25-27  Education Levels of Population Aged 14 and Over
Item By-census 1996 Census 2001 By-census 2006
(10 000) % (10 000) % (10 000) %
  Total 31.31 100.0 34.97 100.0 43.36 100.0
      Male 14.68 46.9 16.45 47.0 20.97 48.4
      Female 16.62 53.1 18.52 53.0 22.39 51.6
  No Education/Pre-primary Education 2.63 8.4 2.10 6.0 2.06 4.7
      Male 0.69 2.2 0.48 1.4 0.50 1.1
      Female 1.94 6.2 1.62 4.6 1.56 3.6
  Primary Education 12.70 40.6 13.64 39.0 13.28 30.6
      Male 6.08 19.4 6.63 19.0 6.59 15.2
      Female 6.62 21.1 7.01 20.0 6.69 15.4
  Junior Secondary Education 8.93 28.5 9.45 27.0 12.07 27.8
      Male 4.25 13.6 4.43 12.7 6.00 13.8
      Female 4.68 14.9 5.02 14.4 6.07 14.0
  Senior Secondary Education 4.83 15.4 6.63 19.0 10.43 24.0
      Male 2.47 7.9 3.32 9.5 5.16 11.9
      Female 2.36 7.5 3.31 9.5 5.27 12.1
  Higher Education            
     Non-university Degree 0.25 0.8 0.75 2.1 0.64 1.5
        Male 0.09 0.3 0.29 0.8 0.26 0.6
        Female 0.16 0.5 0.46 1.3 0.38 0.9
    University 1.93 6.2 2.39 6.8 4.86 11.2
        Male 1.09 3.5 1.29 3.7 2.44 5.6
        Female 0.84 2.7 1.10 3.1 2.42 5.6
    Unknown 0.03 0.1 0.02 0.1 0.03 0.1
        Male 0.01 o 0.01 o 0.02 o
        Female 0.02 0.1 0.01 o 0.01 o
Note: In Census 2001 and by-census 2006, data referred to resident population with special education.