14-22  Output of Major Industrial Products
Coal Crude Oil       Hydropower   Beer Cigarettes   Yarn Cloth   Sulfuric                                            
Natural Gas Salt Electricity Refined Chemical Machine-made Caustic                       Large and    Cars Household   Air       Color
(100 million (10 000 tons) (100 million Sugar Fiber Paper and Soda Soda Ash Chemical Chemical Ethylene Primary Cement Plate Glass Pig Iron Crude Rolled Metal-cutting Medium-sized Motor Washing Household Conditioners Mobile Micro- Integrated Television
(100 million tons) (10 000 tons) cu.m)   kwh) (10 000 tons) (10 000 kiloliter) (100 million   (10 000 tons) (100 Paperboards Acid     Fertilizer Pesticide   Plastic   (10 000   Steel Steel Machine Tools Tractors Vehicles Machines Refrigerators   Telephones Computers Circuit Sets
          pieces) (10 000 tons)   million m) (10 000 tons) (10 000 tons) (10 000 tons) (10 000 tons) (10 000 tons) (10 000 tons) (10 000 tons) (10 000 tons) (10000 tons) weight cases) (10 000 tons) (10 000 tons) (10 000 tons) (10 000 units) (10 000 units) (10 000 units) (10 000 units) (10 000 units) (10 000 units) (10 000 units) (10 000 units) (10 000 units) (10 000 units)
1978 6.18 10405.00 137.30 1953.00 2566.00 446.00 227.00 40.00 1182.00 28.46 238.20 110.30 439.00 661.0 164.00 132.90 869.30 53.30 38.00 67.90 6524.00 1784.00 3479.00 3178.0 2208.00 18.3 11.35 14.91   0.04 2.80 0.02     3041 0.38
1980 6.20 10595.00 142.70 1728.00 3006.00 582.00 257.00 69.00 1520.00 45.03 292.60 134.70 535.00 764.3 192.30 161.30 1232.10 53.70 49.00 89.80 7986.00 2466.00 3802.00 3712.0 2716.00 13.4 9.77 22.23 0.54 24.53 4.90 1.32     1684 3.21
1985 8.72 12490.00 129.30 1479.00 4107.00 924.00 451.00 310.00 2370.00 94.78 353.50 146.70 911.00 676.4 235.30 201.10 1322.20 21.10 65.20 123.40 14595.00 4942.00 4384.00 4679.0 3693.00 16.7 4.50 43.72 0.90 887.20 144.81 12.35     6385 435.28
1989 10.54 13764.00 150.50 2829.00 5848.00 1183.00 501.00 643.00 3195.00 148.09 476.70 189.20 1333.00 1153.3 321.10 304.20 1802.50 20.80 139.57 200.80 21029.00 8442.00 5820.00 6159.0 4859.00 17.9 3.98 58.35 3.58 825.40 670.79 37.47   7.54 13156 940.02
1990 10.80 13831.00 152.98 2023.00 6212.00 1267.00 582.00 692.00 3298.00 165.42 462.60 188.80 1372.00 1196.9 335.40 379.50 1879.70 22.80 157.20 227.00 20971.00 8067.00 6238.00 6635.0 5153.00 13.5 3.94 51.40 3.50 662.68 463.06 24.07   8.21 10838 1033.04
1991 10.87 14099.00 160.73 2410.00 6775.00 1247.00 640.00 838.00 3226.00 191.03 460.80 181.70 1479.00 1332.9 354.10 393.60 1979.50 25.50 176.10 283.00 25261.00 8712.00 6765.00 7100.0 5638.00 16.4 5.27 71.42 6.87 687.17 469.94 63.03   16.25 17049 1205.06
1992 11.16 14210.00 157.88 2838.00 7539.00 1307.00 829.00 1021.00 3285.00 213.04 501.70 190.70 1725.00 1408.7 379.50 455.00 2047.90 28.10 200.30 330.80 30822.00 9359.00 7589.00 8094.0 6697.00 22.9 5.70 106.67 16.17 707.93 485.76 158.03   12.62 16099 1333.08
