14-1 Main Economic
Indicators of All Industrial Enterprises (2006) |
(100 million yuan) |
Item |
Number |
Gross |
Annual |
of |
Industrial |
Revenue |
Average |
Enter- |
Output |
Total |
from |
Total |
Number of |
prises |
Value |
Assets |
Principal |
Profits |
Employed |
(unit) |
(current prices) |
Business |
Persons |
(10 000 persons) |
Total |
301961 |
316588.96 |
291214.51 |
313592.45 |
19504.44 |
7358.43 |
Grouped by Light &
Heavy Industries |
Light Industry |
133642 |
94845.97 |
74748.78 |
92515.14 |
4654.99 |
3101.50 |
Heavy Industry |
168319 |
221742.99 |
216465.73 |
221077.31 |
14849.45 |
4256.93 |
Grouped by Size of
Enterprises |
Large Enterprises |
2685 |
112339.41 |
113776.66 |
116301.72 |
8604.14 |
1722.20 |
Medium-sized Enterprises |
30245 |
95383.60 |
98633.78 |
94575.41 |
5759.09 |
2394.27 |
Small Enterprises |
269031 |
108865.95 |
78804.07 |
102715.32 |
5141.21 |
3241.95 |
By Status of Registration |
Domestic Funded |
241089 |
216512.45 |
214105.86 |
214656.33 |
14120.39 |
5240.33 |
State-owned Enterprises |
14555 |
30728.16 |
48941.61 |
31437.09 |
2011.73 |
707.21 |
Collective-owned Enterprises |
14203 |
9174.88 |
5504.00 |
8919.09 |
529.36 |
266.52 |
Cooperative Enterprises |
6313 |
3079.27 |
2107.05 |
2962.57 |
147.03 |
91.19 |
Joint Ownership Enterprises |
1075 |
1305.63 |
1460.82 |
1280.55 |
77.75 |
24.22 |
State Joint
Ownership Enterprises |
175 |
735.07 |
1048.93 |
736.48 |
48.62 |
6.79 |
Joint Ownership Enterprises |
320 |
203.36 |
120.35 |
193.91 |
12.50 |
6.70 |
State-collective Enterprises |
294 |
158.86 |
144.48 |
156.23 |
5.08 |
5.35 |
Other Joint
Ownership Enterprises |
286 |
208.35 |
147.06 |
193.93 |
11.56 |
5.38 |
Limited Liability Corporations |
47081 |
70813.61 |
83022.51 |
71398.87 |
5380.09 |
1708.00 |
State Sole
funded Corporations |
1343 |
15600.65 |
26883.27 |
16552.01 |
1336.66 |
397.21 |
Other Limited
Liability Corporations |
45738 |
55212.96 |
56139.24 |
54846.86 |
4043.43 |
1310.79 |
Share-holding Corporations
Limited |
7210 |
33597.46 |
32172.73 |
33291.43 |
2751.38 |
455.92 |
Enterprises |
149736 |
67239.81 |
40514.83 |
64817.70 |
3191.05 |
1971.01 |
Enterprises |
33976 |
11322.51 |
5105.30 |
10900.99 |
655.27 |
353.34 |
Partnership Enterprises |
7316 |
2448.56 |
1003.38 |
2349.34 |
147.58 |
79.94 |
Limited Liability Corporations |
102199 |
49721.50 |
31998.41 |
47944.13 |
2177.90 |
1439.63 |
Share-holding Corporations Ltd. |
6245 |
3747.25 |
2407.75 |
3623.23 |
210.30 |
98.11 |
Other Enterprises |
916 |
573.62 |
382.31 |
549.04 |
31.98 |
16.27 |
Enterprises with Funds
from Hong Kong, |
29181 |
33759.78 |
27290.67 |
32956.04 |
1796.45 |
1031.44 |
Macao and Taiwan |
Joint-ventures Enterprises |
10212 |
12643.55 |
10719.46 |
12358.22 |
633.78 |
292.97 |
Cooperative Enterprises |
1637 |
1632.64 |
1344.55 |
1568.54 |
92.70 |
54.25 |
Enterprises with Sole Investment |
17038 |
17811.55 |
13650.65 |
17385.62 |
992.95 |
664.36 |
Share-holding Corporations Ltd. |
294 |
1672.04 |
1576.01 |
1643.66 |
77.02 |
19.86 |
Foreign Funded
Enterprises |
31691 |
66316.73 |
49817.98 |
65980.08 |
3587.60 |
1086.65 |
Joint-venture Enterprises |
13256 |
29079.10 |
22217.65 |
28847.67 |
1656.50 |
388.38 |
Cooperation Enterprises |
1499 |
1851.54 |
1836.69 |
1888.25 |
153.37 |
41.67 |
Enterprises with Sole Funds |
16552 |
33424.73 |
23084.23 |
33152.29 |
1591.55 |
628.79 |
Share-holding Corporations Ltd. |
384 |
1961.36 |
2679.41 |
2091.88 |
186.18 |
27.81 |
Non-state-owned industrial enterprises above designated size are those with
annual revenue from principal business over 5 million yuan. The same |
applies to the tables
following. |