24-52  Student Enrolment by Type of Educational and Training Institution
Type 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
  Kindergarten① 143725 136096 130157 149141 140783
  Primary School 483218 468792 447137 425864 410516
  Secondary School 465926 470487 476954 482273 484195
      Day School 461289 467223 474054 478440 480775
           Lower Secondary 251556 251463 253619 254879 255992
           Upper Secondary 150705 157009 160916 161901 161461
           Secondary 6 and Secondary 7 59028 58751 59519 61660 63322
       Evening School 4637 3264 2900 3833 3420
  Special Education School 9889 10177 8556 7734 7737
       Special School 9648 10082 8468 7697 7720
       Special Classes in Ordinary School 241 95 88 37 17
  Approved Post-secondary Colleges③④   (full-time) 4011 4043 3960 4069 1381
  Other Colleges 3695 3953 5983 7146 8163
      Day Course 2646 2977 4427 5252 6166
      Evening Course 1049 976 1556
  University Grants Committee (UGC) -funded 85602 90355 91865 91786 91675
      Full-time 68624 73833 77922 81829 83883
          Sub-degree 16668 20034 23948 26429 26618
          Undergraduate 45669 46602 47489 49159 50792
          Taught Postgraduate 2446 2574 1930 1458 1411
          Research Postgraduate 3841 4623 4555 4783 5062
      Part-time 16978 16522 13943 9957 7793
          Sub-degree 4372 4293 3697 2629 2116
          Undergraduate 3501 3527 3409 2466 1765
          Taught Postgraduate 8501 8100 6159 4170 3257
          Research Postgraduate 604 602 678 691 654
  Hong Kong Shue Yan University    (full-time) - - - - 3335
  The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts  
      Full-time 743 749 756 752 736
          Non-degree 446 450 440 418 388
          Degree 297 299 316 334 348
          Degree - - - - 5
  The Open University of Hong Kong  
      University-based⑦⑩ 25115 22473 20400 18552 17223
          Full-time 85 210 459 1256 2148
          Distance Learning/Part-time Face-to-face 25030 22263 19941 17296 15075
      Li Ka Shing Institute of Professional and - 9655 9441 9046 9920
        Continuing Education⑦⑪⑫  
          Full-time - 39 62 86 53
          Part-time - 9616 9379 8960 9867
 Vocational Training Council⑫⑬ 59714 59694 60074 61662 60123
      Full-time 31004 33261 36663 40173 41926
          Craft Level Courses⑭⑮ 4226 4942 4608 4210 3203
          Technician Level Courses 15049 13716 11857 10419 9442
          Higher Technician Level Courses 11729 14603 20198 25544 29281
      Part-time 28710 26433 23411 21489 18197
          Craft Level Courses 6030 5079 4084 3466 3210
          Technician Level Courses 10623 10755 10074 9977 7708
          Higher Technician Level Courses 12057 10599 9253 8046 7279
  Construction Industry Training Authority  
      Full-time 1456 1664 1236 966 932
          Craft Level Courses⑭⑰⑯ 1115 1417 1063 719 693
          Technician Level Courses⑯⑱ 341 247 173 247 239
  Clothing Industry Training Authority 615 853 1191 913 961
      Full-time 488 607 646 552 555
          Craft Level Courses 47 46 49 51 57
          Technician Level Courses 441 561 597 501 498
      Part-time 127 246 545 361 406
          Craft Level Courses 127 246 545 361 406
  Hospital Authority  
      Full-time 108 213* 311* 302 411
  The Prince Philip Dental Hospital
101 90 93 88 80
      Full-time 95 90 88 88 76
      Part-time 6 - 5 - 4
  Project Yi Jin
4170 4529 6585 5936 9360
      Full-time 2804 2880 4363 4147 6462
      Part-time 1366 1649 2222 1789 2898
  Institutes Offering Adult Education/ 210092 201073 220400 235853 186763
    Tutorial/Vocational Courses  
      Day School 110916 94552 115236 108722 84036
      Day cum Evening School - - 12531 43964 36920
      Evening School 99176 106521 92633 83167 65807
Notes : Figures cover both full-time and part-time students attending long programmes lasting for at least one academic year, except for “Institutes 
            offering adult education/tutorial/vocational courses” where long and short programmes are included.
