22-29  Average Number of Beds and Persons Engaged Per Hospital and Per Health Center
Item 2005 2006
Beds Personnel Medical Beds Personnel Medical
(unit) (person) Technical (unit) (person) Technical
    Personnel     Personnel
 Hospitals 130.7 170.2 135.6 133.0 172.9 138.2
    General Hospitals 141.3 187.4 150.2 145.0 192.4 154.9
    Hospitals Specialized in Traditional 109.8 158.5 128.8 113.8 162.7 132.4
      Chinese Medicine            
    Specialized Hospitals 108.9 109.6 80.8 106.1 108.4 80.3
 Health Centers 16.5 24.9 21.4 17.4 25.2 21.7
    Urban  14.8 30.9 26.7 17.3 33.4 28.8
    Rural  16.6 24.7 21.3 17.4 25.0 21.5