24-33  Position and Flow of Inward Direct Investment by Major Investor Country/Territory
            (HKD 100 million)
Major Investor Inward Direct Investment at Market Value
Country/Territory Position at End of Year Inflow in Year
  2003 2004 2005 2003 2004 2005
The mainland of China 7701 10201 12719 380 620 729
British Virgin Islands 9352 10293 12707 198 627 470
Netherlands 2561 3072 3271 247 88 170
Bermuda 2548 2722 2715 -136 89 360
United States of America 1876 2435 2058 220 484 -297
Japan 1422 1482 1317 142 109 141
United Kingdom 481 700 885 45 182 137
Singapore 580 871 843 -99 32 110
Cayman Islands 531 618 667 29 65 120
Thailand 51 65 332 -18 13 281
Others 2499 2759 3049 56 341 394
Total 29604 35219 40563 1063 2651 2615
Note : Country/territory here refers to the immediate source economy.It does not necessarily reflect the country/territory in which the funds 
           are initially mobilised.