24-14  Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Component
    (HKD 100 million, unless otherwise specified)
GDP Components 2002 2003 2004 2005@ 2006@
  At Current Market Prices  
          Private Consumption Expenditure 7478.50 7193.04 7674.79 8045.79 8601.69
          Government Consumption Expenditure 1312.91 1301.51 1273.28 1214.19 1233.31
          Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation 2860.20 2613.67 2750.00 2892.23 3207.88
          Changes in Inventories 56.60 91.11 70.76 -47.61 -20.20
          Exports of Goods (f.o.b.) 15621.21 17490.89 20270.31 22517.44 24673.57
           Less: Imports of Goods (f.o.b.) 16015.27 17940.59 20995.45 23110.91 25763.40
          Exports of Services 3478.36 3624.20 4295.63 4957.99 5650.49
           Less: Imports of Services 2024.94 2034.00 2425.07 2642.37 2840.15
      GDP 12767.57 12339.83 12914.25 13826.75 14743.19
      Per Capita GDP (HKD) 189315 183334 190377 202941 215006
  Volume Indices (2000=100)  
          Private Consumption Expenditure 101.1 100.1 107.4 110.9 116.7
          Government Consumption Expenditure 108.7 110.7 111.5 108.0 108.3
          Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation 98.0 98.9 101.9 106.6 115.0
          Changes in Inventories 47.8 71.9 50.8 -34.6 -11.4
          Exports of Goods (f.o.b.) 105.0 120.0 138.3 153.8 169.4
          Imports of Goods (f.o.b.) 105.9 119.7 136.7 148.5 163.3
          Exports of Services 118.0 127.3 150.1 167.1 182.0
          Imports of Services 106.0 103.8 118.9 127.6 135.8
      GDP 102.5 105.8 114.8 123.5 132.0
      Per Capita GDP 101.3 104.7 112.8 120.8 128.3
Notes : The Population By-census conducted by the Census and Statistics Department in July to August 2006 provides a benchmark for revising the
             population figures compiled since the 2001 Population Census.  In the above table, population-related figures from 2002 to 2005 have been 
             revised accordingly.