24-39  Government Revenue (General Revenue Account and Funds)
          (HKD 100 million)
Item 2002/2003 2003/2004 2004/2005 2005/2006 2006/2007
  Operating Revenue                                  
      Direct Taxes                          
          Earnings and Profits Tax 730.28 804.74 967.09 1117.52 1153.18
      Indirect Taxes          
          Bets and Sweeps Tax 109.21 116.36 120.57 119.38 120.47
          Hotel Accommodation Tax 2.01 1.56 2.48 3.10 3.84
          Stamp Duties 74.58 112.46 158.51 178.67 250.77
          Air Passenger Departure Tax 8.84 7.53 13.50 14.40 15.31
          Duties 66.20 64.22 66.03 64.24 70.23
          General Rates 89.23 111.67 126.40 141.46 154.67
          Motor Vehicle Taxes 25.10 27.24 34.17 38.95 43.35
          Royalties and Concessions 17.26 16.76 7.75 6.16 6.10
          Fees and Charges 37.21 48.04 51.84 55.25 57.51
             (tax-loaded fees)          
      Other Revenue          
          Fines, Forfeitures and Penalties 8.43 8.46 9.49 9.88 10.09
          Properties and Investments 80.15 78.70 87.10 98.15 112.80
          Loans, Reimbursements,          
            Contributions and Other Receipts 44.05 31.33 30.25 27.91 27.40
          Utilities 20.68 28.77 34.01 33.74 33.36
          Fees and Charges 59.66 57.45 56.09 55.84 59.21
             (excluding tax-loaded fees)          
          Investment Income          
              General Revenue Account 27.66 59.23 49.16 38.57 105.60
              Land Fund 132.81 171.59 65.60 42.26 120.31
      Total Operating Revenue 1533.36 1746.11 1880.04 2045.48 2344.20
  Capital Revenue          
      Indirect Taxes          
          Estate Duty 14.03 14.55 14.69 16.76 7.78
      Other Revenue          
          Others 5.48 15.40 21.86 29.54 35.82
          Recovery from Housing Authority 22.12 3.27 0.38 0.29 0.76
          Capital Works Reserve Fund 121.90 65.49 594.28 309.77 414.84
             (exclude proceeds of bond issue)          
          Capital Investment Fund 24.32 24.27 84.06 29.43 23.07
          Disaster Relief Fund 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.03
          Loan Fund 44.64 176.23 16.88 19.72 20.09
          Civil Service Pension Reserve Fund 6.31 11.46 7.71 5.20 14.80
          Innovation and Technology Fund 2.71 4.25 3.17 1.82 4.23
          Lotteries Fund - 12.31 12.82 12.32 14.52
      Total Capital Revenue 241.53 327.27 755.87 424.87 535.94
  Total Government Revenue 1774.89 2073.38 2635.91 2470.35 2880.14
Notes : Figures for 2006/2007 are subject to audit by the Director of Audit.
            The tax-loaded portion of fees and charges is re-classified under tax revenue.
            The Lotteries Fund was included in the Consolidated Account of the Government with effect from 1 April 2003.  This is consistent with the

                accounting treatment of other Funds established by resolution of the Legislative Council.