16-36  Number of Civil Aviation Routes and Civil Aircrafts
Item 1990 1995 2000 2005 2006
  Number of Civil Aviation Routes   (line) 437 797 1165 1257 1336
  International Routes 44 85 133 233 268
  Domestic Routes 385 694 1032 1024 1068
     Regional Routes 8 18 42 43 43
  Length of Civil Aviation Routes      (km) 506762 1128961 1502887 1998501 2113505
  International Routes 166350 348175 508405 855932 966168
  Domestic Routes 329493 750794 994482 1142569 1147337
     Regional Routes 10919 29992 55759 61056 62846
  Number of Civil Airports              (unit) 94 139 139 135 142
  Number of Civil Aircraft               (unit) 503 852 982 1386 1614
    Aero transport     527 863 998
       Air bus     462 785 921
          Boeing 747 11 16 19 22 30
          Boeing 737 21 115 186 358 418
          Boeing 757 9 44 48 64 60
          Boeing 767 6 17 16 27 29
          MD-90     22 22 22
          MD-82 25 39 27 15 12
          Airbus A310 2 3 3 3  
          Airbus A320     60 115 141
          BB-146 10 14 7 4  
       Puddle-jumper     65 78 77
    General Aircraft     301 383 457
a) Before 1997, the number of civil airports and aircrafts  refers to those owned by enterprises directly under CAAC. Since 1997, it refers to those 
    owned by all enterprises of civil aviation. The same applies to  the  tables following.
b) Before 1997, regional routes include the routes to and from Hong Kong, Macao, and are taken as parallel items to  the items of domestic routes
    and international routes. Since 1997, regional routes to and from Hong Kong are taken as domestic routes, and adjustment are also made on the 
    length of aviation routes and traffic volume accordingly. Since 1999, regional routes are taken as a part of domestic routes, and include the aviation
    routes to and from Hong Kong, Macao. The same applies to  the  tables following.
c) Number of civil aircrafts include the teaching aircrafts and check aircrafts.