21-45  Basic Statistics on Scientific and Technological Activities Outputs of Large and Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises in High-tech Industry (2006)
        (10 000 yuan)
Value of
from the
Princial Business
    Profits Patent
Accepted (piece)
  Owning Inventive Patents
Industry New 
  Total 349914511 84932623 349595408 82488646 33415657 14161038 24301 14882 8141
  Medical and Pharmaceutical Products 30896261 6048864 30133013 5699191 740940 2714422 2383 1475 1965
     Chemical Medicine 18817700 4198921 18279562 4030313 630255 1476264 1047 570 717
     Traditional Chinese Medicine 8069171 1352022 8075165 1237459 82960 824769 1133 770 1042
     Biology, Biochemistry Products 1917561 254650 1821683 221846 16884 251192 124 92 119
  Aviation and Aircrafts Manufacturing 7877353 3371263 7650388 3050431 124078 416918 510 225 228
  Electron and Communicate Equipments 181185469 43431944 180588077 41734821 14854269 7588028 16708 11163 3807
      Communicate Equipments 63895327 18703408 64234061 17708892 4820513 3176857 11069 8482 1713
      Radar Equipments 1192338 497879 1119709 469829 2413 83999 42 1 4
      Broadcast and Television Equipments 1512487 220513 1473838 221253 100410 60264 212 51 14
      Electronic Parts  34289894 6103774 34221179 4896484 2335233 1014353 1531 1174 783
      Electronic Organs 46388062 3768562 45865790 3917878 1838266 2433774 930 304 528
      Household Audiovisual  30368807 13792880 30267798 14153090 5611971 646139 2843 1119 729
      Other Electron Equipment 3538554 344928 3405704 367396 145463 172642 81 32 36
  Electronic Computers and Office Equipments 117123864 29584882 118687976 29631088 17154064 2500648 3221 1553 1174
      Electronic Computer 62928953 18805216 65105832 18891472 10947553 936082 1228 821 180
      Electronic Computer Peripheral Equipments 48289695 9974683 47672345 9949934 5527645 1337846 1950 720 974
  Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter 12831565 2495670 12535954 2373116 542307 941021 1479 466 967
      Medical Treatment Equipments and Instruments 2536922 394198 2417011 368768 68234 230736 503 202 202
      Instruments and Meters 10294644 2101473 10118944 2004348 474073 710286 976 264 765