23-18  Arrests of Criminal Suspects and Defendants under Public Prosecution Approved by Procuratorate's Offices (2006)
Item Total of Arrests Total of Public
(case) (person) (case) (person)
  Total 588516 906936 670727 1029052
  Sub-total of Requests by Departments of 574619 891620 646279 999086
    State and Public Security and Prisons        
      Offences Against State Security 292 604 258 561
      Offences Against Public Security 52563 64448 79548 90367
      Offences Against Socialist Economic Order 15438 24211 16692 27728
      Offences Against Citizens' Personal and 125589 169069 147742 196718
        Democratic Rights        
      Offences Against Properties 290021 471468 306401 501579
      Offences Against Social Management of Order 90502 161506 95437 181833
      Offences Against National Defense 205 301 195 288
      Offences on Dereliction of Duty by Servicemen 9 13 6 12
    Sub-total of Cases Handled Directly by  13897 15316 24448 29966
      Procuratorate's Offices        
      Offences on Corruption and Bribery 12625 13831 20711 25115
      Offences on Abuse and Dereliction of Duty 1272 1485 3737 4851