21-12  Number of Students in Adult Institutions of Higher Education by Field of Study (2006)
Item             Graduates    
New Under- Specia- Total Under- Specia- Under- Specia-
Enroll- graduate lized Enroll- graduate lized graduate lized
ment Courses Courses ment Courses Courses Courses Courses
 Total 1844431 777677 1066754 5248765 2120297 3128468 815163 218303 596860
Run by Adult Institutions 246454 49306 197148 702098 143244 558854 176978 18893 158085
  of Higher Education                  
     Teacher Training 55748 36015 19733 178180 111251 66929 31990 12614 19376
 Philosophy             22   22
 Economics 14582 325 14257 38002 1092 36910 12027 256 11771
 Law 13411 3557 9854 37605 9187 28418 16582 2213 14369
 Education 26239 11654 14585 71899 28278 43621 10548 918 9630
 Literature 46194 19910 26284 146523 62003 84520 38915 8228 30687
    Foreign Language 13018 6365 6653 40785 22913 17872 11380 3773 7607
    Art 9605 1820 7785 25354 6499 18855 6505 861 5644
 History 768 731 37 2861 2432 429 461 158 303
 Science 7962 5483 2479 28465 22112 6353 5340 2988 2352
 Engineering 39293 2240 37053 114001 5856 108145 20839 1045 19794
 Agriculture 1063 26 1037 2450 94 2356 1273   1273
 Medicine 16881 1528 15353 62107 3577 58530 9597 1777 7820
 Management 80061 3852 76209 198185 8613 189572 61374 1310 60064
 Run by Regular Institutions 1597977 728371 869606 4546667 1977053 2569614 638185 199410 438775
    of Higher Education                  
       Teacher Training 247172 174177 72995 791701 511484 280217 73964 30727 43237
 Philosophy 150   150 186   186      
 Economics 87965 28117 59848 245676 79743 165933 40096 12563 27533
 Law 88420 62957 25463 267634 181484 86150 41375 18116 23259
 Education 96182 44094 52088 282432 121120 161312 28400 4625 23775
 Literature 250391 158688 91703 738848 438627 300221 98751 42548 56203
    Foreign Language 83121 53745 29376 235860 149316 86544 38896 19438 19458
    Art 50671 26978 23693 143737 80226 63511 30005 13213 16792
 History 3856 3498 358 15202 11919 3283 634 372 262
 Science 55577 43225 12352 182759 144503 38256 12820 5842 6978
 Engineering 346174 139963 206211 988994 373201 615793 145544 43560 101984
 Agriculture 25520 11812 13708 79463 31019 48444 5818 1105 4713
 Medicine 211984 89979 122005 592007 213108 378899 122568 32423 90145
 Management 431758 146038 285720 1153466 382329 771137 142179 38256 103923