23-23  First Trial Civil Cases of Marriage, Family Affairs and Inheritance Accepted and Settled by Courts (2006)
Cases Cases Mediation Judgment Reject With- Other
Accepted Settled       drawal  
  Total 1159826 1159437 533819 398484 4395 214788 7951
  Marriage and Family Affairs 1139174 1139108 526883 389836 4177 210576 7636
      Divorce 984167 983272 458688 336430 3385 178754 6015
      Support Disputes 31593 31682 12146 9949 96 9131 360
      Upbringing Disputes 40574 40429 22871 10782 151 6373 252
      Upbringing Fee Disputes 22839 23014 10010 8296 93 4322 293
      Others 60001 60711 23168 24379 452 11996 716
  Inheritance 20652 20329 6936 8648 218 4212 315
      Legal Inheritance 10824 10773 3875 4391 115 2238 154
      Testament Inheritance 1371 1349 437 640 10 244 18
      Others 8457 8207 2624 3617 93 1730 143