1993 11.50 14524.00 167.65 2943.00 8395.00 1518.00 771.00 1192.00 3376.00 237.37 501.50 203.00 1914.00 1336.5 395.40 534.90 1956.30 25.70 202.70 359.90 36788.00 11086.00 8739.00 8956.0 7716.00 26.2 3.77 129.85 22.29 895.85 596.66 346.41   14.66 20101 1435.76
1994 12.40 14608.00 175.59 2996.00 9281.00 1674.00 592.00 1415.00 3432.00 280.33 489.50 211.30 2138.00 1536.5 429.60 581.40 2272.80 29.00 212.90 401.40 42118.00 11925.00 9741.00 9261.0 8428.00 20.7 4.67 136.69 26.87 1094.24 768.12 393.42   24.57 48462 1689.15
1995 13.61 15004.95 179.47 2977.72 10070.30 1905.77 558.64 1568.82 3485.02 341.17 542.20 260.18 2812.30 1811.0 531.82 597.71 2548.14 41.65 240.10 516.87 47560.59 15731.71 10529.27 9536.0 8979.80 20.3 6.33 145.27 33.70 948.41 918.54 682.56   83.57 551686 2057.74
1996 13.97 15733.39 201.14 2903.57 10813.10 1879.66 640.20 1681.91 3401.92 375.45 512.21 209.10 2638.20 1883.6 573.78 669.29 2809.04 44.75 304.00 576.86 49118.90 16069.37 10722.50 10124.1 9338.02 17.7 8.37 147.52 38.29 1074.72 979.65 786.21   138.83 388987 2537.60
1997 13.73 16074.14 227.03 3082.66 11355.53 1959.83 702.58 1888.94 3377.42 471.62 559.83 248.79 2733.20 2036.9 574.40 725.76 2820.96 52.67 358.60 685.76 51173.80 16630.70 11511.41 10894.2 9978.93 18.7 8.24 158.25 48.60 1254.48 1044.43 974.01   206.55 255455 2711.33
1998 12.50 16100.00 232.79 2242.52 11670.00 1988.90 826.00 1987.67 3374.00 510.00 542.00 241.00 2125.63 2171.0 539.37 744.00 3010.00 55.90 377.30 692.58 53600.00 17194.03 11863.67 11559.0 10737.80 11.9 6.78 163.00 50.71 1207.31 1060.00 1156.87   291.40 262577 3497.00
1999 12.80 16000.00 251.98 2812.36 12393.00 1965.80 861.00 2098.77 3340.00 600.00 567.00 250.00 2159.30 2356.0 580.14 766.00 3251.00 62.50 435.00 871.10 57300.00 17419.79 12539.24 12426.0 12109.78 14.2 6.54 183.20 57.10 1342.17 1210.00 1337.64   405.00 415000 4262.00
2000 12.99 16300.00 272.00 3128.00 13556.00 2224.14 700.00 2231.32 3397.00 694.00 657.00 277.00 2486.94 2427.0 667.88 834.00 3186.00 60.70 470.00 1087.51 59700.00 18352.20 13101.48 12850.0 13146.00 17.7 4.10 207.00 60.70 1442.98 1279.00 1826.67 5248 672.00 588000 3936.00
2001 13.81 16395.87 303.29 3410.51 14808.02 2774.32 653.10 2288.93 3402.10 841.38 760.68 290.00 3777.07 2696.3 787.96 914.37 3383.01 78.72 480.60 1288.71 66103.99 20964.12 15554.25 15163.4 16067.61 25.6 3.82 234.17 70.36 1341.61 1351.26 2333.64 8032 877.65 636288 4093.70
2002 14.55 16700.00 326.61 3602.43 16540.00 2879.74 926.00 2402.70 3467.08 991.20 850.00 322.39 4666.99 3050.4 877.97 1033.15 3791.00 92.90 543.02 1455.67 72500.00 23445.56 17084.60 18236.6 19251.59 30.9 4.54 325.10 109.20 1595.76 1598.87 3135.11 12146 1463.51 963101 5155.00
2003 17.22 16959.98 350.15 3437.70 19105.75 2836.81 1083.94 2540.48 3580.86 1181.15 983.58 353.52 4849.33 3371.2 945.27 1133.56 3881.31 76.72 611.77 1652.08 86208.11 27702.60 21366.68 22233.6 24108.01 30.6 4.88 444.39 207.08 1964.46 2242.56 4820.86 18231 3216.70 1483101 6541.40
