24-1  Summary of Key Statistics
Item 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
  Population and Vital Events                                     
      Mid-year Population                   (10 000 persons) 674.4 673.1 678.3 681.3 685.7
      Crude Birth Rate                                             (‰) 7.1 7.0 7.3 8.4 9.6
      Crude Death Rate                                            (‰) 5.1 5.5 5.4 5.7 5.4@
      Infant Mortality Rate                                              2.3 2.3 2.7 2.3 1.8@
                              (per 1 000 Registered Live Births)    
  Labour and Employment                                          
      Labour Force                               (10 000 persons) 347.4 347.3 351.6 353.8 358.1
      Labour Force Participation Rate                      (%) 61.8 61.4 61.3 61.0 61.3
      Unemployment Rate                                        (%) 7.3 7.9 6.8 5.6 4.8
      Number of Employed Persons in Selected               
         Industries                                 (10 000 persons)  
            Manufacturing                                               28.70 26.83 23.12 22.35 21.65
            Construction                                                 28.31 26.01 26.20 26.29 26.91
            Wholesale, Retail and Importand Export      
              Trades, Restaurants and Hotels                  97.81 98.50 106.35 109.40 110.80
            Transport, Storage and Communications    34.24 34.27 35.46 35.64 36.84
            Financing, Insurance, Real                            
               Estate and Business Services                      47.78 47.17 48.22 50.56 52.90
            Community, Social and Personal  Services 82.61 84.59 85.97 87.40 89.64
      Real Wage index           (September 1992=100) 117.8 118.6 115.5 114.9 115.3
  External Merchandise Trade                                      
      Imports                                    (HKD 100 million) 16194 18058 21111 23295 25998
      Domestic Exports                    (HKD 100 million) 1309 1217 1260 1360 1345
      Re-exports                               (HKD 100 million) 14296 16207 18931 21141 23265
  External Trade in Services                                          
      Exports of Services                (HKD 100 million) 3478.4 3624.2 4295.6 4958.0 5650.5
      Imports of Services                (HKD 100 million) 2024.9 2034.0 2425.1 2642.4 2840.2
  Industrial Production                                                 
      Index of Industrial Production            (2000=100) 86.2 78.3 80.6 82.6 84.4
      Industrial Electricity Consumption      (terajoules) 16112 14851 15430 14636 14015
      Industrial Gas Consumption                (terajoules) 987 1015 955 898 903
  Land, Building, Construction and Real Estate         
      Private Buildings Newly Completed                         
           Number of Blocks                                              1 104 777 640 778 812
           Usable Floor Area                     (10 000 sq.m.)    
               Residential                                                     136.0 99.9 103.2 70.9 71.5
               Non-residential                                              54.8 58.8 68.8 51.7 67.3
      Private Buildings with Consent to                             
      Commence Work                    (number of blocks)
           First Submission③                                            804 549 417 356 480
           Major Revision③                                              157 77 463 164
  Housing and Property                                                   
      Number of Permanent Quarters      (10 000 units)      
           Public Rental Housing④                                   68.58 68.53 69.15 70.92 71.69
           Subsidised Sale Flats⑤                                     37.17 39.66 39.32 38.88 39.17
           Private Housing⑥                                             123.75 127.86 130.78 133.31 136.86
           Total                                                                   229.50 236.05 239.26 243.12 247.72
  Transport, Communications and Tourism                
      Inward and Outward Movements of Cargo               
           Total Discharged                         (10 000 tons) 14210 15059 15779 16333 16366
           Total Loaded                               (10 000 tons) 9265 9993 10693 10914 11567
      Container Throughput                   (10 000 TEUs) 1914 2045 2198 2260 2354
      Telephone Services           (10 000 working lines) 384 382 378 379 384
      Visitor Arrivals⑦               (10 000 person-times) 1656.6 1553.7 2181.1 2335.9 2525.1
  Public Accounts, Money and Finance                        
                                                     (HKD 100 million)    
      Government’s Reserve Balances⑧                       3114 2753 2960 3107 3693
      Total Government Revenue⑧⑨                             1775 2073 2636 2470 2880
      Total Government Spending⑧⑨                            2392 2475 2422 2331 2294
      Money Supply M3                                                      
           Hong Kong Dollar⑩                                          20042 21229 22196 23458 27957
           Foreign Currency⑪                                              15576 17352 19700 20614 23023
           Total                                                                    35619 38580 41895 44072 50980
      Effective Exchange Rate Indices for the                 104.0 100.7 98.3 97.4 96.1
        Hong Kong Dollar (trade       (import and export)    
          - weighted)                         (January 2000=100)    
  Consumer Price Indices                                               
                                       (Oct. 2004-Sep. 2005 = 100)    
      Composite Consumer Price Index                           102.4 99.8 99.4 100.3 102.4
      Consumer Price Index(A) 101.4 99.3 99.3 100.3 102.1
      Consumer Price Index(B) 102.6 99.8 99.4 100.4 102.4
      Consumer Price Index(C) 103.3 100.3 99.6 100.3 102.6
  Education                                                   (persons)  
      Student  Enrolment in Primary Schools                   483218 468792 447137 425864 410516
      Student  Enrolment in Secondary Schools⑫             465926 470487 476954 482273 484195
      Student Enrolment in UGC-funded Institutions⑬    85602 90355 91865 91786 91675
      Doctors                                                     (persons) 10731 11016 11242 11505 11739
      Chinese Medicine Practitioners               (persons) 2385 4738 4986 5133 5268
      Hospital Beds                                                (beds) 35159 35526 34400 34119 34532
