25-12  Units and Gross Floor Area Completed by End-use
Year Residential Commercial and Offices Industrial Other Uses Total
Number of Gross Floor Number of Gross Floor Number of Gross Floor Number of Gross Floor Number of Gross Floor
Units Area Units Area Units Area Units Area Units Area
  (10 000   (10 000   (10 000   (10 000   (10 000
  sq.m)   sq.m)   sq.m)   sq.m)   sq.m)
1990 9488.0 68.6 1748 12.3 281 10.3 57 14.5 11574 105.7
1999 4252.0 30.8 1085 12.9 2 3.4 50 19.9 5389 66.9
2000 2747.0 23.0 368 5.5 - - 31 8.5 3146 37.0
2001 1774.0 17.4 805 10.8 - - 43 12.3 2622 40.4
2002 336.0 3.6 30 0.4 2 0.5 13 5.7 381 10.3
2003 1246.0 15.4 304 2.5 2 1.4 14 5.0 1566 24.3
2004 962.0 12.2 134 1.9 1 0.5 11 6.9 1108 21.5
2005 1098.0 16.1 152 2.3  -  - 27 20.7 1277 39.1
2006 2783.0 41.2 204 4.3 5 0.2 34 82.0 3026 127.6