547 31614161 99325038 9821140 -9432392 350611486
      Telecommunication Services  
      Wholesale and Retail Trades,  16078868 62813397 78892265   78892265 17868881 1879860 19748741 49847243 148488249 9764060 -16350732 340898950
      Hotels and Catering Services  
      Real Estate, Leasing and Business 22729306 40555846 63285152 1066577 64351729 33730300   33730300 6374996 104457025 10010259 -1097629 205765574
      Banking and Insurance 5763400 28859700 34623100   34623100   569036 35192136 3398294 -5714910 102616151
      Other Services 21482251 85042760 106525011 256201292 362726302 2065700   2065700 18578895 383370898 9343406 16710006 484558224