  Social Security                                                            
      Comprehensive Social Security Assistance⑧          
           Number of Cases                                 (cases) 271893 290705 296688 297434 294204
           Amount                           (HKD 100 million) 161.31 173.06 176.31 177.66 176.38@
      Social Security Allowances⑧                                  
          Number of Cases                                  (cases) 560215 563908 567859 574135 583474
          Amount                            (HKD 100 million) 52.81 52.14 52.45 53.39 55.16@
      Traffic Accident Victims Assistance⑧                    
           Number of Cases Authorised for                        7102 7190 7360 7893 7604
             Payment                                                (cases)  
  Gross Domestic Product (GDP)                          
      At Constant (2000) Market Prices                            
           Annual Growth Rate                                    (%) 1.8 3.2 8.6 7.5@ 6.9@
           GDP                                    (HKD 100 million) 13475 13906 15099 16235@ 17359@
           Per Capita GDP                                      (HKD) 199804 206604 222586 238284@ 253151@
      At Current Market Prices                                          
           Annual Growth Rate                                    (%) -1.7 -3.4 4.7 7.1@ 6.6@
           GDP                                    (HKD 100 million) 12768 12340 12914 13827@ 14743@
           Per Capita GDP                                      (HKD) 189315 183334 190377 202941@ 215006@
  Gross National Product(GNP)  
      At Current Market Prices                                          
           GNP                                    (HKD 100 million) 12824 12625 13148 13843@ 14794@
           Per Capita GNP                                      (HKD) 190153 187567 193828 203182@ 215752@
           Net External Factor Income Flows                     56.52 284.91 234.10 16.48 51.14@
                                                       (HKD 100 million)  
  Balance of Payments Account(HKD 100 million)    
      Current Account⑯                                                     968.0 1282.4 1224.9 1573.4 1599.1@
      Capital and Financial Account⑯                               -1511.8 -1790.9 -1846.4 -1824.3 -2017.2@
      Net Errors and Omissions⑰                                      543.8 508.5 621.5 250.9 418.2@
      Overall Balance of Payments                                   -185.4 75.9 254.9 106.8 467.4@
                                                                                       (in deficit)        (in surplus)        (in surplus)        (in surplus)        (in surplus)
International Investment Position⑱  
    Net International Investment Position ⑲  
                                                    (HKD 100 million) 26774 30598 33018 34061 41508@
    External Financial Assets       (HKD 100 million) 80327 92023 106987 115883 153346@
    External Financial Liabilities (HKD 100 million) 53554 61425 73969 81822 111838@
Notes: The Population By-census conducted by the Census and Statistics Department in July to August 2006 provides a benchmark for revising the  
               population figures compiled since the 2001 Population Census.  In the above table, population-related figures from 2002 to 2005 have been revised accordingly.  
           The Real Wage Indices are derived by deflating the Nominal Wage Indices using the Consumer Price Index (A).  
           ③Separate figures for “First submission” and “Major revision” were not available for 2002 and the years before.  
           ④Figures exclude quarters sold under the Housing Authority Tenants Purchase Scheme.  
           Figures cover quarters sold under the Housing Authority Tenants Purchase Scheme but exclude subsidised sale flats that can be traded in open  market.  
           ⑥Figures include non-domestic quarters for living purpose and subsidised sale flats that can be traded in open market.  
           ⑦Figures include arrival of non-Macao residents via Macao.  
           ⑧Figures are for the corresponding financial year.  For example, figures for 2006 represent those for financial year 2006/07.  
           ⑨Figures for 2006 are subject to audit by the Director of Audit.  
           ⑩Figures are adjusted to include foreign currency swap deposits.  
           ⑪Figures are adjusted to exclude foreign currency swap deposits.Hong Kong dollar is the legal tender in the Hong Kong Special Administrative  
               Region, as stated in “The Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China”.  Foreign currency  
               refers to any currency other than Hong Kong dollar and thus Chinese Renminbi is also treated as a foreign currency.  
           ⑫Figures cover both day and evening schools.  
           ⑬Institutions funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC) are City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, Lingnan  
               University,The Chinese University of Hong Kong,The Hong Kong Institute of Education, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,The Hong  
               Kong University of Science and Technology and The University of Hong Kong.  Figures refer to students attending UGC-funded programmes  
               unless otherwise specified.  
           ⑭Figures are as at end of the financial year.  Financial year is from 1 April to 31 March of the next year, unless otherwise specified.  
           ⑮Figures for 2002 include the payments for 2 April 2002 to 31 March 2003.  
           ⑯A positive value for the balance figure in the current account represents a surplus whereas a negative value represents a deficit.For the capital  
               and financial account, a positive value indicates  a net inflow and a negative value indicates a net outflow.  As increases in external assets are  
               debit entries and decreases are credit entries, a negative value for net change in reserve assets represents a net increase and a positive value  
               represents a net decrease.  
           ⑰In principle,the net sum of credit entries and debit entries is zero.In practice, discrepancies between the credit and debit entries may however  
               occur for various reasons as the data are collected from different sources.  Equality between the sum of credit entries and debit entries is  
               brought about by the inclusion of a balancing item which reflects net errors and omissions.  
           ⑱Position as at end of period.  
           ⑲Net international investment position is the difference between total external financial assets and total external financial liabilities.