22-33  Number of Visits and Inpatients in Medical Institutions (2006)
  Visits (100 million person-times) Inpatients (10 000 persons)
Medical Institutions Total       Total      
  Non- profit Profit Non- profit Profit
 Total 24.47 23.54 0.88 7906 7673 213
 Hospital 14.71 14.05 0.64 5562 5350 206
     General Hospital 11.12 10.67 0.44 4480 4336 141
     Hospital Specialized in Traditional 2.29 2.25 0.04 634 623 11
       Chinese Medicine
     Specialized Hospital 1.08 0.94 0.14 392 344 48
 Sanitarium 0.02 0.02 31 30 1
 Health Service Center for Community   0.83 0.82 44 43 1
 Township Hospital 7.25 7.21 0.02 1858 1843 3
     Rural Township Hospital 7.01 6.96 0.02 1836 1821 3
 Outpatient Department  0.44 0.23 0.21 9 6 3
 MCH Center 1.05 1.05 383 383
 Specialized Disease Prevention 0.17 0.17 20 18
    & Treatment Institute