            Figures for kindergarten, primary, secondary and special education schools are as at September of the respective years.  Figures for “Institutes 
            offering adult education/tutorial/vocational courses” are as at October of the respective years.  For vocational and post-secondary education,
            beginning and ending months of academic year vary among educational and training institutions.
            Figures for vocational and post-secondary education for 2006 are provisional.
            Figures from 2005 onwards include pupils attending kindergarten classes (i.e. nursery, lower and upper classes) in kindergarten-cum-child 
                care centres upon harmonisation of pre-primary services in September 2005.  Accordingly, they are not directly comparable to figures for 
                earlier years.
            Figures from 2001 onwards include students of mainstreamed classes in practical schools and skills opportunity schools which were still
                undergoing mainstreaming by phase then.  Once the schools concerned completed mainstreaming, their enrolment figures were subsumed
                in “Secondary schools”. All practical schools and skills opportunity schools completed mainstreaming respectively in August 2004 and 
                August 2005.
            Approved post-secondary colleges refer to colleges registered under the Post Secondary Colleges Ordinance.  Chu Hai College of Higher 
                Education has been registered as an approved post-secondary college as from July 2004.
            “Hong Kong Shue Yan College” changed its title to “Hong Kong Shue Yan University” on 19 December 2006.
                Figures prior to 2006 inrespect of Hong Kong Shue Yan College are grouped under “Approved Post-secondary Colleges”.
            Other colleges refer to private schools which provide post-secondary courses, such as Hong Kong Adventist College, Hong Kong Buddhist 
                College, Hong Kong College of Technology and Hang Seng School of Commerce, etc.
            Institutions funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC) are City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, Lingnan
                University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, The
                Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and The University of Hong Kong.  Figures refer to students attending UGC-funded 
                programmes unless otherwise specified.
            Figures include students attending full-time accredited self-financing post-secondary programmes.
            Starting from 2003, figures also include research postgraduate students counted outside the UGC student number target but wholly funded 
                by UGC.
            Figures include students in certificate, advanced certificate, professional certificate, diploma, advanced diploma and professional diploma
            "University-based"programmes of the Open University of Hong Kong refer to those offered by School of Arts and Social Sciences,School of 
                Business and Administration,School of Education and Languages,and School of Science and Technology.These schools mainly offer degree 
                University of Hong Kong on 30 May 1997.
            Li Ka Shing Institutes of Professional and Continuing Education, which is one of the five academic units of the Open University of 
                Hong Kong, offers overseas degree programmes, workplace training and short courses.  Figures are available since 2003. 
            Figures do not include students attending programmes of the Project Yi Jin.
            Figures for the Vocational Training Council refer to students of the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (formerly Technical 
                Colleges and Technical Institutes before 1999), Training and Development Centres, School of Business and Information Systems, Youth
                College and Continuing Professional Development Centre (prior to 2006).
            Craft level courses are post-secondary 3 courses. 
            Figures include operative level courses of Training and Development Centres.
            Higher technician and technician level courses are post-secondary 5 courses.  Higher technician level courses are more advanced courses.
            Figures refer to students of basic craft courses.  
            Figures refer to students of construction supervisor/technician trainee training courses.
            Figures refer to nurse training programmes.
                Figures refer to dental training programmes.
                Project Yi Jin was launched in October 2000 to provide an alternative route and to expand the continuing education opportunities for 
                secondary school leavers and adult learners. Students who can successfully complete the programme will be awarded a full certificate 
                which has been assessed by the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation as comparable to five passes in the Hong Kong Certificate
                of Education Examination.