1-4  Indicators on National Economic and Social Development
Item 1978 1990 2000 2008
 Population and Employment                                        
     Birth Rate                                                              (‰) 18.25 21.06 14.03 12.14
     Death Rate                                                             (‰) 6.25 6.67 6.45 7.06
     Natural Growth Rate                                             (‰) 12.00 14.39 7.58 5.08
     Registered Unemployment Rate in Urban Areas   (%) 5.3 2.5 3.1 4.2
 National Accounting                                                     
     Per Capita GDP                                                 (yuan) 381 1644 7858 22698
 Investment in Fixed Assets                                           
     Proportion of Investment in Fixed Assets to                
       GDP                                                                     (%) 24.2 33.2 57.5
     Rate of Total Floor Space of Buildings                        78.7 68.6 41.2
       Completed                                                           (%)
 Government Finance                                                     
 Proportion of Government Revenue to GDP             (%) 31.1 15.7 13.5 20.4
 Proportion of Government Expenditure to GDP      (%) 30.8 16.5 16.0 20.8
Foreign Debts                                                                  
    Debt Service Ratio                                                  (%) 8.7 9.2 1.8
    Liability Ratio                                                         (%) 13.5 13.5 8.7
    Foreign Debt Ratio                                                 (%) 91.6 52.1 23.7
     Elasticity Ratio of Energy Production                     0.58 0.29 0.58
     Elasticity Ratio of Electricity Production                     1.63 1.12 0.62
     Elasticity Ratio of Energy Consumption                 0.47 0.42 0.44
     Elasticity Ratio of Electricity Consumption                 1.63 1.13 0.62
     Energy Consumption per Unit of GDP 1.102
                                               (ton of SCE/ 10 000 yuan)
      Output of Farm Crops per Hectare of Sown Area(kg)
          Grain                                                                        2527 3933 4261 4951
          Cotton                                                                      445 807 1093 1302
          Oil-bearing Crops                                                    839 1480 1919 2302
      Ratio of Total Assets to Industrial Output Value (%) 9.00 13.96
      Assets-Liability  Ratio                                          (%) 60.81 57.71
      Number of Times of Annual of Turnover                    1.62 2.67
        Circulating Funds                                  (times/year)
      Ratio of Profits to Industrial Cost                         (%) 5.56 6.61
      Proportion of Products Sold                                 (%) 97.67 97.50
      Overall Labor Productivity                  (yuan/person) 15929 32444
                          (in terms of value-added per employee)
      Value of Machinery per Laborer         (yuan/person) 2467 6304 9915
      Ratio of Pre-tax Profits to Gross Output Value   (%) 4.4 4.6 7.2
      Railway Density                          (km/10 000 sq.km) 53.9 60.2 71.6 83.0
      Highway Density                        (km/10 000 sq.km) 927 1071 1461 3886
  Postal and Telecommunication Services                      
      Access to Telephones (include mobile phone) 20.1 74.3
                                                             (set/100 persons)
      Access to Mobile Phones               (set/100 persons) 6.8 48.5
  Domestic Trade                                                            
      Per Capita Retail Sales of Consumer Goods   (yuan) 163 731 3097 8190
  Foreign Trade                                                               
      Proportion of Total Value of Imports & Exports to   
        GDP                                                                   (%) 9.7 29.8 39.6 59.8
  International Tourism                                                  
    Expenditure per International Tourist in China(USD) 81 194 314
    Expenditure per Domestic Tourist                    (yuan) 427 511
  Financial Intermediation                                             
      Deposits of Financial Institutions as Percentage of   
          GDP                                                                 (%) 31.1 75.1 124.8 155.1
      Loans of Financial Institutions as Percentage of       
          GDP                                                                 (%) 50.8 94.7 100.2 100.9
      Proportion of Cash Outlay to Cash Receipt               
        in Financial Institutions                                     (%) 101.2 101.7 100.4 100.5
      Promotion Rate from Senior Secondary Schools       
         to Higher Education                                         (%) 27.3 73.2 72.7
      Promotion Rate from Junior Secondary Schools       
         to Senior Secondary Schools                            (%) 40.9 40.6 51.2 83.4
      Promotion Rate from Primary Schools to                  
         Junior Secondary Schools                                 (%) 87.7 74.6 94.9 99.7
      Net Enrollment Ratio of Primary Schools           (%) 95.5 97.8 99.1 99.5
  Science and Technology                                             
      R&D Expenditure as Percentage of GDP          (%)
                                                                                          0.90 1.54
  Health Care                                                                  
      Number of Licensed (Assistant) Doctors per              10.8 15.6 16.8 15.8
         10 000 Population                                     (person)
      Number of Beds of Hospitals and Health Centers      19.3 23.2 23.8 28.4
         per 10 000 Population                                    (bed)
      Beds Utilization Rate of Medical Organizations (%) 80.9 60.8 74.6
 Municipal Works                                                          
  Percentage of Population with Access to Tap                48.0 63.9 94.7
    Water                                                                     (%)
  Percentage of City Population with Access to Gas  (%) 19.1 45.4 89.6
  Per Capita Public Green Area                             (sq.m) 1.8 3.7 9.7
a) The national energy consumption for unit GDP is calculated at the 2005 constant price.