23-7 Domestic
Notarial Documents by Type |
Item |
2005 |
2006 |
Number of |
Number of |
Notarial |
Percentage |
Notarial |
Percentage |
Documents |
Documents |
Issued (pieces) |
Issued (pieces) |
Notarized Documents on Economic
Affairs |
3115642 |
100.00 |
3096350 |
100.00 |
Purchases and Sales of Products |
55428 |
1.78 |
59058 |
1.91 |
Joint Business |
10565 |
0.34 |
6389 |
0.21 |
Auctions |
21507 |
0.69 |
45645 |
1.47 |
Loans |
1620008 |
52.00 |
1489700 |
48.11 |
Guarantees |
79276 |
2.54 |
84810 |
2.74 |
Bidding |
66010 |
2.12 |
77500 |
2.50 |
Scientific and Technological Contracts |
955 |
0.03 |
1120 |
0.04 |
Supply and Use of Electric Power |
15005 |
0.48 |
9646 |
0.31 |
Labour Contracts |
80289 |
2.58 |
69321 |
2.24 |
Construction Project Contracts |
11932 |
0.38 |
12836 |
0.41 |
Industrial and Commercial Service
Contracts |
15496 |
0.50 |
4674 |
0.15 |
Agriculture, Forestry, Animal
Husbandry, |
Sideline Production and
Fishery Contracts |
77025 |
2.47 |
95027 |
3.07 |
Township Enterprise Contracts |
2303 |
0.07 |
3548 |
0.11 |
Property Leases |
15951 |
0.51 |
10690 |
0.35 |
Leases of Enterprise |
2692 |
0.09 |
4325 |
0.14 |
Asset Business Contracts |
1216 |
0.04 |
1419 |
0.05 |
Payment Contracts |
80371 |
2.58 |
86442 |
2.79 |
Selling or Transfer of Right of Land
Utilization |
31771 |
1.02 |
31975 |
0.01 |
Other Business Contracts |
234079 |
7.51 |
226736 |
7.32 |
Artificial Person (agent)
Identification |
12341 |
0.40 |
98984 |
3.20 |
Trust Deeds of Artificial Person |
97964 |
3.14 |
135015 |
4.36 |
Corporation Constitutions |
3203 |
0.10 |
3292 |
0.11 |
Operating Permits |
19499 |
0.63 |
14791 |
0.48 |
Drawing |
5500 |
0.18 |
8424 |
0.27 |
Mortgage Registration |
66830 |
2.14 |
62093 |
2.01 |
Minutes of Corporation Meetings |
4440 |
0.14 |
10927 |
0.35 |
Others |
483986 |
15.53 |
441963 |
14.27 |
Notarized Documents on Civil Legal
Relations |
3431118 |
100.00 |
3505770 |
100.00 |
Child Adoption |
6395 |
0.19 |
4988 |
0.14 |
Adoption Renouncements |
2008 |
0.06 |
3203 |
0.09 |
Rights of Inheritance |
263560 |
7.68 |
319966 |
9.13 |
Testaments |
73398 |
2.14 |
81240 |
2.32 |
Property Rights |
30675 |
0.89 |
27323 |
0.78 |
Kinship Confirmation |
40805 |
1.19 |
44704 |
1.28 |
Death Certificates |
11209 |
0.33 |
10348 |
0.30 |
Purchases and Sales of Houses |
342168 |
9.97 |
351763 |
10.03 |
House Leases |
23222 |
0.68 |
15199 |
0.43 |
Foreign Study Contracts |
6406 |
0.19 |
8186 |
0.23 |
Donations and Family Fostering |
8327 |
0.24 |
11488 |
0.33 |
Trust Deeds |
594318 |
17.32 |
699551 |
19.95 |
Presentation Documents |
114659 |
3.34 |
147183 |
4.20 |
Declarations |
215877 |
6.29 |
255506 |
7.29 |
Field Supervision |
113544 |
3.31 |
96575 |
2.75 |
Confirmation of Signatures and Seals |
53103 |
1.55 |
56209 |
1.60 |
Confirmation of Copies and
Photo-offset Copies |
44120 |
1.29 |
49582 |
1.41 |
to Originals |
Rights to Housing Site |
10025 |
0.29 |
9143 |
0.26 |
Evidence Preservation |
112962 |
3.29 |
110930 |
3.16 |
Housing Demolition Agreements |
68963 |
2.01 |
86367 |
2.46 |
Family Planning |
136691 |
3.98 |
63416 |
1.81 |
Agreements on Supporting Parents |
10506 |
0.31 |
12179 |
0.35 |
Partnership Agreements |
8366 |
0.24 |
12998 |
0.37 |
Property Agreements Between Spouses |
57485 |
1.68 |
62559 |
1.78 |
Other Civil Agreements |
361436 |
10.53 |
363434 |
10.37 |
Others |
720890 |
21.01 |
601730 |
17.16 |