17-1  Basic Conditions of Domestic Trade
Item 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
  Number of Corporation Enterprises       (unit)          
      Wholesale and Retail Trades 26605 27340 52448 47698 51788
      Hotels and Catering Services 5021 5935 19299 19366 22091
  Number of Establishments           (unit)  
      Wholesale and Retail Trades 60019 57237 163110 129931 142652
      Hotels and Catering Services 7424 8908 26914 26323 31801
  Engaged Persons at Year-end (10 000 persons)   
      Wholesale and Retail Trades 419.1 406.8 507.7 519.5 544.3
      Hotels and Catering Services 97.8 113.3 262.1 287.4 311.2
  Wholesale and Retail Trades  
      Total Purchases          (100 million yuan)  36885.9 45383.9   87530.9 103139.0
      Total Sales                  (100 million yuan) 81266.2 99446.1 164541.9 164032.9 197063.7
      Total Stock                (100 million yuan) 3577.9 3898.2   7061.0 7629.6
  Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods      48135.9 52516.3 59501.0 67176.6 76410.0
                                        (100 million yuan)  
      By Location of Establishments              
          City                                  31376.5 34608.3 39695.7 45094.3 51542.6
          County                                5566.5 6011.8 6636.0 7485.4 8477.9
          Under County Level                    11192.9 11896.2 13169.3 14596.9 16389.5
      By Sector                                
          Wholesale and Retail Trades         40926.6 44659.4 50256.8 56589.2 64325.5
          Hotels and Catering Services 5547.1 6191.4 7550.4 8886.8 10345.5
          Others                                1662.2 1665.5 1693.8 1700.6 1739.0
a) Scope of corporation enterprises, establishments engaged persons, wholesale and retail trades covers enterprises (units) above designated size.
b) Data of corporation enterprises, establishments and engaged persons for 2002-2003 of hotels and catering services only refer to catering services;
     hotels are not included.
c) Data of total sales are those of all wholesale and retail trades.
d) Figures on total retail sales of consumer goods have been adjusted in accordance with the results of the First Economic Census.
e) Data for 2004 are figures from the First economic Census. For designation of size, the indicator was based on income from principal business; for
     other years, it was based on total sale or turnover and engaged persons.