12-1  Basic Statistics on Environmental Protection
Item 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
    Water Resources                       (100 million cu.m) 28261.3 27460.2 24129.6 28053.1 25330.1
        Surface Water Resources 27243.3 26250.7 23126.4 26982.4 24358.1
        Groundwater Resources 8697.2 8299.3 7436.3 8091.1 7642.9
        Duplicated Measurement between Surface 7679.2 7089.9 6433.1 7020.4 6670.8
          Water and Groundwater  
    Per Capita Water Resources             (cu.m/person) 2207.2 2131.3 1856.3 2151.8 1932.1
    Water Supply                            (100 million cu.m) 5497.3 5320.4 5547.8 5633.0 5795.0
        Surface Water Supply 4404.4 4286.0 4504.2 4572.2 4706.8
        Groundwater Supply 1072.4 1018.1 1026.4 1038.8 1065.5
    Water Use                                 (100 million cu.m) 5497.3 5320.4 5547.8 5633.0 5795.0
        Agriculture 3736.2 3432.8 3585.7 3580.0 3664.4
        Industry 1142.4 1177.2 1228.9 1285.2 1343.8
        Living Consumption 618.7 630.9 651.2 675.1 693.8
    Waste Water Discharge             (100 million tons) 439 459 482 525 537
        Industry 207 212 221 243 240
        Non-Industrial 232 247 261 281 297
    Industrial Waste Water Meeting Discharge 183 189 201 222 218
       Standards                                (100 million tons)  
    Percentage of Industrial Waste Water Meeting 88.3 89.2 90.7 91.2 90.7
      Discharge Standards                                       (%)  
    Discharge Amount of COD              (10 000 tons) 1367 1333 1339 1414 1428
        Industry 584 512 510 555 542
        Non-Industrial 783 821 829 859 887
    Ammonia Nitrogen Discharge          (10 000 tons) 129 129 133 150 141
        Industry 42 40 42 53 42
        Non-Industrial 87 89 91 97 99
  Atmosphere Environment    
    Industrial Waste Air Emission 175257 198906 237696 268988 330992
                                                      (100 million cu.m)    
        Fuels Burning 103776 116447 139726 155238 181636
        Production Process 71481 82459 97971 113749 149353
    Sulphur Dioxide Emission                (10 000 tons) 1927 2159 2255 2549 2589
        Industry 1562 1792 1891 2168 2235
        Non-Industrial 365 367 364 381 354
    Soot Emission                                   (10 000 tons) 1013 1049 1095 1183 1089
        Industry 804 846 887 949 864
        Non-Industrial 209 202 209 234 224
    Industrial Dust Emission                  (10 000 tons) 941 1021 905 911 808
    Industrial Sulphur Dioxide Removed(10 000 tons) 698 749 890 1090 1439
    Industrial Soot Removed                  (10 000 tons) 13998 15649 18075 20587 23565
    Industrial Dust Removed                  (10 000 tons) 5570 5995 8529 6454 7280
    Number of Soot Control Zones Established  (unit) 3369 3599 3693 3452 3512
    Area of Soot Control Zones           (10 000 sq.km) 2.6 3.3 3.7 3.7 4.1
  Solid Wastes                                                                     
    Industrial Solid Wastes Produced            (10 000 tons) 94509 100428 120030 134449 151541
      Hazardous Wastes                                                         1001 1170 995 1162 1084
    Industrial Solid Wastes Utilized               (10 000 tons) 50061 56040 67796 76993 92601
    Ratio of Industrial Solid Wastes Utilized                (%) 52.0 54.8 55.7 56.1 60.2
    Industrial Solid Wastes Discharged         (10 000 tons) 2635 1941 1762 1655 1302
    Output Value of Products Made from Waste Gas,         386 441 573 756 1027
       Waste Water & Solid Wastes        (100 million yuan)    
    Developed Districts of Environmental Noise                 3128 3573 3534 3565 4037
       Meeting National Standard                                (unit)    
    Area of Urban Environmental Noise Meeting National 1.6 2.0 2.1 2.5 2.9
         Standard                                           (10 000 sq.km)    
  Eco-Environment Protection                                            
    Area of Forest                                    (10 000 hectares) 15894.1 17490.9 17490.9 17490.9 17490.9
    Forest Coverage                                                       (%) 16.55 18.21 18.21 18.21 18.21
    Area of Reforestation of the Year      (10 000 hectares) 777 912 560 365 272
    Number of Nature Reserves                                  (unit) 1757 1999 2194 2349 2395
        National Level                                                            188 226 226 243 265
    Area of  Nature Reserves                   (10 000 hectares) 13295 14398 14823 14995 15154
