18-21  Oversea Direct Investment by Sector (Non-financial Investment)
      (USD 10 000)
Sector Net Oversea  Accumulated Net
Direct Investment Oversea Direct
2005 2006  Investment at 
Year-end of 2006
 Total 1226117 1763397 7502555
 Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery 10536 18504 81670
 Mining 167522 853951 1790162
 Manufacturing 228040 90661 752962
 Production and Supply of Electricity, Gas and Water 766 11874 44554
 Construction 8186 3323 157032
 Transport, Storage and Post 57679 137639 756819
 Information Transmission, Computer Services and Software 1479 4802 144988
 Wholesale and Retail Trades 226012 111391 1295520
 Hotels and Catering Services 758 251 6118
 Real Estate 11563 38376 201858
 Leasing and Business Services 494159 452166 1946360
 Scientific Research, Technical Service and 12942 28161 112129
   Geologic Prospecting      
 Management of Water Conservancy, Environment and 13 825 91839
   Public Facilities      
 Services to Households and Other Services 6279 11151 117420
 Education   228 228
 Health, Social Security and Social Welfare   18 281
 Culture, Sports and Entertainment 12 76 2614
 Public Management and Social Organizations 173