2004 19.92 17587.33 414.60 4043.44 22033.09 3535.44 1033.70 2948.59 18736.35 1699.80 1291.34 482.10 5413.27 3928.9 1041.12 1334.70 4804.82 82.08 629.85 2366.50 96681.99 37026.17 26830.99 28291.1 31975.72 48.7 11.38 509.11 227.63 2533.41 3007.59 6390.33 23752 5974.90 2355100 7431.83
2005 22.05 18135.29 493.20 4661.06 25002.60 3970.17 912.37 3126.05 19389.08 1664.79 1450.54 484.39 6205.42 4544.7 1239.98 1421.08 5177.86 114.73 755.54 2308.86 106884.79 40210.24 34375.19 35324.0 37771.14 51.1 16.33 570.49 277.01 3035.52 2987.06 6764.57 30354 8084.89 2699729 8283.22
2006 23.73 18476.57 585.53 5663.13 28657.26 4357.86 949.07 3543.58 20218.13 2073.18 1742.96 598.55 6863.02 5033.2 1511.78 1560.03 5345.05 138.46 940.51 2602.60 123676.48 46574.70 41245.19 41914.9 46893.36 57.3 19.93 727.89 386.94 3560.50 3530.89 6849.42 48014 9336.44 3357499 8375.40
  Beijing 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 214.85 4.94 0.00 158.74 147.60 1.21 0.54 0.09 9.41 5.93 18.09 0.00 1.11 0.06 99.08 140.29 1271.33 246.08 787.79 818.14 1016.79 0.7 0.00 68.37 27.02 0.89 0.00 0.00 14068 735.60 117812 0.00
  Tianjin 0.00 1943.09 10.50 249.65 359.24 0.00 0.00 21.89 146.00 18.68 7.57 2.94 29.77 13.76 88.86 88.37 16.75 1.27 23.17 146.50 609.08 303.78 1131.51 1285.34 2140.97 0.1 1.45 41.24 41.03 5.52 9.34 482.13 10130 3.19 57355 98.11
  Hebei 0.84 610.81 6.55 428.56 1461.00 14.42 6.41 141.90 620.00 26.03 85.93 39.57 389.58 97.49 73.03 187.64 212.45 3.62 0.00 67.16 8625.00 8990.00 8279.80 9096.29 8521.33 0.3 0.00 26.84 0.00 10.03 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
  Shanxi 5.81 0.00 6.02 0.00 1526.37 23.87 2.87 27.17 130.00 3.51 10.48 2.78 36.00 62.73 45.60 18.43 313.64 0.20 0.00 37.39 2681.13 814.15 3556.43 1938.74 1677.63 0.2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.56 0 0.00
  Inner Mongolia 2.98 0.00 0.00 206.44 1412.54 12.80 16.62 75.69 185.00 0.41 1.43 1.36 19.74 96.68 39.41 78.78 68.83 1.37 0.00 29.54 2211.18 999.52 1108.33 861.86 823.97 0.0 0.00 0.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 204 0.00 0 333.74
  Liaoning 0.74 1226.46 11.94 191.30 1014.54 47.03 1.33 204.38 239.17 22.47 16.27 5.38 67.46 107.56 62.55 47.35 87.62 3.55 49.27 121.56 3293.80 1650.92 3751.96 3702.25 3848.88 13.1 0.00 29.12 8.91 0.00 94.28 224.72 180 0.07 5186 324.89
  Jilin 0.30 680.35 2.41 0.00 443.20 54.60 0.00 101.68 343.50 24.60 6.86 0.82 51.97 23.6 9.67 0.72 18.73 1.30 75.18 73.24 1799.19 769.60 425.55 533.65 567.83 0.1 0.00 63.25 40.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 1.18
  Heilongjiang 1.03 4340.51 24.65 0.00 646.59 14.74 22.17 216.88 407.54 12.84 3.82 1.19 64.91 12 14.98 0.03 51.13 0.27 51.67 122.66 1482.74 415.84 257.21 315.2 298.54 0.7 0.00 24.42 6.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 3.41 0 0.00
  Shanghai 0.00 21.48 5.64 0.00 720.74 0.00 0.00 72.23 829.32 56.79 10.39 1.63 85.87 31.59 39.53 0.00 3.01 3.57 193.83 289.69 1131.08 762.75 1639.13 1902.82 2177.97 1.7 1.22 68.22 66.56 305.84 101.08 267.55 1132 2670.09 640441 251.67
