24-32  Exports and Imports of Services by Major Destination and Source
          (HKD 100 million)
Destination/Source 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
  Exports of Services①          
      The mainland of China 945.47 1022.81 1167.87 1279.47  
      United States of America 706.06 743.51 875.31 1003.78  
      Taiwan, China 220.36 253.53 312.30 353.51  
      Japan 298.08 254.81 306.97 348.40  
      United Kingdom 198.37 190.80 262.55 336.07  
      Others 985.30 1086.29 1331.19 1540.04  
      All Destinations 3353.63 3551.75 4256.19 4861.26 5398.58@
  Imports of Services①          
      The mainland of China 608.76 580.80 659.60 711.89  
      United States of America 317.04 328.18 354.69 395.66  
      Japan 147.74 155.32 209.59 227.22  
      United Kingdom 129.03 136.13 175.80 203.48  
      Australia 116.39 125.64 149.47 160.46  
      Others 677.79 691.98 858.64 933.20  
      All Sources 1996.76 2018.06 2407.79 2631.90 2832.01@
Notes : Since data on geographical breakdowns of exports/imports of financial intermediation services are not available, the figures in respect of 
                exports/imports of financial intermediation services are not included in this table.  Hence, figures for exports/imports of services to/from all
                destinations/sources in this table are not equal to the corresponding figures for exports/imports of all services of Hong Kong in Table 24-31.