24-15  Gross National Product
      (HKD 100 million, unless otherwise specified)
Item 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006@
  At Constant (2000) Market Prices                      
      GDP     13475 13906 15099 16235@ 17359
      Net External Factor Income Flows  61 318 265 18 57
      GNP  13536 14224 15364 16253@ 17416
      Per Capita GDP (HKD)                  199804 206604 222586 238284@ 253151
      Per Capita GNP (HKD)                  200705 211333 226495 238552@ 253979
  At Current Market Prices        
      GDP     12768 12340 12914 13827@ 14743
      Net External Factor Income Flows  57 285 234 16 51
      GNP  12824 12625 13148 13843@ 14794
      Per Capita GDP (HKD)                  189315 183334 190377 202941@ 215006
      Per Capita GNP (HKD)                  190153 187567 193828 203182@ 215752
Notes : The Population By-census conducted by the Census and Statistics Department in July to August 2006 provides a benchmark for revising the  
             population figures compiled since the 2001 Population Census.  In the above table, population-related figures from 2002 to 2005 have been   
             revised accordingly.