    Area of Nature Reserves in Regions                        (%) 13.2 14.4 14.8 15.0 15.8
    Number of Demonstration Zones of Ecology       (unit) 322 484 528 528 528
        National Level                                                            82 82 166 233 233
    Area of Wetland                                 (10 000 hectares)   3848.6 3848.6 3848.6 3848.6
    Area of Wetland out of National Surface Area        (%)   4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
  Natural Disaster                                                                 
    Geological Disaster                                              (time) 40246 15489 13555 17751 102804
        Landslide                                                                    31247 10240 9130 9367 88523
        Collapse                                                                      3097 2604 2593 7654 13160
        Mudflow                                                                     4976 1549 1157 566 417
    Seismic Disaster                                                   (time) 5 21 11 13 10
        Magnitude above 5 Richter Scale                               4 17 9 11 9
    Red Tide                                                               (time) 79 119 96 82 93
    Forest Fire                                                            (time) 7527 10463 13466 11542 8170
        Serious                                                                        24 14 38 16 7
        Extraordinarily Serious                                               7 7 3 3 5
    Fire-Affected Forest Area                  (10 000 hectares) 4.8 45.1 14.2 7.4 40.8
    Forest Area Affected by Diseases, Pests and Rats          841.2 888.7 944.8 961.0 1100.7
                                                               (10 000 hectares)    
    Forest Area Prevented and Cured from Diseases,           572.0 582.9 639.5 640.7 735.5
       Pests and Rats                                 (10 000 hectares)    
    Rate of Prevention and Cure                                    (%) 68.0 65.6 68.0 66.7 66.8
    Pollution Accidents                                             (time) 1921 1843 1441 1406 842
        Water Pollution 1097 1042 753 693 482
        Air Pollution 597 654 569 538 232
        Solid Wastes Pollution 109 56 47 48 45
        Noise and Vibration Pollution 97 50 36 63 6
        Others 21 41 25 64 77
    Direct Economic Loss Due to Pollution(10 000 yuan) 4640.9 3374.9 36365.7 10515.0 13471.1
    Reparations for Pollution Incidents      (10 000 yuan) 2629.7 1999.1 3487.2 2373.8 7396.5
    Fines to Pollution Incidents                  (10 000 yuan) 511.0 392.4 476.7 708.3 1019.4
  Investment in the Treatment of    
    Environmental Pollution    
    Total Investment in the Treatment of Environmental 1367.2 1627.7 1909.8 2388.0 2566.0
      Pollution                                      (100 million yuan)  
    Total Investment in the Treatment of Environmental 1.14 1.20 1.19 1.30 1.22
      Pollution as Percent of GDP                                (%)    
    Investment in Urban Environmental Infrastructure 789.1 1072.4 1141.2 1289.7 1314.9
                                                           (100 million yuan)    
        Gas Supply 88.4 133.5 148.3 142.4 155.0
        Centralized Heating 121.4 145.8 173.4 220.2 223.6
        Drainage Works 275.0 375.2 352.3 368.0 331.5
        Gardening and Greening 239.5 321.9 359.5 411.3 429.0
        Environmental Sanitation 64.8 96.0 107.8 147.8 175.8
    Investment Completed this Year (100 million yuan) 188.4 221.8 308.1 458.2 483.9
         Waste Water 71.5 87.4 105.6 133.7 151.1
         Waste Gas 69.8 92.1 142.8 213.0 233.3
         Solid Wastes 16.1 16.2 22.6 27.4 18.3
         Noise Pollution 1.0 1.0 1.3 3.1 3.0
         Others 29.9 25.1 35.7 81.0 78.3
    "Three Simultaneities" Environmental Investment 389.7 333.5 460.5 640.1 767.2
       for New Project                           (100 million yuan)    
         New Projects 238.0 220.1 326.2 467.1 584.9
         Expansion 67.0 56.7 68.8 111.1 91.8
         Technical Improvement 84.7 56.7 65.5 61.9 90.5
a) For area of forest and forest coverage, the 2001 and 2002 figures were from the Fifth National Forestry Survey (1994-1998). Figures of Taiwan were
   included. For 2003-2005,the Sixth National Forestry Survey (1999-2003) provided data, figures of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan were included.