  Jiangsu 0.30 188.49 0.61 534.12 2535.52 3.05 0.00 200.26 845.41 691.70 382.06 94.98 783.75 421.36 205.23 247.23 243.29 37.56 140.17 377.36 10975.97 5757.12 3352.85 4202.52 5875.46 7.7 4.06 27.48 14.60 603.26 408.80 473.29 6553 3932.14 1146504 248.25
  Zhejiang 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.84 1766.36 139.76 0.00 279.82 671.73 827.41 115.03 143.15 1022.80 128.64 88.39 13.95 59.07 21.00 16.75 133.77 9952.29 2262.35 233.54 471.47 1206.63 9.4 2.13 17.77 15.21 1341.72 390.55 288.87 4922 153.59 266578 148.67
  Anhui 0.83 0.00 0.00 68.05 734.39 15.72 0.00 143.70 1066.16 11.65 38.49 8.50 125.01 225.56 23.11 9.90 223.93 5.26 0.00 36.41 4579.72 451.43 1182.19 1296.42 1329.44 1.5 0.00 48.95 27.57 436.04 627.42 571.10 0 0.03 0 334.21
  Fujian 0.19 0.00 0.00 59.28 904.25 346.82 3.87 174.38 640.04 108.32 99.81 20.56 201.36 47.13 26.24 19.80 66.17 1.11 0.00 40.42 3416.70 1827.35 508.29 548.28 847.79 0.3 0.00 7.30 3.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 1359 445.73 7127 496.11
  Jiangxi 0.28 0.00 0.00 109.72 439.90 95.40 0.21 75.71 449.02 20.86 25.32 4.56 93.69 134.55 30.03 0.00 57.06 1.72 0.00 14.14 4300.27 682.84 951.11 1163.64 1226.52 0.5 0.17 23.39 6.49 0.00 30.54 81.20 0 0.57 0 64.22
  Shandong 1.41 2755.07 8.55 1979.05 2314.53 0.17 0.00 365.90 1201.99 82.20 474.68 112.68 1272.64 515.63 304.24 275.74 732.00 19.65 85.41 224.20 16669.63 5214.66 4329.48 3714.87 4091.79 12.8 5.46 27.17 10.67 420.08 1064.18 377.36 2143 104.28 4 889.55
  Henan 1.95 492.06 18.68 172.91 1600.50 88.26 0.00 243.72 1484.44 45.54 186.11 34.64 822.47 128.62 82.34 166.54 460.78 5.80 21.45 90.02 7605.06 3481.07 1526.34 1750.48 1838.90 0.7 4.95 5.53 0.00 27.02 266.76 14.96 0 0.41 0 164.00
  Hubei 0.11 79.73 1.16 436.58 1306.67 756.06 0.00 167.73 1152.90 12.24 106.64 35.03 116.95 578.45 41.78 72.77 477.97 5.98 0.00 53.51 5202.65 2001.15 1583.16 1658.01 1693.12 0.4 0.23 54.68 24.05 44.16 42.38 342.08 504 0.00 0 0.00
  Hunan 0.59 0.00 0.00 134.49 754.90 290.69 2.80 67.99 1443.52 6.26 36.02 5.16 217.00 183.68 39.03 37.38 263.21 12.86 0.00 33.92 4592.68 970.92 1174.21 1193.52 1146.89 0.2 0.00 3.70 0.26 17.24 36.61 0.00 0 0.00 21 0.00
  Guangdong 0.00 1337.78 48.95 40.39 2465.82 267.99 108.68 273.99 1092.03 41.21 35.22 46.19 934.36 148.48 22.92 30.14 26.92 2.08 135.80 262.42 9704.02 4845.20 592.60 903.03 1732.19 1.3 0.00 55.54 50.80 280.65 335.97 3351.14 6716 1281.99 731965 4189.92
  Guangxi 0.07 3.39 0.00 12.31 523.34 243.69 565.32 79.35 550.00 0.46 12.42 0.66 118.02 180.26 26.03 0.91 91.43 3.45 0.00 12.15 3654.94 292.31 571.20 625.27 715.31 0.5 0.04 51.84 4.24 0.75 0.00 0.00 22 0.72 0 0.00
  Hainan 0.00 11.09 2.05 18.76 96.98 11.59 20.29 14.05 65.51 5.59 0.00 0.00 2.17 1 0.00 0.00 64.27 0.00 0.00 5.90 585.48 0.00 13.39 0.23 14.15 0.0 0.00 8.36 6.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
  Chongqing 0.40 0.00 6.47 69.91 291.30 56.43 0.00 64.73 406.00 4.10 7.26 14.19 34.24 194.39 7.41 9.61 140.34 0.49 0.00 0.21 2618.63 178.20 302.58 324.38 390.19 0.6 0.00 52.06 26.30 0.00 0.00 328.88 46 0.00 0 0.00
