20-13  Issuance of Domestic Securities
    (100 million yuan)
Kind 2005 2006
Total Value Total Value Balance Total Value Total Value Balance
 of Issued   of    of Issued   of  
Securities Redemption (Year-end) Securities Redemption (Year-end)
Government and Public Bonds 7042.0 1045.5 28774.0 8883.3 6208.6 31448.7
    Treasury Bonds  
    Fiscal Bonds  
Policy Financial Bonds 5851.7 2053.0 17818.0 9080.0 3790.0 22835.0
Other Financial Bonds 1265.3 29.0 1911.6  
Corporate Bonds 2046.5 37.0   3938.3 1672.4 5532.9
Government Investment Bonds  
Bonds Issued by Government Investment Companies  
Shares 13.8 56.7   351.0 1572.2  
a) Shares refer to A share. The figure shown under the column "total value of redemption" for shares refers to the capital raised. Total value of issued   
    securities refers to volume of IPO, unit as 100 million shares.   
b) Corporate bonds include the short-term enterprise bonds.