20-9  Official Interest Rates of Loans of Financial Institutions
              (%, p.a.)
Item 1998.7.1 1998.12.7 1999.6.10 2002.2.21 2004.10.29 2006.4.28 2006.8.19
Jul. 1, 1998 Dec. 7, 1998 Jun. 10,1999 Feb.21,2002 Oct. 29,2004 Apr. 28, 2006 Aug. 19,2006
     6 Months 6.57 6.12 5.58 5.04 5.22 5.40 5.58
     1 Year 6.93 6.39 5.85 5.31 5.58 5.85 6.12
Medium- and Long-term              
     3 Years or Less 7.11 6.66 5.94 5.49 5.76 6.03 6.30
     5 Years or Less 7.65 7.20 6.03 5.58 5.85 6.12 6.48
     Longer than 5 Years 8.01 7.56 6.21 5.76 6.12 6.39 6.84
a) As of November 1998, the lending rate for small-sized enterprises could be 20% higher than nominal interest rates, and the lending rate for 
   medium and large-sized enterprises could be 10% higher than nominal interest rates. For all financial institutions, the lending rate could be 10%   
   lower than nominal interest rates, while, for rural credit cooperatives, the lending rate could be 50% higher than nominal interest rates.
b) As of September 1999, the lending rate for medium and small-sized enterprises could be 30% higher than nominal interest rates; for large-sized 
   enterprises, the lending rate could be as much as 10% higher than nominal interest rates. For all financial institutions, the lending rate could be 10% 
   lower than nominal interest rates.
c) No ceiling is imposed on the landing rates of financial institutions (excluding urban and rural credit cooperatives). The upper limit of lending rates
    for urban and rural credit cooperatives was raised to 2.3 times of the benchmark rate, while the floor rate remained unchanged.