  Sichuan 0.86 17.98 159.95 538.26 1226.58 784.65 3.67 151.70 699.11 32.19 28.53 9.31 147.94 327.57 92.47 107.85 384.20 4.54 0.00 78.92 5060.03 2061.00 1339.43 1230.85 1329.96 0.8 0.22 6.95 0.00 49.48 0.00 46.14 0 0.00 353 749.06
  Guizhou 1.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 986.36 225.96 0.70 20.41 1058.66 0.47 1.77 0.49 12.32 380.46 11.03 0.00 348.89 0.13 0.00 1.10 1906.60 0.00 368.55 332.76 256.93 0.1 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 102.20 0.00 37 0.00 1185 74.51
  Yunnan 0.73 0.00 0.17 79.55 753.63 355.72 139.24 30.12 3240.48 5.77 1.22 0.10 33.26 694.78 8.26 17.67 305.04 0.02 0.00 6.25 3305.97 302.49 935.10 635.37 588.00 1.4 0.00 3.78 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
  Tibet 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.15 13.79 0.00 6.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 166.67 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
  Shaanxi 1.83 1988.89 80.47 28.72 584.70 39.88 0.00 75.44 650.00 0.48 19.00 10.93 81.38 90.99 21.59 25.38 110.71 0.30 0.00 30.41 2514.98 570.23 395.25 388.7 490.76 1.6 0.00 10.83 5.91 9.37 20.79 0.00 0 4.06 0 0.00
  Gansu 0.40 81.65 1.53 6.13 530.13 170.45 1.06 42.61 355.00 0.48 1.29 0.10 9.38 151.63 7.49 18.97 101.49 0.58 24.01 42.18 1454.17 428.92 546.48 545.97 535.58 0.2 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.45 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 382968 0.00
  Qinghai 0.07 223.00 25.03 152.00 281.62 209.58 0.00 4.18 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.00 0.90 8.78 1.02 71.11 205.63 0.05 0.00 3.32 371.32 97.06 49.73 79.61 76.76 0.1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
  Ningxia 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 388.42 16.38 0.00 9.57 13.00 1.09 0.03 0.00 47.31 23.79 39.06 1.24 78.91 0.66 0.00 30.21 709.91 66.17 28.50 0.02 21.99 0.4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
  Xinjiang 0.43 2474.74 164.20 117.11 357.14 53.42 53.84 31.33 85.00 8.62 28.53 1.56 31.36 16.08 42.39 12.52 130.47 0.01 24.72 97.75 1224.26 131.59 323.50 395.16 411.09 0.0 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 7.31
a) Data of output of coal in 1999-2004 have been revised data according to the First National Economic Census.   
b) Machined-made sugar was called sugar in 1997 and before, in which the homemade sugar was included.1998-2004 was called machine-made sugar.
c) Unit of beer in 2003 and before was 10 000 tons.
d) Unit of cigarettes in 2003 and before was 10 000 boxes.
e) Before 2004, the primary plastic was called plastic colophony copolymer, or plastic in abbreviation. And of 2004, it was revised figure according to 
   the First National Economic Census.
f) Estimated by China Steel Association, the output of rolled steel of whole country in 2006 is 39.79336 million ton after deducting the output 
    calculated repeatedly. The same applies to the tables following.